
Starting from 2015 we've reunited and provided support for thousands of people looking for their biological relatives.
This is the database of our public cases that have been solved, where you can search for a name or a city or any other keyword.
Please don't use special characters like â, î, ș or ț. "Reșița" should be searched "Resita".

FAMILIAGASITA #familyFOUNDandREUNITED Salutari din ISRAEL! Ma numesc STAN ALEXANDRA, am fost adoptata din Romania si acum, mai mult ca oricand, doresc sa-mi cunosc familia biologica. La sfarsitul lunii Iulie am pus un anunt pe aceasta pagina dar inca nu mi-am gasit rudele. In urma anuntului meu, am aflat o informatie foarte importanta: mama mea, STAN GHEORGHITA, este din localitatea ILEANA, Sat STEFANESTI, judetul CALARASI. Va rog mult sa distribuiti anuntul meu pana va ajunge in localitatea natala, cu speranta ca rudele mele inca mai locuiesc acolo. Multumesc foarte mult!!! ????????????
FAMILIAGASITA #familyFOUNDandREUNITED Salutari din ISRAEL! Ma numesc STAN ALEXANDRA, am fost adoptata din Romania si acum, mai mult ca oricand, doresc sa-mi cunosc familia biologica. La sfarsitul lunii Iulie am pus un anunt pe aceasta pagina dar inca nu mi-am gasit rudele. In urma anuntului meu, am aflat o informatie foarte importanta: mama mea, STAN GHEORGHITA, este din localitatea ILEANA, Sat STEFANESTI, judetul CALARASI. Va rog mult sa distribuiti anuntul meu pana va ajunge in localitatea natala, cu speranta ca rudele mele inca mai locuiesc acolo. Multumesc foarte mult!!! ????????????
FAMILIAGASITA #familyFOUNDandREUNITED Numele meu romanesc a fost JUHOS MARIA MAGDOLNA, iar a fratelui meu geaman, JUHOS ATILLA. Ne-am nascut in ORADEA la data de 15 septembrie 1992. Impreuna am fost adoptati de o familie de romani stabiliti in America. Pana la adoptia noastra in iulie 1995, am locuit la leaganul de copii Oradea. Suntem in cautarea parintilor nostri biologici, mama, LAKATOS MATILDA si tata, JUHOS FERENCZ. Speram foarte mult sa-i cunoastem, la fel si pe fratii despre care stim foarte putin. Va rugam sa DISTRIBUITI anuntul nostru! Avem toata increderea ca minunatii oameni de aici ne vor ajuta si sustine.
FAMILIAGASITA #familyFOUNDandREUNITED Numele meu romanesc a fost JUHOS MARIA MAGDOLNA, iar a fratelui meu geaman, JUHOS ATILLA. Ne-am nascut in ORADEA la data de 15 septembrie 1992. Impreuna am fost adoptati de o familie de romani stabiliti in America. Pana la adoptia noastra in iulie 1995, am locuit la leaganul de copii Oradea. Suntem in cautarea parintilor nostri biologici, mama, LAKATOS MATILDA si tata, JUHOS FERENCZ. Speram foarte mult sa-i cunoastem, la fel si pe fratii despre care stim foarte putin. Va rugam sa DISTRIBUITI anuntul nostru! Avem toata increderea ca minunatii oameni de aici ne vor ajuta si sustine.
FAMILIAGASITA #familyFOUNDandREUNITED Salutari din Italia! Numele meu este HORVAT IULIA CRISTINA si m-am nascut in MANGALIA in aprilie 1994. La varsta de 10 luni am fost adoptata dintr-un orfelinat din Bucuresti. Nu stiu nimic altceva din trecutul meu, dar mi-am dorit toata viata sa-mi cunosc familia biologica. Sper ca cineva sa ma poata ajuta! Va transmit o imbratisare mare tuturor si va rog sa-mi distribuiti anuntul, ca sa fie vazut de cat mai multa lume!
FAMILIAGASITA #familyFOUNDandREUNITED Salutari din Italia! Numele meu este HORVAT IULIA CRISTINA si m-am nascut in MANGALIA in aprilie 1994. La varsta de 10 luni am fost adoptata dintr-un orfelinat din Bucuresti. Nu stiu nimic altceva din trecutul meu, dar mi-am dorit toata viata sa-mi cunosc familia biologica. Sper ca cineva sa ma poata ajuta! Va transmit o imbratisare mare tuturor si va rog sa-mi distribuiti anuntul, ca sa fie vazut de cat mai multa lume!
FAMILIAGASITA #familyFOUNDandREUNITED Eu sunt BUZA RUXANDRA GEORGIANA, nascuta in 1990 in orasul PUCIOASA, Judetul Dambovita. La scurt timp dupa nastere am fost adoptata de minunata mea familie din Franta. Visul meu a fost intotdeauna si cunoasterea trecutului, cunoasterea mamei, fratilor si rudelor din Romania. Singura informatie pe care o detin este numele mamei mele: BUZA CRISTINA GEORGETA. Va rog din suflet sa DISTRIBUITI cat mai mult anuntul meu, poate va fi vazut de familia mea. Multumesc tuturor!!
FAMILIAGASITA #familyFOUNDandREUNITED Eu sunt BUZA RUXANDRA GEORGIANA, nascuta in 1990 in orasul PUCIOASA, Judetul Dambovita. La scurt timp dupa nastere am fost adoptata de minunata mea familie din Franta. Visul meu a fost intotdeauna si cunoasterea trecutului, cunoasterea mamei, fratilor si rudelor din Romania. Singura informatie pe care o detin este numele mamei mele: BUZA CRISTINA GEORGETA. Va rog din suflet sa DISTRIBUITI cat mai mult anuntul meu, poate va fi vazut de familia mea. Multumesc tuturor!!
GREETINGS from Canada My name was HREAN ANDREEA, born on October 1, 1990. In November of the same year I was adopted from MANGALIA, County CONSTANTA. I'm looking for my mother named HREAN LUMINITA. I have no other information about my family in Romania. I want so much to find them and get to know them. I love and respect my adoptive family, they are all wonderful, but I miss the knowledge of the past very much. Please read my ad, SHARE. I have every belief that it could be read by my relatives. Thank you very much!!!
GREETINGS from Canada My name was HREAN ANDREEA, born on October 1, 1990. In November of the same year I was adopted from MANGALIA, County CONSTANTA. I'm looking for my mother named HREAN LUMINITA. I have no other information about my family in Romania. I want so much to find them and get to know them. I love and respect my adoptive family, they are all wonderful, but I miss the knowledge of the past very much. Please read my ad, SHARE. I have every belief that it could be read by my relatives. Thank you very much!!!
Greetings from Ireland !! I am looking for my Romanian roots. My name is LAURENTIU OPREA born in PLOIESTI City on 19.08.1995. My father's name was Tanase Oprea born in 1950 and unfortunately he died many years ago. My mother's name was FLORICA OPREA born in 1954. When I was born they lived in BUCOV Commune- CHITORANI village in Prahova County. I look forward to meeting my mother, siblings, grandparents, uncles, aunts and all the other members of my biological family. Thank you from the bottom of my heart to all those would want to help me. Please SHARE my message
Greetings from Ireland !! I am looking for my Romanian roots. My name is LAURENTIU OPREA born in PLOIESTI City on 19.08.1995. My father's name was Tanase Oprea born in 1950 and unfortunately he died many years ago. My mother's name was FLORICA OPREA born in 1954. When I was born they lived in BUCOV Commune- CHITORANI village in Prahova County. I look forward to meeting my mother, siblings, grandparents, uncles, aunts and all the other members of my biological family. Thank you from the bottom of my heart to all those would want to help me. Please SHARE my message
Thanks to everyone who got involved, each share of here ad took us one step closer. In less than 24 hours, Andrada was virtualy face to face with her bilogical mother. Their beautiful story published exclusively by the "Council Tower" online platform.
Thanks to everyone who got involved, each share of here ad took us one step closer. In less than 24 hours, Andrada was virtualy face to face with her bilogical mother. Their beautiful story published exclusively by the "Council Tower" online platform.
My Romanian name was ROSTAS ELENA CATALINA, born on October 7, 1989, in the city of BRASOV. I want so much to find my biological family !! My mother's name is COSCODAR RODICA and my father's name ROSTAS IMRE. During the adoption, they lived on Fundatura Street in Brasov. This is all the information I have. Hoping that they are enough, I look forward to hearing from my relatives in Romania. Please DISTRIBUTE my ad.
My Romanian name was ROSTAS ELENA CATALINA, born on October 7, 1989, in the city of BRASOV. I want so much to find my biological family !! My mother's name is COSCODAR RODICA and my father's name ROSTAS IMRE. During the adoption, they lived on Fundatura Street in Brasov. This is all the information I have. Hoping that they are enough, I look forward to hearing from my relatives in Romania. Please DISTRIBUTE my ad.
GREETINGS TO ALL!!! I am PATRICIA ANDRADA STANCU born in SIBIU on 26 April- 1998. On March 2001 I was adopted in France by a wonderful family. Now I am having about my biological of a beautiful little boy and more than ever I want to meet my biological family. The information I have about my biological mother are that here name was JANINA STANCU born in 1980 and the fact that she lived on Mihai Viteazul Street in Sibiu City. Finding my mother means a lot to me and my family. Please DISTRIBUTE my ad here in hope that this is how we will be able to find them. Thank you very much!!!
GREETINGS TO ALL!!! I am PATRICIA ANDRADA STANCU born in SIBIU on 26 April- 1998. On March 2001 I was adopted in France by a wonderful family. Now I am having about my biological of a beautiful little boy and more than ever I want to meet my biological family. The information I have about my biological mother are that here name was JANINA STANCU born in 1980 and the fact that she lived on Mihai Viteazul Street in Sibiu City. Finding my mother means a lot to me and my family. Please DISTRIBUTE my ad here in hope that this is how we will be able to find them. Thank you very much!!!
Greetings from CANADA! My Romanian name was ANTAL Gicuta Valeria and I was born in DROBETA TURNU SEVERIN, on June 6, 1997. I know that my mother's name was ANTAL NADIA and that I went to the orphanage in TARGU CARBUNESTI, until the age of one, when I was adopted in Canada. I don't know more than that, but I hope that this information is enough to help me fulfill my dream of a lifetime, that of finding my biological family. Please distribute this ad as much as possible! Thank you!
Greetings from CANADA! My Romanian name was ANTAL Gicuta Valeria and I was born in DROBETA TURNU SEVERIN, on June 6, 1997. I know that my mother's name was ANTAL NADIA and that I went to the orphanage in TARGU CARBUNESTI, until the age of one, when I was adopted in Canada. I don't know more than that, but I hope that this information is enough to help me fulfill my dream of a lifetime, that of finding my biological family. Please distribute this ad as much as possible! Thank you!
I write these lines with immense joy in my soul: I FOUND MY MOTHER !! Everything that separated us for almost 29 years was a few hours away by car. I set off as soon as I received the news from here. The road seemed to seem longer and longer, the emotions were even more overwhelming, and the eagerness to hold her in her arms was growing. When I finally reached my destination, the whole family was waiting for me with open arms. They were the most emotional moments of my life, impossible to describe. After a sleepless night and talking to them all, it was time to go home; the parting was enormously hard, many, many tears. We can't wait to see you again! THANK YOU very much for all the help, for each distribution of my ad and your beautiful thoughts. Our prayers were heard, I hugged my mother !!!
I write these lines with immense joy in my soul: I FOUND MY MOTHER !! Everything that separated us for almost 29 years was a few hours away by car. I set off as soon as I received the news from here. The road seemed to seem longer and longer, the emotions were even more overwhelming, and the eagerness to hold her in her arms was growing. When I finally reached my destination, the whole family was waiting for me with open arms. They were the most emotional moments of my life, impossible to describe. After a sleepless night and talking to them all, it was time to go home; the parting was enormously hard, many, many tears. We can't wait to see you again! THANK YOU very much for all the help, for each distribution of my ad and your beautiful thoughts. Our prayers were heard, I hugged my mother !!!
Hi all! My name is PRIOTEASA Ionut Gabriel and I was born on JULY 9, 1991 in Pitesti. I want to find my mother, whom I know is called BARNAT Liliana Florentina, born in Hunedoara. She was married to my father, PRIOTEASA Ionut, whose name I bear, but they divorced when I was very young. I don't know anything about her anymore and I would very much like to meet her. The only information I have is that she was married in the village of SADOVA in CARAS SEVERIN. Please help me find her!
Hi all! My name is PRIOTEASA Ionut Gabriel and I was born on JULY 9, 1991 in Pitesti. I want to find my mother, whom I know is called BARNAT Liliana Florentina, born in Hunedoara. She was married to my father, PRIOTEASA Ionut, whose name I bear, but they divorced when I was very young. I don't know anything about her anymore and I would very much like to meet her. The only information I have is that she was married in the village of SADOVA in CARAS SEVERIN. Please help me find her!
GREETINGS FROM WASHINGTON My Romanian name was SERAFIM ROXANA ANDREEA born in CAMPULUNG, Arges County. In 1994, at the age of two, I was adopted into America by a wonderful family. I really want to meet my parents and relatives in Romania. My mother's name was SERAFIM FILOFTEIA, from MALURENI, Arges County, and my father is unknown. I don't know if I have any more brothers or sisters. Please DISTRIBUTE my ad here, maybe it will be seen by my relatives. Thank you very much!!
GREETINGS FROM WASHINGTON My Romanian name was SERAFIM ROXANA ANDREEA born in CAMPULUNG, Arges County. In 1994, at the age of two, I was adopted into America by a wonderful family. I really want to meet my parents and relatives in Romania. My mother's name was SERAFIM FILOFTEIA, from MALURENI, Arges County, and my father is unknown. I don't know if I have any more brothers or sisters. Please DISTRIBUTE my ad here, maybe it will be seen by my relatives. Thank you very much!!
After 30 years, I met my relatives from Romania again! Today, for the first time, I hugged them !! I can't put into words the immense joy I experienced. THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart to everyone here who got involved and helped me. I am so happy and at peace !!! My dream has come true and thanks to you, everyone. Every sharing, prayer and all the beautiful thoughts were hugely appreciated !!
After 30 years, I met my relatives from Romania again! Today, for the first time, I hugged them !! I can't put into words the immense joy I experienced. THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart to everyone here who got involved and helped me. I am so happy and at peace !!! My dream has come true and thanks to you, everyone. Every sharing, prayer and all the beautiful thoughts were hugely appreciated !!
Greetings from America! My Romanian name was NICOLETA GHEORGHE and like many of the adopted children, I am also looking for my biological family. I was born on December 6th, 1990 in Bucharest City and I was adopted two months later in the United States of America. My mother's name is GAROFITA GHEORGHE and I have no information about my father. I hope you will help me in my quest in finding my biological family, even if I do not have more details. Please share my message to reach as many people is possible. Thank you
Greetings from America! My Romanian name was NICOLETA GHEORGHE and like many of the adopted children, I am also looking for my biological family. I was born on December 6th, 1990 in Bucharest City and I was adopted two months later in the United States of America. My mother's name is GAROFITA GHEORGHE and I have no information about my father. I hope you will help me in my quest in finding my biological family, even if I do not have more details. Please share my message to reach as many people is possible. Thank you
Not so long ago, through the wonderful people here, I found my mother! It was an experience hard to describe in words. Recently I also became a mother and more than ever I think about my biological mother and how hard it was to let me go, what she went through because she could not keep me by her side and how much I missed her all these years. I thank her, I love her and I respect her for giving me life, for choosing to be adopted, raised and loved by a wonderful family!
Not so long ago, through the wonderful people here, I found my mother! It was an experience hard to describe in words. Recently I also became a mother and more than ever I think about my biological mother and how hard it was to let me go, what she went through because she could not keep me by her side and how much I missed her all these years. I thank her, I love her and I respect her for giving me life, for choosing to be adopted, raised and loved by a wonderful family!
GREETINGS FROM ITALY !! My Romanian name was ELENA STANCU and I was born on 17 April 1984 in Bucharest City- Sector 6.I really want to find my biological parents LAMIITA CHIRIAC and GICA STANCU. Until the age of 11 years old I lived at the “SAINT IOSIF” Nr.3- Child Care Institution, at that time located on Kiseleff Road, Nr.9, Sector 1, Bucharest City.At almost 12 years old, I was adopted by a very caring and loving family. I would love to have all of your support in finding my family. PLEASE SHARE my add !!
GREETINGS FROM ITALY !! My Romanian name was ELENA STANCU and I was born on 17 April 1984 in Bucharest City- Sector 6.I really want to find my biological parents LAMIITA CHIRIAC and GICA STANCU. Until the age of 11 years old I lived at the “SAINT IOSIF” Nr.3- Child Care Institution, at that time located on Kiseleff Road, Nr.9, Sector 1, Bucharest City.At almost 12 years old, I was adopted by a very caring and loving family. I would love to have all of your support in finding my family. PLEASE SHARE my add !!
Today was the most wonderful day of my life: I found my sister!! The moment I saw her photo on this page, I knew without a doubt that she is the one!!! What a great and beautiful surprise, I can't tell you how much I hoped and dreamed at these moments. Thank you from the bottom of my heart to everyone; now I'm not alone anymore, I finally have my sister in my life!! How proud and happy I think our mother is now in heaven.
Today was the most wonderful day of my life: I found my sister!! The moment I saw her photo on this page, I knew without a doubt that she is the one!!! What a great and beautiful surprise, I can't tell you how much I hoped and dreamed at these moments. Thank you from the bottom of my heart to everyone; now I'm not alone anymore, I finally have my sister in my life!! How proud and happy I think our mother is now in heaven.
We just could not believe our child's recent ad on this page looking for us!! I did not think this day would ever come!! For many years we dreamed, hoped, and waited anxiously for any sign or news for our son to look for us. There are no words to express the intensity of the feelings and the happiness felt by the whole family. We immediately organized to reach him, get to know him, and hug him. I lived for these moments!! His family is now also our family, a beautiful, complete, and united one. We truly thank the people who run the page and all those who are with them every day supporting and helping the adopted children. You are all angels!!! We love and respect you!!
We just could not believe our child's recent ad on this page looking for us!! I did not think this day would ever come!! For many years we dreamed, hoped, and waited anxiously for any sign or news for our son to look for us. There are no words to express the intensity of the feelings and the happiness felt by the whole family. We immediately organized to reach him, get to know him, and hug him. I lived for these moments!! His family is now also our family, a beautiful, complete, and united one. We truly thank the people who run the page and all those who are with them every day supporting and helping the adopted children. You are all angels!!! We love and respect you!!
Greetings from Belgium!! My Romanian name was BOGDAN RARES LUPESCU, born in CLUJ-NAPOCA City on 28 February 1991. I am looking for my biological relatives. Here is the information I have: my mother's name was ESLISABETA- MARIA LUPESCU, born in 1962, but died on 3. August 1993. My father is listed as unknown. My mother's parents are RADU LUPESCU and MARIA- MAGDALENA LUPESCU. My relatives would be from the Cluj Napoca region also. I want to find relatives from my mother, also my biological father, brothers, and sisters. I sincerely hope to succeed with the help of everyone here. Please DISTRIBUTE my ad!
Greetings from Belgium!! My Romanian name was BOGDAN RARES LUPESCU, born in CLUJ-NAPOCA City on 28 February 1991. I am looking for my biological relatives. Here is the information I have: my mother's name was ESLISABETA- MARIA LUPESCU, born in 1962, but died on 3. August 1993. My father is listed as unknown. My mother's parents are RADU LUPESCU and MARIA- MAGDALENA LUPESCU. My relatives would be from the Cluj Napoca region also. I want to find relatives from my mother, also my biological father, brothers, and sisters. I sincerely hope to succeed with the help of everyone here. Please DISTRIBUTE my ad!
Greetings from France! I am looking for my biological family and I hope you will help me fulfil this dream. My Romanian name was LENUTA MORARU and I was born on 3 November 1989. My mother's name is DENISA MORARU, and my father's name is ION MORARU. Until the age of 6 I was in the Preschool Children's Home no. 1 from BARLAD City. From here I was adopted in France together with my brother, one year younger than me. I have no other information, but I hope that what I wrote above is enough to find my biological family. Please share this message. Thank you very much.
Greetings from France! I am looking for my biological family and I hope you will help me fulfil this dream. My Romanian name was LENUTA MORARU and I was born on 3 November 1989. My mother's name is DENISA MORARU, and my father's name is ION MORARU. Until the age of 6 I was in the Preschool Children's Home no. 1 from BARLAD City. From here I was adopted in France together with my brother, one year younger than me. I have no other information, but I hope that what I wrote above is enough to find my biological family. Please share this message. Thank you very much.
My name is COSMINA ADRIANA RUS, I was born on 15 May 1987 in RESITA City- Caras Severin County. I am looking for my mother AURELIA RUS, probably from Capusu Mare commune, Cluj county. I always wanted to meet her and my close relatives. I do not know if I have any more siblings, my biological father is also unknown. Since I know myself, I have lived only in orphanages and placements. I was once in the process of being adopted but sadly, near the completion of the documents the adoptive mother died. I have been living in Germany for 9 years and everything is much better. My dream is to find my biological family, I need to know where I come from and what happened in the past. Please help me, DISTRIBUTE my ad hopefully will be seen by my relatives.
My name is COSMINA ADRIANA RUS, I was born on 15 May 1987 in RESITA City- Caras Severin County. I am looking for my mother AURELIA RUS, probably from Capusu Mare commune, Cluj county. I always wanted to meet her and my close relatives. I do not know if I have any more siblings, my biological father is also unknown. Since I know myself, I have lived only in orphanages and placements. I was once in the process of being adopted but sadly, near the completion of the documents the adoptive mother died. I have been living in Germany for 9 years and everything is much better. My dream is to find my biological family, I need to know where I come from and what happened in the past. Please help me, DISTRIBUTE my ad hopefully will be seen by my relatives.
"My dream has come true; I found my biological family from Romania!!! I would like to thank from the bottom of my heart all those who were involved and contributed to finding them. After many years in which I kept trying to find them, now I’ve succeeded!!! The dream of knowing them is now a beautiful reality, I can hardly believe it. I had the beautiful opportunity to hear and see them through a video conference, it was wonderful!! I will always be grateful to this page and to all those who have given of their time and effort in getting to know my family.
"My dream has come true; I found my biological family from Romania!!! I would like to thank from the bottom of my heart all those who were involved and contributed to finding them. After many years in which I kept trying to find them, now I’ve succeeded!!! The dream of knowing them is now a beautiful reality, I can hardly believe it. I had the beautiful opportunity to hear and see them through a video conference, it was wonderful!! I will always be grateful to this page and to all those who have given of their time and effort in getting to know my family.
Greetings from Ireland!! The quest in finding my biological family continues…. Not long ago, I started looking for my mother AISE ASAN 53 years old and my father IZET ASAN 51 years old by birth parents. Recently I found out that my mother lived for a short time in Constanta County, OVIDIU City, but that now he's moved to NAVODARI town, Dallas area. Please DISTRIBUTE my ad in this region, maybe someone recognizes them. I really want to find them!!!
Greetings from Ireland!! The quest in finding my biological family continues…. Not long ago, I started looking for my mother AISE ASAN 53 years old and my father IZET ASAN 51 years old by birth parents. Recently I found out that my mother lived for a short time in Constanta County, OVIDIU City, but that now he's moved to NAVODARI town, Dallas area. Please DISTRIBUTE my ad in this region, maybe someone recognizes them. I really want to find them!!!
Greetings from Italy!! I was born in IASI City on 16 October 1995. A few days later I was placed in an orphanage, and from here, adopted by a wonderful family, two years later. I am looking for my mother, her name is ROZALIA ROMAN, now about 46 years old, and my sister, named MANUELA ROMAN- she was born in 1994. I do not know exactly if they continued to live in Iasi City. I sincerely hope to find my family also. Please SHARE my post and hopefully will reach them.
Greetings from Italy!! I was born in IASI City on 16 October 1995. A few days later I was placed in an orphanage, and from here, adopted by a wonderful family, two years later. I am looking for my mother, her name is ROZALIA ROMAN, now about 46 years old, and my sister, named MANUELA ROMAN- she was born in 1994. I do not know exactly if they continued to live in Iasi City. I sincerely hope to find my family also. Please SHARE my post and hopefully will reach them.
Greetings from France!! My Romanian name was RAMONA BALASESCU. I was born on 24 September 1981 in RAMNICU VALCEA City. I'm looking for my biological family. My mother's name at that time was MARIA BALASESCU and after the marriage she probably took the name MARIA BUSCA. I also know that she was born in BALCESTI Town and that her parents are Matei Balasescu and Elena Popa. For a while, my mother also lived in Goiesti commune in Dolj County. I am also looking for Mrs. MARY MINUNE (MIRACLE), a very nice and kind person who took care of me before I was adopted in France. I really want to meet my relatives and thank you for any help you can give me.
Greetings from France!! My Romanian name was RAMONA BALASESCU. I was born on 24 September 1981 in RAMNICU VALCEA City. I'm looking for my biological family. My mother's name at that time was MARIA BALASESCU and after the marriage she probably took the name MARIA BUSCA. I also know that she was born in BALCESTI Town and that her parents are Matei Balasescu and Elena Popa. For a while, my mother also lived in Goiesti commune in Dolj County. I am also looking for Mrs. MARY MINUNE (MIRACLE), a very nice and kind person who took care of me before I was adopted in France. I really want to meet my relatives and thank you for any help you can give me.
Good evening, good people! I am one of the many children who are looking for their family, with hope in my heart that I will be able to find it with your help. My name is REZMUVES RAZVAN FLORIN and I was born in BAIA MARE City, MARAMURES county, on 2 JULY 1998. The mother's name is REZMUVES ANTONELA MARIA, and the father's name does not appear on the birth certificate. Unfortunately, this is all the information I have. All my life I have been wondering who my parents are, and now I am reaching out to you to help me find them. Thank you and please share this ad as much as possible!
Good evening, good people! I am one of the many children who are looking for their family, with hope in my heart that I will be able to find it with your help. My name is REZMUVES RAZVAN FLORIN and I was born in BAIA MARE City, MARAMURES county, on 2 JULY 1998. The mother's name is REZMUVES ANTONELA MARIA, and the father's name does not appear on the birth certificate. Unfortunately, this is all the information I have. All my life I have been wondering who my parents are, and now I am reaching out to you to help me find them. Thank you and please share this ad as much as possible!
GOOD EVENING! My name was ALEXE CONSTANTA and I was born on January 25, 1998 at the Hospital from RAMNICU VALCEA. At the age of 1 I was adopted by a very loving family from Pitesti. I am looking for my biological family, and finding them would mean a lot to me. My biological parents are named PETRESCU CONSTANTA and ALEXE FLORIN. They are from DRAGASANI, VALCEA county. My mother was 40 at the time and my father was 56. I found out that my mother had died when I was 7 years old in a car accident, but I'm not sure if the information is true. My father was also called FLORIN FRIZERU. And that my brother, named Alexander, was abandoned a year later, then adopted in Italy. I have 7 more brothers, but I don't know their names. I really want to find at least the brothers. I don't know if my father is still alive. Please DISTRIBUTE my ad so I can find my relatives. Thank you!
GOOD EVENING! My name was ALEXE CONSTANTA and I was born on January 25, 1998 at the Hospital from RAMNICU VALCEA. At the age of 1 I was adopted by a very loving family from Pitesti. I am looking for my biological family, and finding them would mean a lot to me. My biological parents are named PETRESCU CONSTANTA and ALEXE FLORIN. They are from DRAGASANI, VALCEA county. My mother was 40 at the time and my father was 56. I found out that my mother had died when I was 7 years old in a car accident, but I'm not sure if the information is true. My father was also called FLORIN FRIZERU. And that my brother, named Alexander, was abandoned a year later, then adopted in Italy. I have 7 more brothers, but I don't know their names. I really want to find at least the brothers. I don't know if my father is still alive. Please DISTRIBUTE my ad so I can find my relatives. Thank you!
GOOD EVENING!! My name was ANGELICA, I was born on May 4, 1994 in BARLAD, VASLUI County, and two months later I was adopted by my wonderful parents from the same city. My biological mother's name was BALAN ANGELA, then 19 years old, and she lived in the town of HUSI. I really want to find my mother, also my brothers and all my close relatives. I sincerely hope to succeed with the help of everyone here. Please DISTRIBUTE my ad as much as possible, maybe it will be seen by my family.
GOOD EVENING!! My name was ANGELICA, I was born on May 4, 1994 in BARLAD, VASLUI County, and two months later I was adopted by my wonderful parents from the same city. My biological mother's name was BALAN ANGELA, then 19 years old, and she lived in the town of HUSI. I really want to find my mother, also my brothers and all my close relatives. I sincerely hope to succeed with the help of everyone here. Please DISTRIBUTE my ad as much as possible, maybe it will be seen by my family.
Greetings from France! I am looking for my biological family and I hope that this wonderful community will help me find it. My Romanian name was STOICA ANA DANIELA and I was born on OCTOBER 3, 1999, in ROMAN locality, NEAMT county. My mother's name was STOICA AURELIA, she would be 45 years old now, and she lived at the time of my birth, in HARLAU locality, IASI county. In reality, she allegedly lived, in fact, in the town of DOROHOI, BOTOSANI county. I know I have at least 3 more brothers and sisters, all older than me. I would be very happy if you could find my family. Please share my ad! I thank you from the bottom of my heart!
Greetings from France! I am looking for my biological family and I hope that this wonderful community will help me find it. My Romanian name was STOICA ANA DANIELA and I was born on OCTOBER 3, 1999, in ROMAN locality, NEAMT county. My mother's name was STOICA AURELIA, she would be 45 years old now, and she lived at the time of my birth, in HARLAU locality, IASI county. In reality, she allegedly lived, in fact, in the town of DOROHOI, BOTOSANI county. I know I have at least 3 more brothers and sisters, all older than me. I would be very happy if you could find my family. Please share my ad! I thank you from the bottom of my heart!
GREETINGS TO ALL!! My name is Dragos, I recently turned 18 years old. For me, the most valuable gift I received as an adult was from here, finding my origins. I wrote this page almost two years ago and then came back as soon as I turned 18. I had my biological mother's address in Bucharest, but it could no longer be found there. With the help of these angels I managed to fulfill one of my most burning desires, finding my mother and biological relatives. I have always had the consent and support of the adoptive family in these endeavors. Now I am blessed with two wonderful families. THANK YOU and I respect you very much for everything you do. For all adopted children, I have a simple message, never judge your biological family, enjoy them, time goes on, not back ...
GREETINGS TO ALL!! My name is Dragos, I recently turned 18 years old. For me, the most valuable gift I received as an adult was from here, finding my origins. I wrote this page almost two years ago and then came back as soon as I turned 18. I had my biological mother's address in Bucharest, but it could no longer be found there. With the help of these angels I managed to fulfill one of my most burning desires, finding my mother and biological relatives. I have always had the consent and support of the adoptive family in these endeavors. Now I am blessed with two wonderful families. THANK YOU and I respect you very much for everything you do. For all adopted children, I have a simple message, never judge your biological family, enjoy them, time goes on, not back ...
FAMILIAGASITA #familyFOUNDandREUNITED SALUTARI din Franta! Exact acum un an si eu am avut norocul de a-mi gasi familia biologica prin intermediul acestei minunate pagini. MULTUMESC tuturor de aici care au fost alaturi de mine si m-au ajutat!!! Relatia mea cu mama si rudele din Romania decurge foarte, foarte bine. Numele meu a fost CIRPACI MARIUS GABRIEL, nascut in Arad in anul 1996. Pasiunea mea este muzica!! Acesta este pagina mea de Facebook, daca doriti sa ma auziti cantand. Ma bucur sa vad in continuare asa de multi copii adoptati ca mine in cautarea familiilor lor biologice. Doresc tuturor mult, mult succes!!!
FAMILIAGASITA #familyFOUNDandREUNITED SALUTARI din Franta! Exact acum un an si eu am avut norocul de a-mi gasi familia biologica prin intermediul acestei minunate pagini. MULTUMESC tuturor de aici care au fost alaturi de mine si m-au ajutat!!! Relatia mea cu mama si rudele din Romania decurge foarte, foarte bine. Numele meu a fost CIRPACI MARIUS GABRIEL, nascut in Arad in anul 1996. Pasiunea mea este muzica!! Acesta este pagina mea de Facebook, daca doriti sa ma auziti cantand. Ma bucur sa vad in continuare asa de multi copii adoptati ca mine in cautarea familiilor lor biologice. Doresc tuturor mult, mult succes!!!
AICI introduci traducerea in engleza!
AICI introduci traducerea in engleza!
FAMILIAGASITA #familyFOUNDandREUNITED M-am nascut pe data de 29 aprilie 1997 in TARNAVENI, judetul MURES. Sunt in cautarea mamei mele COSTEA RODICA si a fratilor, Ionut, Bogdan si Cristian. Parintii mei s-au despartit de foarte mult timp iar fratii mei au ramas in grija mamei. Nu sunt sigura daca fratii sunt trecuti pe numele de familie al mamei COSTEA, sau al tatalui, SZEKELY. Deasemenea nu se stie nici daca fratii mei au fost adoptati sau nu. Sper ca in urma acestui anunt aici sa-mi cunosc mama si fratii. Va rog foarte mult sa DISTRIBUITI.
FAMILIAGASITA #familyFOUNDandREUNITED M-am nascut pe data de 29 aprilie 1997 in TARNAVENI, judetul MURES. Sunt in cautarea mamei mele COSTEA RODICA si a fratilor, Ionut, Bogdan si Cristian. Parintii mei s-au despartit de foarte mult timp iar fratii mei au ramas in grija mamei. Nu sunt sigura daca fratii sunt trecuti pe numele de familie al mamei COSTEA, sau al tatalui, SZEKELY. Deasemenea nu se stie nici daca fratii mei au fost adoptati sau nu. Sper ca in urma acestui anunt aici sa-mi cunosc mama si fratii. Va rog foarte mult sa DISTRIBUITI.
My name is ROXANA OTVOS and I was born on 14.11.2000 in SIGHISOARA, JUD.MURES. I lived in the village of ARCHITA, VANATORI , Mures County and after some time we moved to VANATORI , Mures County. At the age of 3-4 I saw my biological mother for the last time, remaining in my father's care until the age of 9 when I decided to go to Child Protection because I had no conditions and I really wanted to go to school. . After that I was placed in a homeless people house. I really want to find my mother, her name is SAROLTA SANDOR. I know that she was an orphan child also and she lived in orphanages. My father name is REMUS OTVOS . I sincerely hope to find my mother and her relatives. Please SHARE my ad, maybe it will reach someone who knows them.
My name is ROXANA OTVOS and I was born on 14.11.2000 in SIGHISOARA, JUD.MURES. I lived in the village of ARCHITA, VANATORI , Mures County and after some time we moved to VANATORI , Mures County. At the age of 3-4 I saw my biological mother for the last time, remaining in my father's care until the age of 9 when I decided to go to Child Protection because I had no conditions and I really wanted to go to school. . After that I was placed in a homeless people house. I really want to find my mother, her name is SAROLTA SANDOR. I know that she was an orphan child also and she lived in orphanages. My father name is REMUS OTVOS . I sincerely hope to find my mother and her relatives. Please SHARE my ad, maybe it will reach someone who knows them.
GREETINGS FROM IRELAND !! In 1991, when I was 4 months old, I was adopted from my hometown, MEDGIDIA, CONSTANTA county. My name was RACHI ASAN.. I'm looking for my biological parents and siblings. My mother's name was AISE ASAN , and my father's name was IZET ASAN . My adoption documents show that my father lived in MEDGIDIA on Tineretului Street, and my mother, in Castelu , Constanta County, but both were temporary living in Calarasi on Prepelitei Street. My mother's surname before marriage with my father was APTULA, and she will turn 53 years old on May 10th. I really want to find them, to know my brothers and sisters as well. I greatly appreciate each SHARE of my ad here, as well as all the help and support provided. THANK YOU very much and I am looking forward to find any information about my family and my biological relatives.
GREETINGS FROM IRELAND !! In 1991, when I was 4 months old, I was adopted from my hometown, MEDGIDIA, CONSTANTA county. My name was RACHI ASAN.. I'm looking for my biological parents and siblings. My mother's name was AISE ASAN , and my father's name was IZET ASAN . My adoption documents show that my father lived in MEDGIDIA on Tineretului Street, and my mother, in Castelu , Constanta County, but both were temporary living in Calarasi on Prepelitei Street. My mother's surname before marriage with my father was APTULA, and she will turn 53 years old on May 10th. I really want to find them, to know my brothers and sisters as well. I greatly appreciate each SHARE of my ad here, as well as all the help and support provided. THANK YOU very much and I am looking forward to find any information about my family and my biological relatives.
Greetings to all!!! I was born in CONSTANTA on May 25, 1990 and at the age of 10 months I was adopted in Ireland. I really want to find my biological mother, named FLORICA UNGUREANU. When I was adopted, she was living in SUCEAVA, Mihai Eminescu Street. Shortly after adoption, my adoptive parents received a letter from my mother from OSTRA Village, Tarnitei Street. That was the last letter. I hope that this information is enough to find my mother and relatives in Romania. Please SHARE, I look forward to hearing from you ☘️☘️☘️
Greetings to all!!! I was born in CONSTANTA on May 25, 1990 and at the age of 10 months I was adopted in Ireland. I really want to find my biological mother, named FLORICA UNGUREANU. When I was adopted, she was living in SUCEAVA, Mihai Eminescu Street. Shortly after adoption, my adoptive parents received a letter from my mother from OSTRA Village, Tarnitei Street. That was the last letter. I hope that this information is enough to find my mother and relatives in Romania. Please SHARE, I look forward to hearing from you ☘️☘️☘️
My Romanian name was ELISABETA Gabor, born in ARAD on November 27, 1992. At the age of 6 I was adopted by a wonderful American family who offered me a lot of love and parental affection. I had a beautiful childhood and I never missed anything. Now more than ever, I want to know who my siblings, relatives and biological mother are. From my adoption documents it appears that my mother's name was identical to mine, ELISABETA Gabor, she was born in 1974 and before my birth she lived in the village of Sarateni in SOVATA, Mures County. During my birth, my mother moved to Arad and at my birth she no longer had a permanent address. Please SHARE my ad as much as possible in MURES and ARAD. Maybe someone knows my mother !!!
My Romanian name was ELISABETA Gabor, born in ARAD on November 27, 1992. At the age of 6 I was adopted by a wonderful American family who offered me a lot of love and parental affection. I had a beautiful childhood and I never missed anything. Now more than ever, I want to know who my siblings, relatives and biological mother are. From my adoption documents it appears that my mother's name was identical to mine, ELISABETA Gabor, she was born in 1974 and before my birth she lived in the village of Sarateni in SOVATA, Mures County. During my birth, my mother moved to Arad and at my birth she no longer had a permanent address. Please SHARE my ad as much as possible in MURES and ARAD. Maybe someone knows my mother !!!
Greetings from AMERICA! I am looking to my biologic family and I am contacting you to help me to find it. My Romanian name was COVACI ECATERINA and I was born in ARAD, on the 26th of July 1994. My mother have the same name as mine, COVACI ECATERINA, and my father name is unknown. When I was 3 years and a half I was adopted in America. Unfortunately that's everything I know. I hope this wonderful comunity will help me to make my dream come true, to find my biological family. Please SHARE this to how many people you can! THANK YOU VERY MUCH!
Greetings from AMERICA! I am looking to my biologic family and I am contacting you to help me to find it. My Romanian name was COVACI ECATERINA and I was born in ARAD, on the 26th of July 1994. My mother have the same name as mine, COVACI ECATERINA, and my father name is unknown. When I was 3 years and a half I was adopted in America. Unfortunately that's everything I know. I hope this wonderful comunity will help me to make my dream come true, to find my biological family. Please SHARE this to how many people you can! THANK YOU VERY MUCH!
Greetings from France !! My Romanian name was GHITA ELENA DENISA, born in RAMNICU VALCEA on March 26, 1995. I am looking for my biological family. I was adopted in 2001 by a wonderful French family. I am in possession of many adoption documents, but there are very few bands about my family. My mother's name is GHITA FLORIANA, born in 1973, then living in BERISLAVESTI, RAMNICU VALCEA County. I hope with the support and help of everyone here to find my mother and relatives. I look forward to knowing my past! PLEASE SHARE !!
Greetings from France !! My Romanian name was GHITA ELENA DENISA, born in RAMNICU VALCEA on March 26, 1995. I am looking for my biological family. I was adopted in 2001 by a wonderful French family. I am in possession of many adoption documents, but there are very few bands about my family. My mother's name is GHITA FLORIANA, born in 1973, then living in BERISLAVESTI, RAMNICU VALCEA County. I hope with the support and help of everyone here to find my mother and relatives. I look forward to knowing my past! PLEASE SHARE !!
THANK YOU very much for all the help! I still can't believe I managed to find my mother !! All your messages and comments left recently to my announcement here, were full of encouragement, prayers and the most beautiful thoughts. Each distribution took us one step closer and in the end, my ad was seen by members of the mayor's office and the local press. You all mobilized to fulfill this great dream of mine. You are all wonderful !!! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!!!
THANK YOU very much for all the help! I still can't believe I managed to find my mother !! All your messages and comments left recently to my announcement here, were full of encouragement, prayers and the most beautiful thoughts. Each distribution took us one step closer and in the end, my ad was seen by members of the mayor's office and the local press. You all mobilized to fulfill this great dream of mine. You are all wonderful !!! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!!!
GREETINGS FROM GREECE !!! My name was VARGA ELISA ANDREEA, born in HUNEDOARA on December 28, 1997. I am looking for my biological parents, VARGA VASILE and RADU MINODORA. In my adoption documents are mentioned two different addresses from Hunedoara, my mother at that time lived on Batiz Street and my father, on Trandafirilor Street. I was adopted almost two and a half years ago, from the Hunedoara placement center. I was told by my adoptive parents that I had a two-year-old sister and that before she left for Greece she came to say goodbye to me. My sister is not mentioned in the adoption documents. I want so much to know my parents and sister, as well as the whole family. Please help me, DISTRIBUTE and maybe that's how I will fulfill this big dream !!
GREETINGS FROM GREECE !!! My name was VARGA ELISA ANDREEA, born in HUNEDOARA on December 28, 1997. I am looking for my biological parents, VARGA VASILE and RADU MINODORA. In my adoption documents are mentioned two different addresses from Hunedoara, my mother at that time lived on Batiz Street and my father, on Trandafirilor Street. I was adopted almost two and a half years ago, from the Hunedoara placement center. I was told by my adoptive parents that I had a two-year-old sister and that before she left for Greece she came to say goodbye to me. My sister is not mentioned in the adoption documents. I want so much to know my parents and sister, as well as the whole family. Please help me, DISTRIBUTE and maybe that's how I will fulfill this big dream !!
GREETINGS TO ALL!! At the age of three I was adopted from Romania. I really want to find my mother and all my close relatives. My name was STEFAN MARIA, born on February 8, 2001 in IASI. I lived at the HARLAU orphanage until I was adopted by my wonderful family from Italy. I don't know my mother's name, but I sincerely hope that my announcement will somehow reach my biological family. Maybe my mother is looking for me too, maybe she tried many times but in vain. Please DISTRIBUTE my ad to all groups in IASI and surroundings, also on your Facebook pages. I'm sure someone will recognize me and answer my call. I look forward to meeting my mother !!!
GREETINGS TO ALL!! At the age of three I was adopted from Romania. I really want to find my mother and all my close relatives. My name was STEFAN MARIA, born on February 8, 2001 in IASI. I lived at the HARLAU orphanage until I was adopted by my wonderful family from Italy. I don't know my mother's name, but I sincerely hope that my announcement will somehow reach my biological family. Maybe my mother is looking for me too, maybe she tried many times but in vain. Please DISTRIBUTE my ad to all groups in IASI and surroundings, also on your Facebook pages. I'm sure someone will recognize me and answer my call. I look forward to meeting my mother !!!
GREETINGS from Italy !! My Romanian name was MARUNTELU EMILIA, born on November 14, 1987 in the hospital of BUDESTI, CALARASI County. I really want to find my biological parents, my father MARUNTELU STEFAN, originally from VASILATI and my mother, MARUNTELU CONSTANTA, from Artari village, ILEANA Commune, Calarasi County. At that time they had 6 children: MARUNTELU Sorin, Cristian, Mioara, Constantin, me and OPATA Lucica. Please DISTRIBUTE my ad in hopes of finding my whole family. Thanks everyone, I can't wait for news from here! I hug you dearly !!!
GREETINGS from Italy !! My Romanian name was MARUNTELU EMILIA, born on November 14, 1987 in the hospital of BUDESTI, CALARASI County. I really want to find my biological parents, my father MARUNTELU STEFAN, originally from VASILATI and my mother, MARUNTELU CONSTANTA, from Artari village, ILEANA Commune, Calarasi County. At that time they had 6 children: MARUNTELU Sorin, Cristian, Mioara, Constantin, me and OPATA Lucica. Please DISTRIBUTE my ad in hopes of finding my whole family. Thanks everyone, I can't wait for news from here! I hug you dearly !!!
Almost 5 years ago, through this wonderful page, I found my biological family. Since then, I have had my brother, sisters, father and all my close relatives with me. We met several times in Romania and Malta. At each of our meetings we spent emotional moments, unforgettable !!! I wish all adopted children in Romania, like me, to find their Romanian roots, to know their families, to meet and embrace them and to have a beautiful relationship together " story.php? story_fbid = 1199751890050687 & id = 1068806209811923 For many adopted children, the search for their families has started here on this page. THANK YOU to everyone who continues to help and support the search for biological families. fulfilled and happy in soul, he knows who he is, who gave him life and what happened in the past. "To know yourself, you must first know where you come from" We wish you a HAPPY EASTER, full of love, faith, light and blessings CHRIST IS RISEN !!!
Almost 5 years ago, through this wonderful page, I found my biological family. Since then, I have had my brother, sisters, father and all my close relatives with me. We met several times in Romania and Malta. At each of our meetings we spent emotional moments, unforgettable !!! I wish all adopted children in Romania, like me, to find their Romanian roots, to know their families, to meet and embrace them and to have a beautiful relationship together " story.php? story_fbid = 1199751890050687 & id = 1068806209811923 For many adopted children, the search for their families has started here on this page. THANK YOU to everyone who continues to help and support the search for biological families. fulfilled and happy in soul, he knows who he is, who gave him life and what happened in the past. "To know yourself, you must first know where you come from" We wish you a HAPPY EASTER, full of love, faith, light and blessings CHRIST IS RISEN !!!
GREETINGS from CANADA and ITALY! We are 3 adopted brothers from Romania, looking for our biological family. My birth name was BLOJ ALIN, and my twin sister was called BLOJ DANIELA LARISA. We were born in BRASOV, on July 14, 1997. 10 years ago we discovered that we have an older brother, adopted in Italy, with whom we first met in September last year, in Palermo. My twin sister and I were adopted in Canada at the age of four. From the little information we have, we know that my mother's name is BLOJ DANIELA. It would be a great joy for us to find our mother and the whole family. Please share the message and help us find it. Happy Easter!
GREETINGS from CANADA and ITALY! We are 3 adopted brothers from Romania, looking for our biological family. My birth name was BLOJ ALIN, and my twin sister was called BLOJ DANIELA LARISA. We were born in BRASOV, on July 14, 1997. 10 years ago we discovered that we have an older brother, adopted in Italy, with whom we first met in September last year, in Palermo. My twin sister and I were adopted in Canada at the age of four. From the little information we have, we know that my mother's name is BLOJ DANIELA. It would be a great joy for us to find our mother and the whole family. Please share the message and help us find it. Happy Easter!
Greetings from FRANCE! My name is MURESAN MIHAI and I was born on 05.05.1984 in GHERLA. I have been looking for a long time to connect them with my biological family in Romania. My parents are called ISIDOR and LETITIA MURESAN and they live in NIMA village, MINTIUL GHERLEI commune from Cluj County. I know I have other brothers. I really want them to have a connection with everyone, to know them and to find my Romanian roots. Please SHARE my message so that in this period preceding the Easter holiday I also fulfill this dream. Thank you and I am grateful to you.
Greetings from FRANCE! My name is MURESAN MIHAI and I was born on 05.05.1984 in GHERLA. I have been looking for a long time to connect them with my biological family in Romania. My parents are called ISIDOR and LETITIA MURESAN and they live in NIMA village, MINTIUL GHERLEI commune from Cluj County. I know I have other brothers. I really want them to have a connection with everyone, to know them and to find my Romanian roots. Please SHARE my message so that in this period preceding the Easter holiday I also fulfill this dream. Thank you and I am grateful to you.
Greetings from ILLINOIS, USA My Romanian name was COMAN IULIANA ANDREEA, born in sector 3, BUCHAREST on October 6, 1990. I am looking for my biological mother, COMAN MIHAELA NICOLETA. From my adoption documents it appears that my mother lived with her parents in the blocks of flats on Ramnicu Sarat Street, No. 18, Bucharest. I really want to meet her !!! I hope to succeed with your help to all. Please SHARE my ad, and if someone is near my mother's address, the page's administrators can privately communicate your entire address to you. I greatly appreciate all your support, help and beautiful thoughts.
Greetings from ILLINOIS, USA My Romanian name was COMAN IULIANA ANDREEA, born in sector 3, BUCHAREST on October 6, 1990. I am looking for my biological mother, COMAN MIHAELA NICOLETA. From my adoption documents it appears that my mother lived with her parents in the blocks of flats on Ramnicu Sarat Street, No. 18, Bucharest. I really want to meet her !!! I hope to succeed with your help to all. Please SHARE my ad, and if someone is near my mother's address, the page's administrators can privately communicate your entire address to you. I greatly appreciate all your support, help and beautiful thoughts.
GREETINGS from AMERICA! I have been trying to find my biological family in Romania for a long time, but I still haven't succeeded. My name is RUZSA ELENA VICTORIA and I was born in FAGARAS, BRASOV county, on May 23, 1991. My mother's name was RUZSA SIMONA and she lived on HALMEAGULUI street, in SERCAIA commune, BRASOV county, and my father is unknown. This is all the information I have and I hope you will help me, as you have done so many times with other children. Thank you and please share my message as much as possible.
GREETINGS from AMERICA! I have been trying to find my biological family in Romania for a long time, but I still haven't succeeded. My name is RUZSA ELENA VICTORIA and I was born in FAGARAS, BRASOV county, on May 23, 1991. My mother's name was RUZSA SIMONA and she lived on HALMEAGULUI street, in SERCAIA commune, BRASOV county, and my father is unknown. This is all the information I have and I hope you will help me, as you have done so many times with other children. Thank you and please share my message as much as possible.
GREETINGS TO ALL!! I am looking for the biological family of my adopted husband from Romania. His name was MIHAI GHEORGHE, born in SLATINA Olt County on September 25, 1994. His biological mother's name was MIHAI MIHAELA, originally from VALEA MARE commune and my father is unknown. It is also known that he probably had two brothers who were also adopted. We really want to know the family and the past. Please DISTRIBUTE the ad to us, hoping it will reach his relatives. Thank you!!
GREETINGS TO ALL!! I am looking for the biological family of my adopted husband from Romania. His name was MIHAI GHEORGHE, born in SLATINA Olt County on September 25, 1994. His biological mother's name was MIHAI MIHAELA, originally from VALEA MARE commune and my father is unknown. It is also known that he probably had two brothers who were also adopted. We really want to know the family and the past. Please DISTRIBUTE the ad to us, hoping it will reach his relatives. Thank you!!
Thank you for all support and help you provided me in my search to look for my family. My mother and my siblings !
Thank you for all support and help you provided me in my search to look for my family. My mother and my siblings !
I FOUND MY MOTHER AND BROTHER !!!! All last week I was looking for my family through this wonderful page !! I started with information that turned out to be wrong, my birthplace CLUJ, then I found information, such as my birth certificate, the biological mother's certificate and my father's ID card. Finally, my ad was redone yesterday, for the third time, with the correct information. In less than two hours, I found my biological family !!! I had a beautiful video call with my mother, they were the most beautiful moments of our lives. Our translator referred to our conversation as a real theater scene ... I can't put into words the joy and emotions experienced. Pictured on the right is my mother, the being I always wanted to find, to hug and tell her how much I love her and how much I thank her for this wonderful gift, life itself. Thank you from the bottom of my heart to everyone who got involved in finding my family !! Now I feel complete, fulfilled and at home ...
I FOUND MY MOTHER AND BROTHER !!!! All last week I was looking for my family through this wonderful page !! I started with information that turned out to be wrong, my birthplace CLUJ, then I found information, such as my birth certificate, the biological mother's certificate and my father's ID card. Finally, my ad was redone yesterday, for the third time, with the correct information. In less than two hours, I found my biological family !!! I had a beautiful video call with my mother, they were the most beautiful moments of our lives. Our translator referred to our conversation as a real theater scene ... I can't put into words the joy and emotions experienced. Pictured on the right is my mother, the being I always wanted to find, to hug and tell her how much I love her and how much I thank her for this wonderful gift, life itself. Thank you from the bottom of my heart to everyone who got involved in finding my family !! Now I feel complete, fulfilled and at home ...
GREETINGS FROM MALTA! I was adopted from Romania and I really want to find my Romanian roots. My birth name was STATE ELENA - NARCISA. I was born on June 4, 1996 in Pitesti, Arges County. My biological father's name is STATE GHEORGHE SORINEL and he lived in BUDEASA commune, CALOTESTI village, Arges county. Her mother's name was STATE NICULINA and before her marriage, her last name was IOANA. I sincerely hope to meet my brothers, sisters and all my relatives as well. Please DISTRIBUTE my ad until it reaches my family !! Thank you for all the help you can give me !!
GREETINGS FROM MALTA! I was adopted from Romania and I really want to find my Romanian roots. My birth name was STATE ELENA - NARCISA. I was born on June 4, 1996 in Pitesti, Arges County. My biological father's name is STATE GHEORGHE SORINEL and he lived in BUDEASA commune, CALOTESTI village, Arges county. Her mother's name was STATE NICULINA and before her marriage, her last name was IOANA. I sincerely hope to meet my brothers, sisters and all my relatives as well. Please DISTRIBUTE my ad until it reaches my family !! Thank you for all the help you can give me !!
Greetings from ITALY, where we all go through difficult times, just like you, in Romania! My name is PETCULESCU OANA and I was born on January 24, 1994, in BUCHAREST. I am looking for my biological family and please help me, as you have done so many times on this page. My mother's name was PETCULESCU ELENA and she lived in the village of NAIPU, GHIMPATI commune, GIURGIU county, and I have no information about my father. Until the age of 9 months I stayed in the Cradle for Children no. 5 from Bucharest, where I was adopted in Italy by a family that raised me with a lot of love. I really want to find my family and I hope to succeed with your help. I wish you good health and PLEASE DISTRIBUTE my ad.
Greetings from ITALY, where we all go through difficult times, just like you, in Romania! My name is PETCULESCU OANA and I was born on January 24, 1994, in BUCHAREST. I am looking for my biological family and please help me, as you have done so many times on this page. My mother's name was PETCULESCU ELENA and she lived in the village of NAIPU, GHIMPATI commune, GIURGIU county, and I have no information about my father. Until the age of 9 months I stayed in the Cradle for Children no. 5 from Bucharest, where I was adopted in Italy by a family that raised me with a lot of love. I really want to find my family and I hope to succeed with your help. I wish you good health and PLEASE DISTRIBUTE my ad.
I was born on January 1, 1988 in the hospital of TANDAREI, Ialomita County. I was adopted at the age of 3 weeks by a wonderful family. I have never lacked for anything, but day by day I think more and more about my origins, who gave me life, the possibility of having brothers and in general what happened then. For unknown reasons, my biological mother abandoned me and I was taken to the cradle in Slobozia, Ialomita County. I only know that her name is GHEORGHE AURICA or AURORA, originally from Slobozia de Galati and that she was 18 years old when she gave birth to me. I really want to find her, to know her, not to judge her for what happened in the past. I'm very curious who he is, what he looks like, if he looks like me, etc. I would be very grateful if you could help me get to know her or see her. Please DISTRIBUTE my ad, maybe that's how I find my mother.
I was born on January 1, 1988 in the hospital of TANDAREI, Ialomita County. I was adopted at the age of 3 weeks by a wonderful family. I have never lacked for anything, but day by day I think more and more about my origins, who gave me life, the possibility of having brothers and in general what happened then. For unknown reasons, my biological mother abandoned me and I was taken to the cradle in Slobozia, Ialomita County. I only know that her name is GHEORGHE AURICA or AURORA, originally from Slobozia de Galati and that she was 18 years old when she gave birth to me. I really want to find her, to know her, not to judge her for what happened in the past. I'm very curious who he is, what he looks like, if he looks like me, etc. I would be very grateful if you could help me get to know her or see her. Please DISTRIBUTE my ad, maybe that's how I find my mother.
Many thanks to the Norwegian program, "Tore pa sporet" for the recent collaboration !! Our page volunteers were involved in the search for Bendik's biological family adopted in Norway. As soon as I reached his relatives, here I found out about the existence of a sister, also adopted, but in America ... a month later I managed to find her and both brothers or met for the first time in Romania, visiting the family biological.
Many thanks to the Norwegian program, "Tore pa sporet" for the recent collaboration !! Our page volunteers were involved in the search for Bendik's biological family adopted in Norway. As soon as I reached his relatives, here I found out about the existence of a sister, also adopted, but in America ... a month later I managed to find her and both brothers or met for the first time in Romania, visiting the family biological.
Greetings from AMERICA! My Romanian name was COJOCARU ELENA, born in Piatra Neamt, on November 26, 1992. For some time now I have been looking for my biological family, which I hope to find with your help. I know that my mother's name was FIERARU LUCRETIA and my father's name was COJOCARU MIRCEA, both from GIROV commune, NEAMT county. From the adoption documents it appears that, at that time, I had 4 brothers, about whom there is no more information. I was adopted from the Piatra Neamt orphanage, at the age of 4, by a very good and loving family. Finding the biological family means a lot to me. With your help I hope with all my heart to fulfill this great dream. Please SHARE my ad. Thanks to everyone who can help me!
Greetings from AMERICA! My Romanian name was COJOCARU ELENA, born in Piatra Neamt, on November 26, 1992. For some time now I have been looking for my biological family, which I hope to find with your help. I know that my mother's name was FIERARU LUCRETIA and my father's name was COJOCARU MIRCEA, both from GIROV commune, NEAMT county. From the adoption documents it appears that, at that time, I had 4 brothers, about whom there is no more information. I was adopted from the Piatra Neamt orphanage, at the age of 4, by a very good and loving family. Finding the biological family means a lot to me. With your help I hope with all my heart to fulfill this great dream. Please SHARE my ad. Thanks to everyone who can help me!
GREETINGS FROM NORWAY !!! 4 years ago I started looking for the biological family, right here on this page. After the announcement, a lot of wonderful people helped me fulfill this great dream. After a while we decided to get to know each other personally. So I came to Romania with my husband and my adoptive family. Together we spent an unforgettable week with the biological family. Here I also visited the orphanage where I spent the first years of my life. I never gave up looking for my roots and I hoped that one day I would succeed. After finding my family, I volunteered for the page, to help adopted children in Norway to fulfill this dream, finding biological families. It was and still is an incredible experience, hard to say. I participated in family searches and reunions, translated and communicated with many adopted children. Thank you colleagues and all of you for these 4 wonderful years !!! Maritha.
GREETINGS FROM NORWAY !!! 4 years ago I started looking for the biological family, right here on this page. After the announcement, a lot of wonderful people helped me fulfill this great dream. After a while we decided to get to know each other personally. So I came to Romania with my husband and my adoptive family. Together we spent an unforgettable week with the biological family. Here I also visited the orphanage where I spent the first years of my life. I never gave up looking for my roots and I hoped that one day I would succeed. After finding my family, I volunteered for the page, to help adopted children in Norway to fulfill this dream, finding biological families. It was and still is an incredible experience, hard to say. I participated in family searches and reunions, translated and communicated with many adopted children. Thank you colleagues and all of you for these 4 wonderful years !!! Maritha.
Greetings from FLORIDA My Romanian name was VARGA BIANCA ANDREEA MATILDA, born in SIGHETU MARMATIEI, MARAMURES County, on March 10, 1995. I am looking for my biological mother, VARGA MIHAELA MATILDA. My maternal grandparents' names are Carol and Flower. With this little information, I hope to find my family. I need everyone's help and support, please SHARE the post until it reaches my relatives. Thank you very much!!!
Greetings from FLORIDA My Romanian name was VARGA BIANCA ANDREEA MATILDA, born in SIGHETU MARMATIEI, MARAMURES County, on March 10, 1995. I am looking for my biological mother, VARGA MIHAELA MATILDA. My maternal grandparents' names are Carol and Flower. With this little information, I hope to find my family. I need everyone's help and support, please SHARE the post until it reaches my relatives. Thank you very much!!!
The search for my family began here, on this wonderful page, in January 2019. With very little information about my past, I published an ad several times in hopes of finding my family. With the help of many wonderful people, my dream finally came true: I found my mother and brothers. March 8 was a very special day for me, a day I will never forget: I heard my mother's voice, saw it and received answers to all my questions. I also met my brothers and sisters and made beautiful plans to meet in person. THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart to all the people who helped me, thank you for all the encouragement, help and support given. Thanks for this page !! ☘️☘️☘️
The search for my family began here, on this wonderful page, in January 2019. With very little information about my past, I published an ad several times in hopes of finding my family. With the help of many wonderful people, my dream finally came true: I found my mother and brothers. March 8 was a very special day for me, a day I will never forget: I heard my mother's voice, saw it and received answers to all my questions. I also met my brothers and sisters and made beautiful plans to meet in person. THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart to all the people who helped me, thank you for all the encouragement, help and support given. Thanks for this page !! ☘️☘️☘️
Greetings to all!! I was born in Romania and I was adopted at the age of one year and one month. I really want to get to know my family and biological relatives. At the beginning of 2017, I started searching for my biological family, also here through this Facebook community page. Although some relatives were identified in my hometown, I was unable to contact them. This time I come back with more information and with the same great hope that I will be able to find my family. I was born on March 15, 1990 in TARNAVENI, MURES county. My father's name is HORVATH FRANCISC, born in 1949. Originally from CEUASU, Mures County, son of Francisc and Saveta. My father's parents lived in the village of Mica - Ceaus. My mother's name was IANOS MARIA, born in 1957, Rozalia's daughter. My mother was originally from Albesti-Jagu, Mures. During my adoption I had 3 more brothers. I have no information about them. Please help me to contact my relatives. I have so many questions about my origin and adoption! I look forward to hearing from you !!
Greetings to all!! I was born in Romania and I was adopted at the age of one year and one month. I really want to get to know my family and biological relatives. At the beginning of 2017, I started searching for my biological family, also here through this Facebook community page. Although some relatives were identified in my hometown, I was unable to contact them. This time I come back with more information and with the same great hope that I will be able to find my family. I was born on March 15, 1990 in TARNAVENI, MURES county. My father's name is HORVATH FRANCISC, born in 1949. Originally from CEUASU, Mures County, son of Francisc and Saveta. My father's parents lived in the village of Mica - Ceaus. My mother's name was IANOS MARIA, born in 1957, Rozalia's daughter. My mother was originally from Albesti-Jagu, Mures. During my adoption I had 3 more brothers. I have no information about them. Please help me to contact my relatives. I have so many questions about my origin and adoption! I look forward to hearing from you !!
Greetings from America! I also appeal to this wonderful community, with the hope that you will help me find my biological family. My Romanian name was GHITA ANA-MARIA and I was born in BUCHAREST, on March 18, 1998. My mother's name was TINCU Ecaterina, and my father's name was GHITA Fanel and they lived in the COLENTINA neighborhood of Bucharest. Until 1 year and a half I was in the DOMNESTI Orphanage, where I was taken by a family of foster parents, Constantin and Maria DRAGAN. At the age of two and a half, I was adopted in America. I also know I had 3 older brothers. I really want to find my whole family and I hope to succeed with your help. Please SHARE my ad.
Greetings from America! I also appeal to this wonderful community, with the hope that you will help me find my biological family. My Romanian name was GHITA ANA-MARIA and I was born in BUCHAREST, on March 18, 1998. My mother's name was TINCU Ecaterina, and my father's name was GHITA Fanel and they lived in the COLENTINA neighborhood of Bucharest. Until 1 year and a half I was in the DOMNESTI Orphanage, where I was taken by a family of foster parents, Constantin and Maria DRAGAN. At the age of two and a half, I was adopted in America. I also know I had 3 older brothers. I really want to find my whole family and I hope to succeed with your help. Please SHARE my ad.
Greetings from Montana, USA! I always wanted to find my biological family and now I found the courage to look for your help. My birth name was DEAK MARIANA. I was born in Arad, on 8th of September 1989. My birth mother's name is DEAK IULIANA and my father's name is DEAK KAROLY-VILMOS. They both lived in Cherechiu, Bihor county. When I was 9 months old, I was adopted from Orphanage in Arad and few months later, I was in USA. I know I have brothers and sisters, at least one was in orphanage with me. Please DISTRIBUTE my message and help in find my family. Many thanks!
Greetings from Montana, USA! I always wanted to find my biological family and now I found the courage to look for your help. My birth name was DEAK MARIANA. I was born in Arad, on 8th of September 1989. My birth mother's name is DEAK IULIANA and my father's name is DEAK KAROLY-VILMOS. They both lived in Cherechiu, Bihor county. When I was 9 months old, I was adopted from Orphanage in Arad and few months later, I was in USA. I know I have brothers and sisters, at least one was in orphanage with me. Please DISTRIBUTE my message and help in find my family. Many thanks!
Greetings from France! I am searching for my Romanian roots and my biological family. My birth name was Palaghia Lacramioara(not as inital post Balavia Lacramioara) and I was born in Brusturi Draganesti, Neamt county, in 1988. My mother's name is Palaghia Veronica and I believe I have sisters, but this is as much as I know. When I was adopted, my father was deceased.I know that I was in a orphanage for 2 years, before I was adopted in France along with my biological brother, when I was 6 years old.I really want to find my whole family and I hope to succeed wih your support. Please DISTRIBUTE! Thanks to everyone who can help me!
Greetings from France! I am searching for my Romanian roots and my biological family. My birth name was Palaghia Lacramioara(not as inital post Balavia Lacramioara) and I was born in Brusturi Draganesti, Neamt county, in 1988. My mother's name is Palaghia Veronica and I believe I have sisters, but this is as much as I know. When I was adopted, my father was deceased.I know that I was in a orphanage for 2 years, before I was adopted in France along with my biological brother, when I was 6 years old.I really want to find my whole family and I hope to succeed wih your support. Please DISTRIBUTE! Thanks to everyone who can help me!
Thanks to many wonderful people who support this page, I manage to find my biological family. Months later, I arrived in Romania and I met them in person. It was the best experience of my life! I lighted a candle at my father's and my brother's graves. I spent magical and unforgettable moments with my entire family. I can express in words what I felt, overwhelming! THANK YOU to you all!
Thanks to many wonderful people who support this page, I manage to find my biological family. Months later, I arrived in Romania and I met them in person. It was the best experience of my life! I lighted a candle at my father's and my brother's graves. I spent magical and unforgettable moments with my entire family. I can express in words what I felt, overwhelming! THANK YOU to you all!
Greetings from Texas, USA! I was born in Romania on May 17, 1994 at the hospital in CALINESTI, ARGES County. My name was TUDOR SPERANTA. I'm looking for my biological family. My mother's name at the time was TUDOR CLAUDIA. Maybe with the help of everyone here I can find my biological family !! Please help me with a DISTRIBUTION to fulfill this great dream. Thank you. I am attaching two photos with me and my adoptive mother, also one with me more recently and the only photo with my biological mother in a wedding dress.
Greetings from Texas, USA! I was born in Romania on May 17, 1994 at the hospital in CALINESTI, ARGES County. My name was TUDOR SPERANTA. I'm looking for my biological family. My mother's name at the time was TUDOR CLAUDIA. Maybe with the help of everyone here I can find my biological family !! Please help me with a DISTRIBUTION to fulfill this great dream. Thank you. I am attaching two photos with me and my adoptive mother, also one with me more recently and the only photo with my biological mother in a wedding dress.
Greetings from Idaho, USA! I was adopted from my beautiful country, Romania, and one of my biggest dreams is to find my biological family.My story is a little different, which is why I am often told that the chances of finding my mother are very, very small, if not impossible. I, however, hope that after this announcement a miracle will happen! My story begins like this: very soon after the birth I was left or put on a train, alone. I was discovered when the train was pulling at LOVRIN station in Timisoara County. I'm not sure where or when I was born. Possibly between March 23/28, 1996. The ticket controller took me to the hospital and from there I was placed in the orphanage in TIMISOARA.The name given there was LOVRIN Cristian. I stayed in the orphanage until December 17, 1999, when I was adopted by a very good and loving family.Thank you from the bottom of my heart for any little information you can give me, hoping that I will be able to discover my origins with your help! If my ad will be DISTRIBUTED and widely publicized, maybe we will find something ...Also, if anyone can give me information about the employees who worked at the orphanage or the children there, I would like to show them some photos together.
Greetings from Idaho, USA! I was adopted from my beautiful country, Romania, and one of my biggest dreams is to find my biological family.My story is a little different, which is why I am often told that the chances of finding my mother are very, very small, if not impossible. I, however, hope that after this announcement a miracle will happen! My story begins like this: very soon after the birth I was left or put on a train, alone. I was discovered when the train was pulling at LOVRIN station in Timisoara County. I'm not sure where or when I was born. Possibly between March 23/28, 1996. The ticket controller took me to the hospital and from there I was placed in the orphanage in TIMISOARA.The name given there was LOVRIN Cristian. I stayed in the orphanage until December 17, 1999, when I was adopted by a very good and loving family.Thank you from the bottom of my heart for any little information you can give me, hoping that I will be able to discover my origins with your help! If my ad will be DISTRIBUTED and widely publicized, maybe we will find something ...Also, if anyone can give me information about the employees who worked at the orphanage or the children there, I would like to show them some photos together.
My name is RUZSA KAROLY and I was born on December 15, 1991, in SAINT GEORGE, COVASNA. I'm looking for my family, about which, unfortunately, I don't know much about. All I know is that my mother's name was LAZAR Ana, and my father had the same name as mine, RUZSA KAROLY. I was adopted at the age of 4.I have always wanted to know my biological family and I turn to you in the hope that this great dream will come true for me. Please SHARE my ad. Thanks to everyone who can help me!
My name is RUZSA KAROLY and I was born on December 15, 1991, in SAINT GEORGE, COVASNA. I'm looking for my family, about which, unfortunately, I don't know much about. All I know is that my mother's name was LAZAR Ana, and my father had the same name as mine, RUZSA KAROLY. I was adopted at the age of 4.I have always wanted to know my biological family and I turn to you in the hope that this great dream will come true for me. Please SHARE my ad. Thanks to everyone who can help me!
My name was POPESCU AUREL and I have been looking for my biological family for some time. I was born on February 11, 1995, but I don't know exactly where because my mother, then called POPESCU AURELIA, was brought with me 8 hours after the birth, to Hospital number 2 CRAIOVA (so it says in the adoption declaration) . The address declared at the maternity ward by my mother is: DROBETA-TURNU SEVERIN, Cartier Crisan, nr.45, bl.V3, sc1, ap 8, MEHEDINTI county, but Popescu Aurelia was never identified/found there. I was adopted at the age of 1 year and 8 months from the CRAIOVA Children's Cradle and I want so much to find out who my mother and my biological relatives are. Please help me with these steps. I greatly appreciate all the support and help of each of you. Please DISTRIBUTE as many as possible until I find my mother.
My name was POPESCU AUREL and I have been looking for my biological family for some time. I was born on February 11, 1995, but I don't know exactly where because my mother, then called POPESCU AURELIA, was brought with me 8 hours after the birth, to Hospital number 2 CRAIOVA (so it says in the adoption declaration) . The address declared at the maternity ward by my mother is: DROBETA-TURNU SEVERIN, Cartier Crisan, nr.45, bl.V3, sc1, ap 8, MEHEDINTI county, but Popescu Aurelia was never identified/found there. I was adopted at the age of 1 year and 8 months from the CRAIOVA Children's Cradle and I want so much to find out who my mother and my biological relatives are. Please help me with these steps. I greatly appreciate all the support and help of each of you. Please DISTRIBUTE as many as possible until I find my mother.
My Romanian name was MURARETU GEORGE, I was born on 08.08.1989 in TIRGU CARBUNESTI, Gorj county. In June 1991 I arrived at the orphanage of Calarasi. I am looking for my biological mother, then called TURBATU Maria, born in DARABANI, Botosani County. Her mother lived with her mother, TURBATU GRIATA in Unirea, Calarasi County. At the orphanage where I lived until adoption, I had an older brother like me. I have no information about him and where he may be now. I really want to find my relatives in Romania. Please DISTRIBUTE my ad as much as possible, also if it can be distributed in several Facebook groups in Gorj, Botosani and Calarasi counties. I greatly appreciate any help and support in seeking my family. Prayers!
My Romanian name was MURARETU GEORGE, I was born on 08.08.1989 in TIRGU CARBUNESTI, Gorj county. In June 1991 I arrived at the orphanage of Calarasi. I am looking for my biological mother, then called TURBATU Maria, born in DARABANI, Botosani County. Her mother lived with her mother, TURBATU GRIATA in Unirea, Calarasi County. At the orphanage where I lived until adoption, I had an older brother like me. I have no information about him and where he may be now. I really want to find my relatives in Romania. Please DISTRIBUTE my ad as much as possible, also if it can be distributed in several Facebook groups in Gorj, Botosani and Calarasi counties. I greatly appreciate any help and support in seeking my family. Prayers!
My Romanian name was DURAC LUMINITA, I was born in BUZAU on September 1, 1988. I was adopted at the age of two and a half, directly from the orphanage. I don't know exactly how old I was in the orphanage and how much time I spent there. As a souvenir from Romania, I have this flowered scarf. I don't know if it belonged to my mother or was given to me when someone left the orphanage. I kept together all these years, to constantly remind me of my Romanian lands and roots. Now I am looking for my biological mother, then called DURAC. I am in possession of my adoption documents but unfortunately my mother's name is not registered. An entire social survey was conducted on her behalf, but other personal information such as age, first name, address are not mentioned. That is why I hope to use social networks and this page dedicated to adopted children in Romania. Maybe that's how I'll be able to find my biological family. Please DISTRIBUTE my ad a lot. I hope to be seen by all families with the name DURAC, wherever they are in the country or abroad. I really appreciate any help, support and beautiful thoughts !!
My Romanian name was DURAC LUMINITA, I was born in BUZAU on September 1, 1988. I was adopted at the age of two and a half, directly from the orphanage. I don't know exactly how old I was in the orphanage and how much time I spent there. As a souvenir from Romania, I have this flowered scarf. I don't know if it belonged to my mother or was given to me when someone left the orphanage. I kept together all these years, to constantly remind me of my Romanian lands and roots. Now I am looking for my biological mother, then called DURAC. I am in possession of my adoption documents but unfortunately my mother's name is not registered. An entire social survey was conducted on her behalf, but other personal information such as age, first name, address are not mentioned. That is why I hope to use social networks and this page dedicated to adopted children in Romania. Maybe that's how I'll be able to find my biological family. Please DISTRIBUTE my ad a lot. I hope to be seen by all families with the name DURAC, wherever they are in the country or abroad. I really appreciate any help, support and beautiful thoughts !!
My name is VLAICU CRISTINA. I was born on October 13, 1984, in the city of CRAIOVA. At the age of 3 months I was adopted by a wonderful family from DRAGOTESTI, Dolj County. Unfortunately, now both my parents are dead. I really want to find my parents who have my life, as well as brothers, sisters and relatives. I know that the parents' names are CALOTA GEORGETA and CALOTA ION from COTOFENI village, Dolj county. At that time I had a brother and a sister, I guess older than me. Finding them would bring me immense peace of mind. If anyone knows my relatives, please send me a comment or in private on this page. Please DISTRIBUTE my ad, hoping that I will find all the answers to my questions about my past. Thank you very much!!
My name is VLAICU CRISTINA. I was born on October 13, 1984, in the city of CRAIOVA. At the age of 3 months I was adopted by a wonderful family from DRAGOTESTI, Dolj County. Unfortunately, now both my parents are dead. I really want to find my parents who have my life, as well as brothers, sisters and relatives. I know that the parents' names are CALOTA GEORGETA and CALOTA ION from COTOFENI village, Dolj county. At that time I had a brother and a sister, I guess older than me. Finding them would bring me immense peace of mind. If anyone knows my relatives, please send me a comment or in private on this page. Please DISTRIBUTE my ad, hoping that I will find all the answers to my questions about my past. Thank you very much!!
Greetings from ALASKA !! I was adopted from Romania and for some time I was looking for my biological family. Through some acquaintances I found out about this wonderful page dedicated to us, the adopted children from Romania and without any hesitation I also wrote to help find my relatives. Soon my ad was made public and immediately began to be widely distributed. THANK YOU all for your prayers and beautiful thoughts, as well as for all your help and support. I found my biological family from BALACITA, Mehedinti County. I can't wait to meet each of them !! With much love, VARZARU Monica Sorina xx
Greetings from ALASKA !! I was adopted from Romania and for some time I was looking for my biological family. Through some acquaintances I found out about this wonderful page dedicated to us, the adopted children from Romania and without any hesitation I also wrote to help find my relatives. Soon my ad was made public and immediately began to be widely distributed. THANK YOU all for your prayers and beautiful thoughts, as well as for all your help and support. I found my biological family from BALACITA, Mehedinti County. I can't wait to meet each of them !! With much love, VARZARU Monica Sorina xx
Greetings from MASSACHUSETTS !! I was born in the city of BUZAU on July 16, 1996 with the name of DUMITRESCU MIRADIA. A few months later I was admitted to the orphanage and from here, in March 1997, I was adopted by my wonderful family. I am looking for my biological mother, DUMITRESCU LUMINITA, about 50 years old. My adoption documents show two different addresses for her: the first on I.H. Radulescu, no. 23, to the DURAC Manda family, and the second one, as if he lived in cohabitation in MARACINENI locality, Buzau county. These documents also mention that my mother had three children, two raised by her, and probably me, the third. 10 years ago, I also found here in America, an adopted sister, a year older than me. In our adoption documents, the name of our biological mother is identical, as is the fact that we are from Buzau. We really want to find our mother and the rest of our family in Romania. Please help us a lot !! SHARE our ad in as many groups as possible and with all your friends. Thank you very much!
Greetings from MASSACHUSETTS !! I was born in the city of BUZAU on July 16, 1996 with the name of DUMITRESCU MIRADIA. A few months later I was admitted to the orphanage and from here, in March 1997, I was adopted by my wonderful family. I am looking for my biological mother, DUMITRESCU LUMINITA, about 50 years old. My adoption documents show two different addresses for her: the first on I.H. Radulescu, no. 23, to the DURAC Manda family, and the second one, as if he lived in cohabitation in MARACINENI locality, Buzau county. These documents also mention that my mother had three children, two raised by her, and probably me, the third. 10 years ago, I also found here in America, an adopted sister, a year older than me. In our adoption documents, the name of our biological mother is identical, as is the fact that we are from Buzau. We really want to find our mother and the rest of our family in Romania. Please help us a lot !! SHARE our ad in as many groups as possible and with all your friends. Thank you very much!
Happy New Year! My name is NAGY ELISABETA ANDREEA, I am 22 years old and I was born on 31.01.1997 in MURES county. I'm looking for my biological parents, NAGY ELISABETA and NAGY AUGUSTIN. I don't have much information about my past. I only know that I was taken from DGASPC MURES when I was one year and two months old. Until I was 18, I grew up in a good maternal family and then started my own family. I am the mother of a beautiful 3-year-old girl, Sofia - the wonder of my life. I want so badly to find my biological family. I heard that I also had two brothers, I don't know anything about them either, please help me. DISTRIBUTE my ad as much as possible, maybe now, at the beginning of the new year, I will find them !!! Thank you very, very, very much ...
Happy New Year! My name is NAGY ELISABETA ANDREEA, I am 22 years old and I was born on 31.01.1997 in MURES county. I'm looking for my biological parents, NAGY ELISABETA and NAGY AUGUSTIN. I don't have much information about my past. I only know that I was taken from DGASPC MURES when I was one year and two months old. Until I was 18, I grew up in a good maternal family and then started my own family. I am the mother of a beautiful 3-year-old girl, Sofia - the wonder of my life. I want so badly to find my biological family. I heard that I also had two brothers, I don't know anything about them either, please help me. DISTRIBUTE my ad as much as possible, maybe now, at the beginning of the new year, I will find them !!! Thank you very, very, very much ...
Hello, everyone! My name is MOLDOVAN CRISTIAN and I was born on 13th of April 1996 in Timisoara. I was never adopted, but all my life I was in the child protection system, living in different areas of County Timis. I really want to meet the parents who gave me life, to find out if I have other brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts and cousins. In the same time, I wonder about my past and I would like to find aswers about it. These answers would bring me more piece of mind and would alow me to go on with my life. I don't have more information. I only know that when I was born my mother's name was MOLDOVAN OTILIA. Please share my post so it could reach my mother and my family now before the winter holidays. Thank you in advance and I wish you Holy and Happy Holidays!!! Loredana Nisioi
Hello, everyone! My name is MOLDOVAN CRISTIAN and I was born on 13th of April 1996 in Timisoara. I was never adopted, but all my life I was in the child protection system, living in different areas of County Timis. I really want to meet the parents who gave me life, to find out if I have other brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts and cousins. In the same time, I wonder about my past and I would like to find aswers about it. These answers would bring me more piece of mind and would alow me to go on with my life. I don't have more information. I only know that when I was born my mother's name was MOLDOVAN OTILIA. Please share my post so it could reach my mother and my family now before the winter holidays. Thank you in advance and I wish you Holy and Happy Holidays!!! Loredana Nisioi
We are twin sisters adopted together, our romanian names are EUGENIA and CARMEN. We are looking for our biological family. We were adopted by an amazing family from Cyprus. Before we were adopted, we lived at the Orphanage Nr. 1 from BUCURESTI. We have some adoption documents, but the information are very confusing. Our surname was DUMITRU, but the name of our biological parents was PETROIU Vasile and Lucretia. We are asking for the help of all the people that are reading our post, please share, and maybe in this way we will succed to find out who we are, where we are coming from, who is our biological family and if we have other brothers and sisters. Finding out these information means a lot for us. When we were adopted we were almost 10 years old. We have lots of memories about the past years spent in Romania, but nothing about who gave us life..
We are twin sisters adopted together, our romanian names are EUGENIA and CARMEN. We are looking for our biological family. We were adopted by an amazing family from Cyprus. Before we were adopted, we lived at the Orphanage Nr. 1 from BUCURESTI. We have some adoption documents, but the information are very confusing. Our surname was DUMITRU, but the name of our biological parents was PETROIU Vasile and Lucretia. We are asking for the help of all the people that are reading our post, please share, and maybe in this way we will succed to find out who we are, where we are coming from, who is our biological family and if we have other brothers and sisters. Finding out these information means a lot for us. When we were adopted we were almost 10 years old. We have lots of memories about the past years spent in Romania, but nothing about who gave us life..
My name is SAGANAI HEVIS MELEK, I am 23 years old and I was born on 28.02.1996, in County CONSTANTA. I am looking for my biological family. I was adopted from CONSTANTA County Hospital when I was a newborn and I was raised by my adoptive parents till I was 14 years old. After my adoptive parents died, I was placed in the Fair Play orphanage by my foster grandmother. This is where I lived till I was 18 years old. I hope with all my soul to find my biological mother. I wonder if I have brothers, sisters... My mother's name has ABDULA GHIULTEN. When I was born, my mother named me ABDULA ELIS. I really want to meet my mother, to find out what happened then...I have thousants of questions. Please share my post, maybe someone knows my family! Thank you to everyone! God bless you!
My name is SAGANAI HEVIS MELEK, I am 23 years old and I was born on 28.02.1996, in County CONSTANTA. I am looking for my biological family. I was adopted from CONSTANTA County Hospital when I was a newborn and I was raised by my adoptive parents till I was 14 years old. After my adoptive parents died, I was placed in the Fair Play orphanage by my foster grandmother. This is where I lived till I was 18 years old. I hope with all my soul to find my biological mother. I wonder if I have brothers, sisters... My mother's name has ABDULA GHIULTEN. When I was born, my mother named me ABDULA ELIS. I really want to meet my mother, to find out what happened then...I have thousants of questions. Please share my post, maybe someone knows my family! Thank you to everyone! God bless you!
My name before adoption was MORARU GARIELA. I was born in BACAU, on 22nd of March 1983. When I was 1 year and 8 months old, I was adopted by an amazing family from Brasov. I had a beautiful and accomplished childhood, but I always felt like something was missing, my biological family, my mother and my sister which I was told about during the past years. My biological mother's name is MORARU ANA, originally from URECHESTI, county Bacau. My adoptive parents met my mother in Rasnov, where she was taking care of an old woman. I was told that I had an younger sister who was in the same orphanage as me, in Bacau. Her name was Gabriela, as well. Please share my post that I hope to get to my mother or one of my siblings or a close relative. Thank you in advance for all your help and support!
My name before adoption was MORARU GARIELA. I was born in BACAU, on 22nd of March 1983. When I was 1 year and 8 months old, I was adopted by an amazing family from Brasov. I had a beautiful and accomplished childhood, but I always felt like something was missing, my biological family, my mother and my sister which I was told about during the past years. My biological mother's name is MORARU ANA, originally from URECHESTI, county Bacau. My adoptive parents met my mother in Rasnov, where she was taking care of an old woman. I was told that I had an younger sister who was in the same orphanage as me, in Bacau. Her name was Gabriela, as well. Please share my post that I hope to get to my mother or one of my siblings or a close relative. Thank you in advance for all your help and support!
I am looking for my mother, MUNTEANU MARIA ( the black and white photo on the left ), she would now be around 65/66 years old. Numere meu a fost MUNTEANU DIANA CORNELIA. I was born on the 25th of February 1981 in BAIA DE ARAMA, co. MEHEDINTI. Since small i was left in the care of a wonderful family from Frecatei, co. Braila. My mother used to visit and contribute to my upbringing until i was 9, after that I never heard of her. I want to know what happened, if she is still alive or she has a new life. I want to know her or at least know about her. My mother, MUNTEANU MARIA worked as a geologist at the Rare Metals Institute in Bucharest and she originally is from LIESTI, co. GALATI. I really appreciate any information regarding my mother and my relatives. Please SHARE, surely someone on social media knows my family. Thank you very much!
I am looking for my mother, MUNTEANU MARIA ( the black and white photo on the left ), she would now be around 65/66 years old. Numere meu a fost MUNTEANU DIANA CORNELIA. I was born on the 25th of February 1981 in BAIA DE ARAMA, co. MEHEDINTI. Since small i was left in the care of a wonderful family from Frecatei, co. Braila. My mother used to visit and contribute to my upbringing until i was 9, after that I never heard of her. I want to know what happened, if she is still alive or she has a new life. I want to know her or at least know about her. My mother, MUNTEANU MARIA worked as a geologist at the Rare Metals Institute in Bucharest and she originally is from LIESTI, co. GALATI. I really appreciate any information regarding my mother and my relatives. Please SHARE, surely someone on social media knows my family. Thank you very much!
Today was a special day for me! I woke up to the wonderful news that my mother was found. I could barely contain my emotions. Immediately we had a video call. It felt unreal, like i was in a dream but this dream was becoming more and more real. For the first time i heard my mothers voice and saw her face, i knew in an instant it was her! We were both very happy, we cried and we laughed together. I can not wait to hug her! Thank you everyone for your help and your support. You are great!
Today was a special day for me! I woke up to the wonderful news that my mother was found. I could barely contain my emotions. Immediately we had a video call. It felt unreal, like i was in a dream but this dream was becoming more and more real. For the first time i heard my mothers voice and saw her face, i knew in an instant it was her! We were both very happy, we cried and we laughed together. I can not wait to hug her! Thank you everyone for your help and your support. You are great!
Hello everyone! I was born in Cluj Napoca on the 22th of July 1090. my name was GABOR BERTA. The first 10 months of my life were spent in a pediatric hospital and then I was adopted by my wonderful American parents. I have a great fulfilled life in Florida but still something is missing; something crucial to me: my origins, my background and my biological family…I need to know where do I come from, who gave me life and if I have any siblings. Please help me find my Romanian parents: father GABOR ALADAR and mother BARCSA CORNELIA. Back then my mother was underage and she lived with my father in GADALIN, JUCU, co. Cluj Napoca. Please SHARE as much as you can and hopefully to will reach my relatives. Thank you very much!
Hello everyone! I was born in Cluj Napoca on the 22th of July 1090. my name was GABOR BERTA. The first 10 months of my life were spent in a pediatric hospital and then I was adopted by my wonderful American parents. I have a great fulfilled life in Florida but still something is missing; something crucial to me: my origins, my background and my biological family…I need to know where do I come from, who gave me life and if I have any siblings. Please help me find my Romanian parents: father GABOR ALADAR and mother BARCSA CORNELIA. Back then my mother was underage and she lived with my father in GADALIN, JUCU, co. Cluj Napoca. Please SHARE as much as you can and hopefully to will reach my relatives. Thank you very much!
My Romanian name was PETRARIU SIMONA IZABELA and i was born on the 24th of January 1992 in co. Brasov. At the age of 3 i was adopted in Canada by a wonderful family. I am in search of my biological mother, my brother and all of my relatives. On the left in the photo is my mother, my brother and I on the day of my adoption, in June 1995. I don’t know my mothers or my brothers first name, only the surname that should be the same as mine, PETRARIU. Please, everyone that sees this post SHARE, maybe my family will see it. I wish to know them so much! Thank you very much!
My Romanian name was PETRARIU SIMONA IZABELA and i was born on the 24th of January 1992 in co. Brasov. At the age of 3 i was adopted in Canada by a wonderful family. I am in search of my biological mother, my brother and all of my relatives. On the left in the photo is my mother, my brother and I on the day of my adoption, in June 1995. I don’t know my mothers or my brothers first name, only the surname that should be the same as mine, PETRARIU. Please, everyone that sees this post SHARE, maybe my family will see it. I wish to know them so much! Thank you very much!
We are the brothers and the biological mother of the girl adopted from Snagov. We wish to thank everyone here that last night got involved in looking for us. In just a few minutes after the post our Facebook profiles were identified and in less than 2 hours we had a video call with our wonderful girl. It was the best day of our life! Words cannot express our joy! We hoped and dreamed for years of this moment, our family reunited! Thank you from the bottom of our hearts to everyone involved, we cannot wait to have her in our arms.
We are the brothers and the biological mother of the girl adopted from Snagov. We wish to thank everyone here that last night got involved in looking for us. In just a few minutes after the post our Facebook profiles were identified and in less than 2 hours we had a video call with our wonderful girl. It was the best day of our life! Words cannot express our joy! We hoped and dreamed for years of this moment, our family reunited! Thank you from the bottom of our hearts to everyone involved, we cannot wait to have her in our arms.
I was born in Bucharest on the 27th of november 1998. I lived with my biological family for the first 3 weeks then i was moved to the orphanage in Snagov, co. Ilfov. At 8 months old I was adopted by a kind and loving family in the United States. My romanian name was SANDU ROXANA VALENTINA. My strong wish is to find my entire biological family, especially my mother SANDU FANICA. Now she would be around 41 - 42 years old. The top, left photo is of my mother. In 2015 I came to Romania and I visited my place of birth. I really hoped I could meet and hug my mother but unfortunately it wasn’t meant to be. The people that knew my mother didn’t know exactly in what country she had emigrated, some thought maybe Spain or Italy. During my visit I met Mrs. Irina, a kind person that looked after me in the orphanage. It was a very moving visit even though i didn’t meet any of my relatives. I’m hoping that, with your help, i will be able to find my mother, siblings and relatives. Please everyone that is a member of Spain and Italy Facebook groups SHARE my post in as many as you can. I believe this is my only chance of finding my mother through the help of many kindhearted people that want to help me! Thank you all so much!
I was born in Bucharest on the 27th of november 1998. I lived with my biological family for the first 3 weeks then i was moved to the orphanage in Snagov, co. Ilfov. At 8 months old I was adopted by a kind and loving family in the United States. My romanian name was SANDU ROXANA VALENTINA. My strong wish is to find my entire biological family, especially my mother SANDU FANICA. Now she would be around 41 - 42 years old. The top, left photo is of my mother. In 2015 I came to Romania and I visited my place of birth. I really hoped I could meet and hug my mother but unfortunately it wasn’t meant to be. The people that knew my mother didn’t know exactly in what country she had emigrated, some thought maybe Spain or Italy. During my visit I met Mrs. Irina, a kind person that looked after me in the orphanage. It was a very moving visit even though i didn’t meet any of my relatives. I’m hoping that, with your help, i will be able to find my mother, siblings and relatives. Please everyone that is a member of Spain and Italy Facebook groups SHARE my post in as many as you can. I believe this is my only chance of finding my mother through the help of many kindhearted people that want to help me! Thank you all so much!
Thank you so much to all those that helped and support me to find my father and my biological brothers.Unfortunately,my father died as well 5 years ago.He wished and hoped until his last breath to find me but it wasn't meant to be...I am sure,that both of my parents,now together in Heaven,are happy that I found the way back home to my brothers in Romania.I have 4 wonderful brothers,we've start knowing each other and I hope it won't be long until the moment we will actually meet in person.I found as well a picture of my mother,a dream came true!Thank you so much for sharing and for the lovely thoughts!May God rest their souls in peace!
Thank you so much to all those that helped and support me to find my father and my biological brothers.Unfortunately,my father died as well 5 years ago.He wished and hoped until his last breath to find me but it wasn't meant to be...I am sure,that both of my parents,now together in Heaven,are happy that I found the way back home to my brothers in Romania.I have 4 wonderful brothers,we've start knowing each other and I hope it won't be long until the moment we will actually meet in person.I found as well a picture of my mother,a dream came true!Thank you so much for sharing and for the lovely thoughts!May God rest their souls in peace!
My Romanian name used to be ARGINT MARIANA,born in Bucharest in December 1986.Unfortunately,my biological mother,PURCAREA IOANA,died in may 1988, a year and a half after my birth.In 1991 I was adopted by a lovely family from France.I am looking for my father,ARGINT AUREL.Last known address of his,at the moment of my adoption,was Resita Street,Nr 21,Bucharest.I wish so much to find my father to find out if i have any brothers or sisters and to ask him if he has any photo of my mother.I ask you please share my post and maybe this big dream of mine will come true.Thank you so much for all the help and support.I hope my post will finally get to my father and all my relatives from Romania.
My Romanian name used to be ARGINT MARIANA,born in Bucharest in December 1986.Unfortunately,my biological mother,PURCAREA IOANA,died in may 1988, a year and a half after my birth.In 1991 I was adopted by a lovely family from France.I am looking for my father,ARGINT AUREL.Last known address of his,at the moment of my adoption,was Resita Street,Nr 21,Bucharest.I wish so much to find my father to find out if i have any brothers or sisters and to ask him if he has any photo of my mother.I ask you please share my post and maybe this big dream of mine will come true.Thank you so much for all the help and support.I hope my post will finally get to my father and all my relatives from Romania.
Greetings from Alabama.I was born in Sibiu on the 19th of September 1990.When I was 9 months old i was adopted by a lovely American family.My Romanian name used to be TIGLAR ALINA ANA-MARIA.I want so much to find my mother and my biological family and i hope with your help to succeed.My mother should be now about 45 years old and her name is TIGLAR MARIA.Finding and getting to know her would mean so much to me.Please share my post hoping that someone in my family will see it.Thank you
Greetings from Alabama.I was born in Sibiu on the 19th of September 1990.When I was 9 months old i was adopted by a lovely American family.My Romanian name used to be TIGLAR ALINA ANA-MARIA.I want so much to find my mother and my biological family and i hope with your help to succeed.My mother should be now about 45 years old and her name is TIGLAR MARIA.Finding and getting to know her would mean so much to me.Please share my post hoping that someone in my family will see it.Thank you
After years and years of searching,finally these 4 sisters were reunited!The first step was made by Andreea,who was adopted in Malta.After a short time she got in touch with 2 other sisters in Romania.They started then to look for the forth one who was adopted in Spain.Today, Iuliana,the girl that was adopted in Spain,got here hoping that she will find her biological family.
After years and years of searching,finally these 4 sisters were reunited!The first step was made by Andreea,who was adopted in Malta.After a short time she got in touch with 2 other sisters in Romania.They started then to look for the forth one who was adopted in Spain.Today, Iuliana,the girl that was adopted in Spain,got here hoping that she will find her biological family.
Adopted brother in America and the adopted sister in Italy met and hugged recently for the first time !! They spent a few days together and fully enjoyed the beautiful reunion. Thank you to everyone involved in these beautiful and exciting life stories !!! ♥ ️ The announcement of the young woman adopted in Italy, in search of the biological family from Olt County. The story of the adoptive mother from America, visiting Romania and Italy to meet the biological families of her adopted sons story.php? story_fbid = & id = 1068806209811923 3595352110490641
Adopted brother in America and the adopted sister in Italy met and hugged recently for the first time !! They spent a few days together and fully enjoyed the beautiful reunion. Thank you to everyone involved in these beautiful and exciting life stories !!! ♥ ️ The announcement of the young woman adopted in Italy, in search of the biological family from Olt County. The story of the adoptive mother from America, visiting Romania and Italy to meet the biological families of her adopted sons story.php? story_fbid = & id = 1068806209811923 3595352110490641
I am the adoptive mother of 2 wonderful boys adopted from Romania, FLORIN CLAUDIU MELCIC, born in Corabia in 1995, and ALEX ZOLTAN ASZLATI, born in SATU Mare in 2000. At the start of April, I have found this Facebook page, and, without hesitation, I asked for help in finding their biological families. Right after submitting the information I was told that there is also a young woman, adopted in Italy, who is looking for her birth family. She is the biological sister of our son Florin. It followed the contact between brothers, with a joy hard to describe. Several days later I have found the family of my son adopted from Satu Mare, such excitement and joy! Finding both families brought to us such peace! Now, finally, we know the past and the roots of our children. Seeing the beautiful connections between our sons and their families, we started organising our visits in Romania and Italy. Now we are here, with their families, living moments that neither us, nor our children, will ever forget! We would like to thank to this page, to the wonderful people behind it and to everyone that stands beside them and help! All of you are changing destinies and make dreams come true! You have all our respect! God bless you and help you to see through many more beautiful reunions!
I am the adoptive mother of 2 wonderful boys adopted from Romania, FLORIN CLAUDIU MELCIC, born in Corabia in 1995, and ALEX ZOLTAN ASZLATI, born in SATU Mare in 2000. At the start of April, I have found this Facebook page, and, without hesitation, I asked for help in finding their biological families. Right after submitting the information I was told that there is also a young woman, adopted in Italy, who is looking for her birth family. She is the biological sister of our son Florin. It followed the contact between brothers, with a joy hard to describe. Several days later I have found the family of my son adopted from Satu Mare, such excitement and joy! Finding both families brought to us such peace! Now, finally, we know the past and the roots of our children. Seeing the beautiful connections between our sons and their families, we started organising our visits in Romania and Italy. Now we are here, with their families, living moments that neither us, nor our children, will ever forget! We would like to thank to this page, to the wonderful people behind it and to everyone that stands beside them and help! All of you are changing destinies and make dreams come true! You have all our respect! God bless you and help you to see through many more beautiful reunions!
I was adopted in Norway and now I am looking for my birth family in Romania. My name was KARMEN ISTOK and I was born on 29th of November 1994 in TARGU MURES. My mother’s name is MARIA ISTOK and she was 33 years old. In my adoption documents is stated that she was living at 37 Sarateni street, Sovata, Mures county. Back then I had 2 brothers, 6 years old and 8 years old. I really want to find them and to keep in touch with them. It would be a dream come true to find them.I want that this add to reach my birthplace, Sovata, as there is a big chance that my family is still living there. Please SHARE my add in your Facebook groups, maybe this way I can reach my mother and brothers faster. Thank you very much!
I was adopted in Norway and now I am looking for my birth family in Romania. My name was KARMEN ISTOK and I was born on 29th of November 1994 in TARGU MURES. My mother’s name is MARIA ISTOK and she was 33 years old. In my adoption documents is stated that she was living at 37 Sarateni street, Sovata, Mures county. Back then I had 2 brothers, 6 years old and 8 years old. I really want to find them and to keep in touch with them. It would be a dream come true to find them.I want that this add to reach my birthplace, Sovata, as there is a big chance that my family is still living there. Please SHARE my add in your Facebook groups, maybe this way I can reach my mother and brothers faster. Thank you very much!
GREETINGS FROM SPAIN! 2 years ago, with the help of many beautiful people from here, I have found my birth mother in PRAHOVA county. The most beautiful reunion followed! I am adopted from Romania in Spain and now I am looking for my father. My name was SABRINA VIOLETA DIMA, born on 9th of January 1997 in PLOIESTI, PRAHOVA county. These is the information that I have about my father: name VIOREL HURMUZ, born in PLOIESTI on 8th of October 1972. I also know that his parent’s names are ALEXANDRA and VASILE HURMUZ, and that my father has 2 more siblings, GEORGE and VALENTINA. I really want to find him too! Please SHARE my add, maybe here is where I am going to manage to find the other half of my soul! Thank you for all the help and support!
GREETINGS FROM SPAIN! 2 years ago, with the help of many beautiful people from here, I have found my birth mother in PRAHOVA county. The most beautiful reunion followed! I am adopted from Romania in Spain and now I am looking for my father. My name was SABRINA VIOLETA DIMA, born on 9th of January 1997 in PLOIESTI, PRAHOVA county. These is the information that I have about my father: name VIOREL HURMUZ, born in PLOIESTI on 8th of October 1972. I also know that his parent’s names are ALEXANDRA and VASILE HURMUZ, and that my father has 2 more siblings, GEORGE and VALENTINA. I really want to find him too! Please SHARE my add, maybe here is where I am going to manage to find the other half of my soul! Thank you for all the help and support!
GREETINGS FROM AMERICA! I was adopted from Romania and now I am looking for my biological family. I was born in TANDAREI, IALOMITA county, on 31st of March 1991. I am looking for my birth parents, STADIAN SPIRACHE and ALEXANDRINA MARIN. Before my adoption I was transferred in GIURGIU county, from where I left with my new family. In my documents it is mentioned also STEFANESTI from GIURGIU county, where probably my adoption process has started. I wish to know my Romanian roots, to know from where I am coming and who gave me life. For me, finding my family would be like a dream come true. Please SHARE my add, especially in as many Facebook groups and pages as you can. Maybe there is someone who knows my biological family. Thank you.
GREETINGS FROM AMERICA! I was adopted from Romania and now I am looking for my biological family. I was born in TANDAREI, IALOMITA county, on 31st of March 1991. I am looking for my birth parents, STADIAN SPIRACHE and ALEXANDRINA MARIN. Before my adoption I was transferred in GIURGIU county, from where I left with my new family. In my documents it is mentioned also STEFANESTI from GIURGIU county, where probably my adoption process has started. I wish to know my Romanian roots, to know from where I am coming and who gave me life. For me, finding my family would be like a dream come true. Please SHARE my add, especially in as many Facebook groups and pages as you can. Maybe there is someone who knows my biological family. Thank you.
GREETINGS FROM WATERFORD, IRELAND! I was adopted from DAMBOVITA county, ROMANIA, when I was one and a half years old. My beautiful family and I are looking for my biological family. My Romanian name is STEFAN IONITA and I was born in PUCIOASA on 26th of April 1989. My mother’s name is ELENA IONITA, my father is unknown. At the time of my adoption my mother had another 7 children, and life was really hard. Recently, I found this online community and I decided, without hesitation, to write and ask for help in finding my family. Straight away I received an answer with the confirmation that my case is known in the community. 3 years ago, a Romanian cousin of mine, who lives in Italy, wrote to this page, asking for me. At this time, we are waiting am answer to the text we have sent her. Also, we have spoken to one of my cousin’s acquaintance, who told me that several of my biological brothers have been adopted, including my brother Marius, adopted in Liverpool, GB. Apparently, Marius has contacted the biological family a while back. I am looking forward to getting in contact with him, as well as with my mother and the rest of my brothers. Please share this post, maybe someone in PUCIOASA knows them and can take me straight to them. Shout out to my brothers, who are also adopted from Romania! I cannot wait to find you and get to know each one of you! Thank you very much!
GREETINGS FROM WATERFORD, IRELAND! I was adopted from DAMBOVITA county, ROMANIA, when I was one and a half years old. My beautiful family and I are looking for my biological family. My Romanian name is STEFAN IONITA and I was born in PUCIOASA on 26th of April 1989. My mother’s name is ELENA IONITA, my father is unknown. At the time of my adoption my mother had another 7 children, and life was really hard. Recently, I found this online community and I decided, without hesitation, to write and ask for help in finding my family. Straight away I received an answer with the confirmation that my case is known in the community. 3 years ago, a Romanian cousin of mine, who lives in Italy, wrote to this page, asking for me. At this time, we are waiting am answer to the text we have sent her. Also, we have spoken to one of my cousin’s acquaintance, who told me that several of my biological brothers have been adopted, including my brother Marius, adopted in Liverpool, GB. Apparently, Marius has contacted the biological family a while back. I am looking forward to getting in contact with him, as well as with my mother and the rest of my brothers. Please share this post, maybe someone in PUCIOASA knows them and can take me straight to them. Shout out to my brothers, who are also adopted from Romania! I cannot wait to find you and get to know each one of you! Thank you very much!
My Romanian name was TUDORACHE GABRIELA, born on June 6, 1999 in Bucharest. I'm looking for my mother and my whole biological family. I have very little information, but I hope this will be enough to find my Romanian roots. My mother's name was TUDORACHE ELISABETA, probably from sector 2 Bucharest, where my birth was registered. I lived in the house of a foster carer, with a lady named Anisoara, and her English-speaking daughters. In this house I think there was another boy in the placement, named Robert. I was adopted on June 6, 2000 by a wonderful, very loving and understanding American family. Although I had a very beautiful childhood and I never missed anything, I always missed the family I am looking for. I don't know what my mother looks like, but I guess she looks a lot like me. I can't wait to see her face, to know who she is, how she is and to tell me what happened in the past. Please all people who see my ad SHARE IT. Maybe that's how I get to my biological mother !! Thank you all from the bottom of my heart !!!
My Romanian name was TUDORACHE GABRIELA, born on June 6, 1999 in Bucharest. I'm looking for my mother and my whole biological family. I have very little information, but I hope this will be enough to find my Romanian roots. My mother's name was TUDORACHE ELISABETA, probably from sector 2 Bucharest, where my birth was registered. I lived in the house of a foster carer, with a lady named Anisoara, and her English-speaking daughters. In this house I think there was another boy in the placement, named Robert. I was adopted on June 6, 2000 by a wonderful, very loving and understanding American family. Although I had a very beautiful childhood and I never missed anything, I always missed the family I am looking for. I don't know what my mother looks like, but I guess she looks a lot like me. I can't wait to see her face, to know who she is, how she is and to tell me what happened in the past. Please all people who see my ad SHARE IT. Maybe that's how I get to my biological mother !! Thank you all from the bottom of my heart !!!
Greetings to all!! I am MUNTEANU FLORIN and I was born on December 20, 1986 in TURNU MAGURELE, TELEORMAN county. I have never met my mother, nor the two brothers and sister, but I really want to find them. In my birth certificate, my mother is named MAICAN FLORINA; my father's name was MUNTEANU IONEL, deceased. Together, my parents would have lived in BRASOV County for a while. I also found out that my mother remarried under the name LINCAN and is now around 51 years old. My sister would be called MUNTEANU IONELA and I don't know her brother's name. Please SHARE my ad so I can get to know my biological family. Thanks in advance to everyone who can help me get in touch with them !!
Greetings to all!! I am MUNTEANU FLORIN and I was born on December 20, 1986 in TURNU MAGURELE, TELEORMAN county. I have never met my mother, nor the two brothers and sister, but I really want to find them. In my birth certificate, my mother is named MAICAN FLORINA; my father's name was MUNTEANU IONEL, deceased. Together, my parents would have lived in BRASOV County for a while. I also found out that my mother remarried under the name LINCAN and is now around 51 years old. My sister would be called MUNTEANU IONELA and I don't know her brother's name. Please SHARE my ad so I can get to know my biological family. Thanks in advance to everyone who can help me get in touch with them !!
HOME to my beautiful biological sisters in Romania !! We truly thank all those who made this wonderful meeting possible !!! In the middle photo is my sister Simona, then I Grainne in white, Nicoleta and Elena.
HOME to my beautiful biological sisters in Romania !! We truly thank all those who made this wonderful meeting possible !!! In the middle photo is my sister Simona, then I Grainne in white, Nicoleta and Elena.
GREETINGS FROM GERMANY! At the age of 2 and a half I was adopted by a wonderful family, very faithful and loving. Together we lived in the city of TIMISOARA, where I was born on October 10, 1999, but I have been living in Germany for some time. My name before adoption was TOMA ELENA. I really want to find my biological family! I know that my mother's name was TOMA MARIANA, and my father's name is unknown. I also know that my mother was born in PETROSANI, Hunedoara County and that I probably have 3 more brothers. I am 20 years old and I always knew I was adopted. I always wanted to know where I came from, who gave me life, what my mother and brothers look like. It is a huge desire to find them, almost impossible to explain. I hope, with the help of everyone here, that I will fulfill this great dream. You are all a heavenly hand and you can work miracles for many of the adopted children like me, which is why I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your help and support. As in most cases here, a simple DISTRIBUTION can lead directly to the biological family !! I look forward to hearing from you !! I wish you a blessed day! Sincerely, Elena xx
GREETINGS FROM GERMANY! At the age of 2 and a half I was adopted by a wonderful family, very faithful and loving. Together we lived in the city of TIMISOARA, where I was born on October 10, 1999, but I have been living in Germany for some time. My name before adoption was TOMA ELENA. I really want to find my biological family! I know that my mother's name was TOMA MARIANA, and my father's name is unknown. I also know that my mother was born in PETROSANI, Hunedoara County and that I probably have 3 more brothers. I am 20 years old and I always knew I was adopted. I always wanted to know where I came from, who gave me life, what my mother and brothers look like. It is a huge desire to find them, almost impossible to explain. I hope, with the help of everyone here, that I will fulfill this great dream. You are all a heavenly hand and you can work miracles for many of the adopted children like me, which is why I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your help and support. As in most cases here, a simple DISTRIBUTION can lead directly to the biological family !! I look forward to hearing from you !! I wish you a blessed day! Sincerely, Elena xx
I was born on June 10, 1996, in the city of FALTICENI, Suceava County, Romania. My name was CHIHAIA DRAGOS ALEXANDRU. My adoption documents show that very soon after the birth I came into the care of the Romanian state until I was adopted in Florida, USA at the age of two.I am looking for my biological mother, CHIHAIA MIHAELA, now 46 years old. years. At that time, my mother lived in the country, in a locality in Suceava, with her parents and two younger brothers. He finished high school and stayed home for a while helping the family around the house. After my birth, the whole family moved to another part of the country, an unknown location, far from the orphanage where I lived. My mother's footprint has been lost since she gave birth to me and she was discharged without me. I beg all of you who read these lines not to judge my mother !! He certainly had a very difficult situation and probably did not have anyone's support. I want so much to find her, to know her, to hear her voice, to give her a big hug and to tell her how much I thought about her. Please do this for me !! Help me find my mother !!! A single DISTRIBUTION can lead directly to it. Thank you from the bottom of my heart !!!
I was born on June 10, 1996, in the city of FALTICENI, Suceava County, Romania. My name was CHIHAIA DRAGOS ALEXANDRU. My adoption documents show that very soon after the birth I came into the care of the Romanian state until I was adopted in Florida, USA at the age of two.I am looking for my biological mother, CHIHAIA MIHAELA, now 46 years old. years. At that time, my mother lived in the country, in a locality in Suceava, with her parents and two younger brothers. He finished high school and stayed home for a while helping the family around the house. After my birth, the whole family moved to another part of the country, an unknown location, far from the orphanage where I lived. My mother's footprint has been lost since she gave birth to me and she was discharged without me. I beg all of you who read these lines not to judge my mother !! He certainly had a very difficult situation and probably did not have anyone's support. I want so much to find her, to know her, to hear her voice, to give her a big hug and to tell her how much I thought about her. Please do this for me !! Help me find my mother !!! A single DISTRIBUTION can lead directly to it. Thank you from the bottom of my heart !!!
We are the adoptive parents of these two wonderful adopted children from ARAD, Romania. We really want to find their biological families. Our son's name was SERBAN CIPRIAN, and our daughter PIRVAN DENISA MARIANA, both born in 1997. We are looking for the boy's mother, SERBAN MARIA and the girl's mother, PIRVAN CLAUDIA MINODORA. It would be a great joy for all of us if we succeed in finding these two mothers who have given us the greatest blessings in this life, our children. We ask for help from all the people who read these lines. Please DISTRIBUTE our ad in as many groups, pages and with all friends as possible !! Thank you in advance and we can't wait for news from ARAD, Romania !! We warmly embrace you from Wisconsin, USA !!!
We are the adoptive parents of these two wonderful adopted children from ARAD, Romania. We really want to find their biological families. Our son's name was SERBAN CIPRIAN, and our daughter PIRVAN DENISA MARIANA, both born in 1997. We are looking for the boy's mother, SERBAN MARIA and the girl's mother, PIRVAN CLAUDIA MINODORA. It would be a great joy for all of us if we succeed in finding these two mothers who have given us the greatest blessings in this life, our children. We ask for help from all the people who read these lines. Please DISTRIBUTE our ad in as many groups, pages and with all friends as possible !! Thank you in advance and we can't wait for news from ARAD, Romania !! We warmly embrace you from Wisconsin, USA !!!
Just a few hours after my ad was published here, I FOUND MY FAMILY !!! I just couldn't believe it !!! I can't tell you how many times I looked at my biological mother's face in this photo with me and my adoptive mother, it was all I was 28 years old !! So did my biological family have the same photo all this time ... When I found out that my family was found, I couldn't concentrate at work anymore, I had to go out, somehow gather, to find the courage and strength to take the next step. It was two hours hard to describe, then the video call with my whole family followed. I laughed, I cried and I was happy with them, it was magical !! I told them how much I love them, how much I thought about them ... my mother kissed me very sweetly directly on the screen in front of me !! They all cried, they told me that in their souls, they never gave up on me, that they dreamed of me and that they prayed continually for me; they searched for me constantly, even through desperate calls to Romanian televisions… THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart to everyone who helped me find my family !!! An adopted child has an immense need to know his roots, to know what happened then, who they are and how their parents, siblings, relatives are. This way we will be able to know ourselves better, and the destined road will be much easier and blessed !!! I hug you dearly, Michael
Just a few hours after my ad was published here, I FOUND MY FAMILY !!! I just couldn't believe it !!! I can't tell you how many times I looked at my biological mother's face in this photo with me and my adoptive mother, it was all I was 28 years old !! So did my biological family have the same photo all this time ... When I found out that my family was found, I couldn't concentrate at work anymore, I had to go out, somehow gather, to find the courage and strength to take the next step. It was two hours hard to describe, then the video call with my whole family followed. I laughed, I cried and I was happy with them, it was magical !! I told them how much I love them, how much I thought about them ... my mother kissed me very sweetly directly on the screen in front of me !! They all cried, they told me that in their souls, they never gave up on me, that they dreamed of me and that they prayed continually for me; they searched for me constantly, even through desperate calls to Romanian televisions… THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart to everyone who helped me find my family !!! An adopted child has an immense need to know his roots, to know what happened then, who they are and how their parents, siblings, relatives are. This way we will be able to know ourselves better, and the destined road will be much easier and blessed !!! I hug you dearly, Michael
Hello from Canada! I was adopted from Romania and for some time I am looking for my biological family. I really hope that I will find them because that's what I have always wanted. I have some of my adoption documents in Romanian and lately, with a bit of help, I obtained some useful information about my biological family. My Romanian name was Serban Ilie and I was born in County Arges on the 21st of May 1991. My biological father is called Serban Viorel from Malureni, County Arges and my biological mother is called Serban Maria from Tigveni, County Arges. I was adopted shortly after birth because my family was very poor back then and they had another 3 children to care for. They were living in Tigveni at the time of my adoption. It was a really good decision that they had to take for my benefit and I really respect them for it. I really want to find them and thank them personally, tell them how much me and my adopting family appreciate that they wanted me to have a better life. I am also excited to meet my siblings, I always prayed that they are all safe and well. Please share my post, I'm sure I will get to them one day. I already have some clues that they are a well known family in County Arges.
Hello from Canada! I was adopted from Romania and for some time I am looking for my biological family. I really hope that I will find them because that's what I have always wanted. I have some of my adoption documents in Romanian and lately, with a bit of help, I obtained some useful information about my biological family. My Romanian name was Serban Ilie and I was born in County Arges on the 21st of May 1991. My biological father is called Serban Viorel from Malureni, County Arges and my biological mother is called Serban Maria from Tigveni, County Arges. I was adopted shortly after birth because my family was very poor back then and they had another 3 children to care for. They were living in Tigveni at the time of my adoption. It was a really good decision that they had to take for my benefit and I really respect them for it. I really want to find them and thank them personally, tell them how much me and my adopting family appreciate that they wanted me to have a better life. I am also excited to meet my siblings, I always prayed that they are all safe and well. Please share my post, I'm sure I will get to them one day. I already have some clues that they are a well known family in County Arges.
Hello from Maine, SUA My Romanian name was Lungu Claudiu Andrei, at the age of only 10 months old I was adopted from Suceava orphanage by an amazing family! I was born on the 20th December 1997 in Suceava. I am looking for any information about my biological family. My biological mother was called Lungu Lidia, father unknown. After a while, my mother married a gentleman called Bidirel Stefan and they probably lived in Patrauti County Suceava until 2005 when we believe they moved to Spain. I would like to ask everyone here to help me please. Maybe even with a simple share of my post, in Romania or Spain and someone that knows me or my biological family will see it. Maybe they are looking for me! Thank you from the bottom of my heart and I'll be waiting for some news!
Hello from Maine, SUA My Romanian name was Lungu Claudiu Andrei, at the age of only 10 months old I was adopted from Suceava orphanage by an amazing family! I was born on the 20th December 1997 in Suceava. I am looking for any information about my biological family. My biological mother was called Lungu Lidia, father unknown. After a while, my mother married a gentleman called Bidirel Stefan and they probably lived in Patrauti County Suceava until 2005 when we believe they moved to Spain. I would like to ask everyone here to help me please. Maybe even with a simple share of my post, in Romania or Spain and someone that knows me or my biological family will see it. Maybe they are looking for me! Thank you from the bottom of my heart and I'll be waiting for some news!
Today I turn 37! More than ever, I have a need to find my mother, to know how she is, where I am coming from and if I have any siblings. To find my entire family will mean EVERYTHING for me! It is my biggest life dream and sadly, not yet fulfilled.I would love so much to give a big hug to my mother, to tell her how much I missed her and how hard it has been to not know how she looks like.. My birth name was BIRO LILI and I was born in 31st of July 1982, in Sangerul de Padure, county Mures. I do not know my mother's name but I am so hopeful that someone can help me to find answers to my questions. Thank you in advance.
Today I turn 37! More than ever, I have a need to find my mother, to know how she is, where I am coming from and if I have any siblings. To find my entire family will mean EVERYTHING for me! It is my biggest life dream and sadly, not yet fulfilled.I would love so much to give a big hug to my mother, to tell her how much I missed her and how hard it has been to not know how she looks like.. My birth name was BIRO LILI and I was born in 31st of July 1982, in Sangerul de Padure, county Mures. I do not know my mother's name but I am so hopeful that someone can help me to find answers to my questions. Thank you in advance.
Greetings! I am looking for my biological family! My name is Angela and I have been adopted in Canada. My birth name was COSNITA MIHAELA VASILICA and I was born on 29th of December 1997, in Constanta, Romania. For a short time, my mother took care of me in the hospital, but then, I was transferred to an orphanage in Constanta and later on to a maternal assistant. I really want to meet my biological family because I know very well the reason why I could not grow up with them. My biological mother's name is COSNITA MONICA and my father's name is COSNITA ROMEO. During the abandon time, my parents were going thru a divorce. Recently, I reached out to Romanian authorities for adoptions and I have been told that my mother is no longer living to a known address and no one is aware where she is living now. They could not tell me her last address. Another piece of information from Romanian authorities was that my father passed away in 2004. His death is registered in Horia, Neamt county. I have been told I have 4 siblings. If anyone knows my mother, my siblings or any relatives on my father side, please reach out to me on this page! I would love to find them so much! Please DISTRIBUTE my message! Thank you in advance for support and I am sharing big hugs with you all!
Greetings! I am looking for my biological family! My name is Angela and I have been adopted in Canada. My birth name was COSNITA MIHAELA VASILICA and I was born on 29th of December 1997, in Constanta, Romania. For a short time, my mother took care of me in the hospital, but then, I was transferred to an orphanage in Constanta and later on to a maternal assistant. I really want to meet my biological family because I know very well the reason why I could not grow up with them. My biological mother's name is COSNITA MONICA and my father's name is COSNITA ROMEO. During the abandon time, my parents were going thru a divorce. Recently, I reached out to Romanian authorities for adoptions and I have been told that my mother is no longer living to a known address and no one is aware where she is living now. They could not tell me her last address. Another piece of information from Romanian authorities was that my father passed away in 2004. His death is registered in Horia, Neamt county. I have been told I have 4 siblings. If anyone knows my mother, my siblings or any relatives on my father side, please reach out to me on this page! I would love to find them so much! Please DISTRIBUTE my message! Thank you in advance for support and I am sharing big hugs with you all!
My name is ALEXANDRU ELENA, I am 29 years old and I was born in Poland, Warsaw. My biological mother is MICULESCU CONSTANTA and my father's name is ALEXANDRU ADRIAN. Both of them are today around 60 years old. I know I have 8 brothers and sisters. I do remember that my oldest sister is Diana (I think she is 35 years old) and I have a brother called Alexandru. Our youngest brothers are twins. I was adopted in Italy when I was 10 years and a half. Till I reached this age I lived in an orphanage in OSTROVENI, Ramnicu Valcea. I am searching to locate my entire family, parents, brothers and sisters and to build my life story and give them all a big warm hug. If anyone knows my family, please help me find them. It will mean the world to me. I wish you all the best in the world and all your wishes to come true and along with yours mine too!
My name is ALEXANDRU ELENA, I am 29 years old and I was born in Poland, Warsaw. My biological mother is MICULESCU CONSTANTA and my father's name is ALEXANDRU ADRIAN. Both of them are today around 60 years old. I know I have 8 brothers and sisters. I do remember that my oldest sister is Diana (I think she is 35 years old) and I have a brother called Alexandru. Our youngest brothers are twins. I was adopted in Italy when I was 10 years and a half. Till I reached this age I lived in an orphanage in OSTROVENI, Ramnicu Valcea. I am searching to locate my entire family, parents, brothers and sisters and to build my life story and give them all a big warm hug. If anyone knows my family, please help me find them. It will mean the world to me. I wish you all the best in the world and all your wishes to come true and along with yours mine too!
Greetings! I am hoping you call help me! My name is ROMAN VALENTIN IONUT, I am 24 years old and I live in CONSTANTA, Romania. From the bottom of my heart, I wish I can find my mother who I have not seen for 20 years. Her name is RUSU ELENA an all I know is that she was born in TARGU BUJOR, Galati county. My grandparents names are RUSU MIHAIL si RUSU GHERGHINA, but they passed away. I found out that my mum's parents sold the house in TARGU BUJOR, Galati county and they moved in VALCELELE, Constanta county. My mother's brothers and sisters are RUSU GHEORGHE, RUSU ION, RUSU IONUT, RUSU NICOLETA and RUSU LUMINITA. From a previous marriage, my mother had another son, Cuciac Razvan Cristian , my older brother and after divorce she married my father Roman Vasile, before I was born. In all these years, I have been thinking of her and I want so much to meet her, but so far I could not find her. I am hopeful and count on your support and I want to thank you all for all help you will give me!
Greetings! I am hoping you call help me! My name is ROMAN VALENTIN IONUT, I am 24 years old and I live in CONSTANTA, Romania. From the bottom of my heart, I wish I can find my mother who I have not seen for 20 years. Her name is RUSU ELENA an all I know is that she was born in TARGU BUJOR, Galati county. My grandparents names are RUSU MIHAIL si RUSU GHERGHINA, but they passed away. I found out that my mum's parents sold the house in TARGU BUJOR, Galati county and they moved in VALCELELE, Constanta county. My mother's brothers and sisters are RUSU GHEORGHE, RUSU ION, RUSU IONUT, RUSU NICOLETA and RUSU LUMINITA. From a previous marriage, my mother had another son, Cuciac Razvan Cristian , my older brother and after divorce she married my father Roman Vasile, before I was born. In all these years, I have been thinking of her and I want so much to meet her, but so far I could not find her. I am hopeful and count on your support and I want to thank you all for all help you will give me!
GREETINGS FROM NORWAY !! Some time ago, I was lucky enough to find my biological family here, through this Facebook community. It was a wonderful experience, hard to put into words !! Lots of wonderful people distributed my ad until it reached the family. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart !! We have visited each other several times since then and we have a great relationship! My Romanian name was BRATIMA MARINELA IULIANA, born in ARAD, in December 1994. I was hospitalized at the children's home in Arad. In this orphanage a very nice and kind lady took care of me until I left for Norway. I really want to find the lady in the photo below where she is with me in the orphanage in Arad. I think her name was Alina BUMB. I would so much like to meet her and thank her for everything she has done for me !! Please DISTRIBUTE my ad !!
GREETINGS FROM NORWAY !! Some time ago, I was lucky enough to find my biological family here, through this Facebook community. It was a wonderful experience, hard to put into words !! Lots of wonderful people distributed my ad until it reached the family. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart !! We have visited each other several times since then and we have a great relationship! My Romanian name was BRATIMA MARINELA IULIANA, born in ARAD, in December 1994. I was hospitalized at the children's home in Arad. In this orphanage a very nice and kind lady took care of me until I left for Norway. I really want to find the lady in the photo below where she is with me in the orphanage in Arad. I think her name was Alina BUMB. I would so much like to meet her and thank her for everything she has done for me !! Please DISTRIBUTE my ad !!
Greetings from Canada !! My Romanian name was ZOLTAN IOANA RUXANDRA, born on November 23, 1985 in Alba Iulia, the birth being registered at the Municipal City Hall. I am looking for my biological parents, my father ZOLTAN IOAN and my mother, ZOLTAN ELISABETA. I was hospitalized at the Auxiliary School in S NCRAI, Alba County. This is also where I was adopted by my wonderful Canadian family at the age of five and a half. Please help me find my biological family! I hope to succeed after my announcement. Every DISTRIBUTION is extremely important !! Thank you very much!!
Greetings from Canada !! My Romanian name was ZOLTAN IOANA RUXANDRA, born on November 23, 1985 in Alba Iulia, the birth being registered at the Municipal City Hall. I am looking for my biological parents, my father ZOLTAN IOAN and my mother, ZOLTAN ELISABETA. I was hospitalized at the Auxiliary School in S NCRAI, Alba County. This is also where I was adopted by my wonderful Canadian family at the age of five and a half. Please help me find my biological family! I hope to succeed after my announcement. Every DISTRIBUTION is extremely important !! Thank you very much!!
Greetings to all! I have been following this Facebook community page for some time and I am impressed by the number of young people who want to discover their roots. I too was adopted by a wonderful family from Constanta. Now that I am a mother, I also want to know with all my heart those who gave me life, I want to know if I still have brothers, sisters, cousins, if my grandparents are still alive, etc. Before the adoption, my name was VARNAVICI MELANIA and I was born on 09. 01. 1988 in Rosetti, Tulcea County. I was adopted from the cradle of Babadag. In my adoption documents it is written that my mother's name is VARNAVICI MAVRA and my father's name is VARNAVICI MACAR. They were from the commune of C. A. Rosetti, TULCEA county. Please SHARE my message to reach my home family. Thank you in advance and I remain grateful for all the help.
Greetings to all! I have been following this Facebook community page for some time and I am impressed by the number of young people who want to discover their roots. I too was adopted by a wonderful family from Constanta. Now that I am a mother, I also want to know with all my heart those who gave me life, I want to know if I still have brothers, sisters, cousins, if my grandparents are still alive, etc. Before the adoption, my name was VARNAVICI MELANIA and I was born on 09. 01. 1988 in Rosetti, Tulcea County. I was adopted from the cradle of Babadag. In my adoption documents it is written that my mother's name is VARNAVICI MAVRA and my father's name is VARNAVICI MACAR. They were from the commune of C. A. Rosetti, TULCEA county. Please SHARE my message to reach my home family. Thank you in advance and I remain grateful for all the help.
Greetings from LUXEMBOURG! My twin sister and I were adopted together at the age of 3 months. We were born on November 1, 1990, in MEDIAS, SIBIU County. Our Romanian names were: MARCU DANIELA and MARCU FLORINA. We come from a large family, with 7 or 9 other biological brothers, born before us. We really want to meet them. We also want to meet our parents: MARCU MARIANA / MARINA and MARCU CALMAN / KALMAN. We love our wonderful adoptive family very much but we feel the need to know our past as well! We hope with the help of all those who follow this page to find our biological family too !! Please DISTRIBUTE our ad and thank you all in advance !!
Greetings from LUXEMBOURG! My twin sister and I were adopted together at the age of 3 months. We were born on November 1, 1990, in MEDIAS, SIBIU County. Our Romanian names were: MARCU DANIELA and MARCU FLORINA. We come from a large family, with 7 or 9 other biological brothers, born before us. We really want to meet them. We also want to meet our parents: MARCU MARIANA / MARINA and MARCU CALMAN / KALMAN. We love our wonderful adoptive family very much but we feel the need to know our past as well! We hope with the help of all those who follow this page to find our biological family too !! Please DISTRIBUTE our ad and thank you all in advance !!
I was adopted by a wonderful family who took great care of me. I am grateful to the parents for all the sacrifices made !! Today, I am a mature person and I want to know those who gave me life. I want to know if I still have brothers, sisters and other relatives. In other words, I want to discover my Romanian roots. At birth, my name was BARAGOI IZABELA, born on February 11, 1991 in Buzau. My mother's name was BARAGOI MARIANA and she lived on 55 ORIZONTULUI Street in Buzau with her mother (my grandmother) Baragoi Manona. Please SHARE my add to meet those who gave me life. Thank you for all the help.
I was adopted by a wonderful family who took great care of me. I am grateful to the parents for all the sacrifices made !! Today, I am a mature person and I want to know those who gave me life. I want to know if I still have brothers, sisters and other relatives. In other words, I want to discover my Romanian roots. At birth, my name was BARAGOI IZABELA, born on February 11, 1991 in Buzau. My mother's name was BARAGOI MARIANA and she lived on 55 ORIZONTULUI Street in Buzau with her mother (my grandmother) Baragoi Manona. Please SHARE my add to meet those who gave me life. Thank you for all the help.
This is my biological family, I recently found them very quickly through this Facebook community page. I am very grateful to you for helping me find my mother and my whole family. Many thanks to all those who distributed my ad here. Thanks to Adrian who wrote a letter to the mayor's office in SIMAND, thanks also to the translator Veronica and all the other people who helped me fulfill this great dream . We saw each other this morning via Facebook and I am very grateful. This joy will be complete soon because I will come to visit them. I hug you all dearly !!
This is my biological family, I recently found them very quickly through this Facebook community page. I am very grateful to you for helping me find my mother and my whole family. Many thanks to all those who distributed my ad here. Thanks to Adrian who wrote a letter to the mayor's office in SIMAND, thanks also to the translator Veronica and all the other people who helped me fulfill this great dream . We saw each other this morning via Facebook and I am very grateful. This joy will be complete soon because I will come to visit them. I hug you all dearly !!
A warm greeting to all! My name is FRAINIUC IOANA, born on August 6, 1990, in BRAILA and to this day I have not been able to find my biological family. After I was born, I was transferred to the Placement Center no. 6 from VIDIN where I lived until I was 18 years old. After reaching this age, I tried to find my parents, but without success. The biological mother's name is FRAINIUC MARGARETA, and I don't know her father's name. My mother is from LACUL SARAC VECHI from Braila county. Now I am in Spain where I have created a better life and my own family. The past has not been easy for me but now I feel fulfilled. I would love to find my parents and find out if I still have brothers and sisters. Knowing the story of my biological family would be a beautiful dream! Thank you very much for any little help I hope with all my heart! I really ask you to DISTRIBUTE my ad !!
A warm greeting to all! My name is FRAINIUC IOANA, born on August 6, 1990, in BRAILA and to this day I have not been able to find my biological family. After I was born, I was transferred to the Placement Center no. 6 from VIDIN where I lived until I was 18 years old. After reaching this age, I tried to find my parents, but without success. The biological mother's name is FRAINIUC MARGARETA, and I don't know her father's name. My mother is from LACUL SARAC VECHI from Braila county. Now I am in Spain where I have created a better life and my own family. The past has not been easy for me but now I feel fulfilled. I would love to find my parents and find out if I still have brothers and sisters. Knowing the story of my biological family would be a beautiful dream! Thank you very much for any little help I hope with all my heart! I really ask you to DISTRIBUTE my ad !!
Greetings from France! I am also one of the young people adopted from Romania in France after the 1990s. I really want to know my Romanian roots. At birth I was called CIRPACI MARIUS GABRIEL, born on 20. 01. 1996 in Arad. My mother was 17 when she gave birth to me and after taking me home probably for lack of what I needed to grow up, she left me at the orphanage in Arad. Her name was CIRPACI SIDA and she lived in SIMAND, Arad County. Today he would be around 40 years old. I really want to find her, to know if I still have brothers, sisters, cousins, uncles, etc. Please SHARE my ad so that I can fulfill this dream. Thank you very much and I embrace you all!
Greetings from France! I am also one of the young people adopted from Romania in France after the 1990s. I really want to know my Romanian roots. At birth I was called CIRPACI MARIUS GABRIEL, born on 20. 01. 1996 in Arad. My mother was 17 when she gave birth to me and after taking me home probably for lack of what I needed to grow up, she left me at the orphanage in Arad. Her name was CIRPACI SIDA and she lived in SIMAND, Arad County. Today he would be around 40 years old. I really want to find her, to know if I still have brothers, sisters, cousins, uncles, etc. Please SHARE my ad so that I can fulfill this dream. Thank you very much and I embrace you all!
I was born in CONSTANTA on January 9, 1993. My name was PAUN IONUT. Shortly after the birth, I was adopted by a wonderful family from my hometown. I always wanted to find my mother and biological relatives. I recently came across this page where a lot of adopted children like me start looking for their families. I tried too! As soon as my announcement was made public, I received a lot of messages and comments. In a few hours, thanks to many wonderful people, I found my mother !! Thank you all for all the help !!
I was born in CONSTANTA on January 9, 1993. My name was PAUN IONUT. Shortly after the birth, I was adopted by a wonderful family from my hometown. I always wanted to find my mother and biological relatives. I recently came across this page where a lot of adopted children like me start looking for their families. I tried too! As soon as my announcement was made public, I received a lot of messages and comments. In a few hours, thanks to many wonderful people, I found my mother !! Thank you all for all the help !!
GREETINGS FROM AUSTRALIA !! I was adopted in 1999, from ZALAU, at the age of two. Together with my wonderful adoptive family we want to look for relatives in Romania. Today I am the mother of a beautiful 6-year-old girl and more than ever I need to know my Romanian roots. In 2005 I received this photo of my biological mother with one of my brothers. My birth name was BANCIU CLAUDIA and my biological mother, BANCIU LUCRETIA. I also know that I have other brothers and sisters: LACATUS Andrei and LACATUS Galatian, also BANCIU Bianca, Florina and Claudiu. We really want to find them and get to know them all. Please help us find them. DISTRIBUTE our ad here in large numbers! We look forward to hearing from you !!
GREETINGS FROM AUSTRALIA !! I was adopted in 1999, from ZALAU, at the age of two. Together with my wonderful adoptive family we want to look for relatives in Romania. Today I am the mother of a beautiful 6-year-old girl and more than ever I need to know my Romanian roots. In 2005 I received this photo of my biological mother with one of my brothers. My birth name was BANCIU CLAUDIA and my biological mother, BANCIU LUCRETIA. I also know that I have other brothers and sisters: LACATUS Andrei and LACATUS Galatian, also BANCIU Bianca, Florina and Claudiu. We really want to find them and get to know them all. Please help us find them. DISTRIBUTE our ad here in large numbers! We look forward to hearing from you !!
GREETINGS from France! I call once again for your help to find my biological family in Romania !! "My name before adoption was NICOLAE IONUT. I was born on 12. 04. 1992, in TULCEA. I was adopted in France by a very loving family. Now I am also a parent and I want very much "I know those who gave me life. I also want to know if I have brothers and sisters and to know them. Maybe I still have cousins ​​and grandparents are still alive. My mother's name was NICOLAE JENICA at the time of the adoption." My adoption is written that she lived in Harsova - IAS precinct, Constanta County.In the pictures below I am a child and now I and my family.The other photos are from the Center for preschool children where I was institutionalized. please SHARE my message and thank you in advance to everyone who can help me! "
GREETINGS from France! I call once again for your help to find my biological family in Romania !! "My name before adoption was NICOLAE IONUT. I was born on 12. 04. 1992, in TULCEA. I was adopted in France by a very loving family. Now I am also a parent and I want very much "I know those who gave me life. I also want to know if I have brothers and sisters and to know them. Maybe I still have cousins ​​and grandparents are still alive. My mother's name was NICOLAE JENICA at the time of the adoption." My adoption is written that she lived in Harsova - IAS precinct, Constanta County.In the pictures below I am a child and now I and my family.The other photos are from the Center for preschool children where I was institutionalized. please SHARE my message and thank you in advance to everyone who can help me! "
Greetings from the USA. My Romanian name was JOITA LENUTA and I was born on July 26, 1992 in CAMPULUNG MUSCEL, ARGES County. I have long wanted to meet my biological parents, and I hope that I will succeed here with your help to all. The name of the biological mother was JOITA RODICA from CORBENI commune, ARGES county, (photo below, right). He was about 25 years old at the time of my birth. I have no information about the biological father. I was given to the Children's Home / Swing, Campulung Muscel, immediately after the birth, and I was adopted by two wonderful parents, two years later, in 1994. I would very much like to thank my mother for a second chance at life. and hug her at least once. Please DISTRIBUTE my ad here as much as possible.
Greetings from the USA. My Romanian name was JOITA LENUTA and I was born on July 26, 1992 in CAMPULUNG MUSCEL, ARGES County. I have long wanted to meet my biological parents, and I hope that I will succeed here with your help to all. The name of the biological mother was JOITA RODICA from CORBENI commune, ARGES county, (photo below, right). He was about 25 years old at the time of my birth. I have no information about the biological father. I was given to the Children's Home / Swing, Campulung Muscel, immediately after the birth, and I was adopted by two wonderful parents, two years later, in 1994. I would very much like to thank my mother for a second chance at life. and hug her at least once. Please DISTRIBUTE my ad here as much as possible.
Greetings from Michigan, USA. I was adopted from Romania and now I am looking for my biological family. My name was VOINEA MIHAI, born on August 22, 1997, in GIURGIU. I was adopted by a family that gave me a wonderful life, but something is missing, a big part of my past, the people who gave me life, my siblings and all my biological relatives, the medical history! My mother's name was IONITA ELENA and my father's name, VOINEA VIRGIL. I really want to find and get to know the biological family, to know if I still have brothers, aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, etc. Over the years, I've been thinking about them, and something tells me that they're like me too. I kindly ask you to DISTRIBUTE my ad here, maybe only this way and I will be able to fulfill this great dream !! Thank you all and I look forward to the big news !!!
Greetings from Michigan, USA. I was adopted from Romania and now I am looking for my biological family. My name was VOINEA MIHAI, born on August 22, 1997, in GIURGIU. I was adopted by a family that gave me a wonderful life, but something is missing, a big part of my past, the people who gave me life, my siblings and all my biological relatives, the medical history! My mother's name was IONITA ELENA and my father's name, VOINEA VIRGIL. I really want to find and get to know the biological family, to know if I still have brothers, aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, etc. Over the years, I've been thinking about them, and something tells me that they're like me too. I kindly ask you to DISTRIBUTE my ad here, maybe only this way and I will be able to fulfill this great dream !! Thank you all and I look forward to the big news !!!
Greetings from UK! My birth name was BAITAN CERASELA, born on April 30, 1989. My biological mother's name was BAITAN MARIA, and my father is anonymous. My mother was born in 1967, in Horodniceni, Suceava. I know my parents lived together before they broke up. I lived with my mother for a year, after which I was taken to an orphanage in Resita and then adopted by my wonderful parents, in 1992. I know that I have another sister who is eight years younger than me, BAITAN ANA. The mother's last home was in Bocsa, Caras Severin County. I would very much like to know who my biological father is and to know the family story. I have many unanswered questions and I hope with everyone's help to receive them. If you know these people, please help me. It's amazing to see so many young people in my situation who have found their family with your help. I am left with the hope that I will find my family too and I wish you all the best!
Greetings from UK! My birth name was BAITAN CERASELA, born on April 30, 1989. My biological mother's name was BAITAN MARIA, and my father is anonymous. My mother was born in 1967, in Horodniceni, Suceava. I know my parents lived together before they broke up. I lived with my mother for a year, after which I was taken to an orphanage in Resita and then adopted by my wonderful parents, in 1992. I know that I have another sister who is eight years younger than me, BAITAN ANA. The mother's last home was in Bocsa, Caras Severin County. I would very much like to know who my biological father is and to know the family story. I have many unanswered questions and I hope with everyone's help to receive them. If you know these people, please help me. It's amazing to see so many young people in my situation who have found their family with your help. I am left with the hope that I will find my family too and I wish you all the best!
Hi! I'm asking for your help in finding my biological family. My name was CURELAR ELENA CLAUDIA and I was born on June 16, 1996, in Orastie. At only two months old, I was institutionalized in the Orphanage in Hunedoara, from where in 1998 I was adopted in Toronto, Canada. My mother's name was CURRIAR ADRIANA. I have no other information about her. I have been wanting to find my family for a long time and I came across this page through someone who found his family with your help. I really hope I have this chance too. I call on your help and hope for good news. Thank you!
Hi! I'm asking for your help in finding my biological family. My name was CURELAR ELENA CLAUDIA and I was born on June 16, 1996, in Orastie. At only two months old, I was institutionalized in the Orphanage in Hunedoara, from where in 1998 I was adopted in Toronto, Canada. My mother's name was CURRIAR ADRIANA. I have no other information about her. I have been wanting to find my family for a long time and I came across this page through someone who found his family with your help. I really hope I have this chance too. I call on your help and hope for good news. Thank you!
My name is PERIANU VLAD GABRIEL. I was born on January 17, 1987, in Bucharest. After a while, I was institutionalized in the Children's Home no. 4 from sector 1. I have never met my parents and relatives but I really want to find them to find out what happened then. Their names are: PERIANU ION and PERIANU GEORGETA. I found out that I have 2 more brothers, both placed in foster care, but whom I never met. Their names are PERIANU LAURENTIU DUMITRU and PERIANU RALUCA. Finding all the answers, knowing my parents and siblings have always been part of my dream. I spent all my childhood at the orphanage, I had good days but also less good, as in any institution of this kind. Now all I want, from the bottom of my soul, is to know my origins and family. Please SHARE this message hoping it will reach someone who knows my parents, siblings or a close relative. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the help and support I am sure you will give me !! Many blessings to all !!!
My name is PERIANU VLAD GABRIEL. I was born on January 17, 1987, in Bucharest. After a while, I was institutionalized in the Children's Home no. 4 from sector 1. I have never met my parents and relatives but I really want to find them to find out what happened then. Their names are: PERIANU ION and PERIANU GEORGETA. I found out that I have 2 more brothers, both placed in foster care, but whom I never met. Their names are PERIANU LAURENTIU DUMITRU and PERIANU RALUCA. Finding all the answers, knowing my parents and siblings have always been part of my dream. I spent all my childhood at the orphanage, I had good days but also less good, as in any institution of this kind. Now all I want, from the bottom of my soul, is to know my origins and family. Please SHARE this message hoping it will reach someone who knows my parents, siblings or a close relative. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the help and support I am sure you will give me !! Many blessings to all !!!
Greetings from Italy where I was adopted in 1994. My Romanian name was LULEA CRISTINA and I was born on May 29, 1988, in BUCHAREST. I have been looking for my biological family, which I want to find and embrace for a long time. The full name of my biological parents are: mother, LULEA CONSTANTA and father, LULEA RADU DANIEL. My parents at the time of adoption were 30 years old - my father and 26 years old - mother. I remember that my mother was working in a fruit and vegetable market in Bucharest, Sector 3. My brother, JIPA CONSTANTIN, then 8 years old, was adopted by his grandmother. My parents lived in sector 5 of Bucharest, in Aleea Botorani, no. 8, block V84, staircase 3, floor 8, interior 88, but they have not been found at this address anymore. I appeal to you to be with me during this search. I really want to be able to hug my parents and my brother. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the little help and encouragement that will be given to me!
Greetings from Italy where I was adopted in 1994. My Romanian name was LULEA CRISTINA and I was born on May 29, 1988, in BUCHAREST. I have been looking for my biological family, which I want to find and embrace for a long time. The full name of my biological parents are: mother, LULEA CONSTANTA and father, LULEA RADU DANIEL. My parents at the time of adoption were 30 years old - my father and 26 years old - mother. I remember that my mother was working in a fruit and vegetable market in Bucharest, Sector 3. My brother, JIPA CONSTANTIN, then 8 years old, was adopted by his grandmother. My parents lived in sector 5 of Bucharest, in Aleea Botorani, no. 8, block V84, staircase 3, floor 8, interior 88, but they have not been found at this address anymore. I appeal to you to be with me during this search. I really want to be able to hug my parents and my brother. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the little help and encouragement that will be given to me!
Greetings from Italy! We are two sisters adopted by the same family who want very much to find our Romanian roots. Our name was: BOLDIJAR ANDREEA NICOLETA born on 25. 06. 1993 and BOLDIJAR FLORINA born on 02. 06. 1994. We were both at the GHERLA placement center where we were adopted in 2000. We are looking for our mother, BOLDIJAR MALVINA and my father, BOLDIJAR CONSTANTIN. We know that my mother had tuberculosis when she was pregnant with Florina. We really want to fulfill this dream of knowing our parents, siblings and relatives in Romania. We sincerely ask you to DISTRIBUTE our announcement during the Easter holidays so that it reaches our family in the country. Thank you in advance and we wish you a Happy and Blessed Holidays! HAPPY EASTER!!
Greetings from Italy! We are two sisters adopted by the same family who want very much to find our Romanian roots. Our name was: BOLDIJAR ANDREEA NICOLETA born on 25. 06. 1993 and BOLDIJAR FLORINA born on 02. 06. 1994. We were both at the GHERLA placement center where we were adopted in 2000. We are looking for our mother, BOLDIJAR MALVINA and my father, BOLDIJAR CONSTANTIN. We know that my mother had tuberculosis when she was pregnant with Florina. We really want to fulfill this dream of knowing our parents, siblings and relatives in Romania. We sincerely ask you to DISTRIBUTE our announcement during the Easter holidays so that it reaches our family in the country. Thank you in advance and we wish you a Happy and Blessed Holidays! HAPPY EASTER!!
Hi! My name is MAROCICO RODICA, I was born on March 8, 1989, in Arad. My birth took place at the Gynecological Obstetrics Department of the Hospital in Arad County and later I was transferred to the Children's Cradle, Arad. I was born with a birthmark, a red spot on my eyelid. I was adopted in Switzerland by a wonderful family that I appreciate with all my heart. As for my biological family, I know that my biological mother's name was MAROCICO SANDA and my father is unknown. I always wanted to find my origins, to know who gave me life and to know if I had brothers and sisters. Please share this message with all my heart, hoping it will reach someone who knows my mother! If anyone knows anything about my family, please contact this page. Thank you!
Hi! My name is MAROCICO RODICA, I was born on March 8, 1989, in Arad. My birth took place at the Gynecological Obstetrics Department of the Hospital in Arad County and later I was transferred to the Children's Cradle, Arad. I was born with a birthmark, a red spot on my eyelid. I was adopted in Switzerland by a wonderful family that I appreciate with all my heart. As for my biological family, I know that my biological mother's name was MAROCICO SANDA and my father is unknown. I always wanted to find my origins, to know who gave me life and to know if I had brothers and sisters. Please share this message with all my heart, hoping it will reach someone who knows my mother! If anyone knows anything about my family, please contact this page. Thank you!
Greetings from Canada !! PAUN MARIANA DANIELA was my Romanian name before adoption. I was born on March 30, 1992, in Bucharest and I am the fifth child of the PAUN MARIANA and PAUN IONEL family. My parents were 23 and 24, respectively, when I was born. I was adopted from Orphanage no. 5 in Bucharest. This is all the information I have, but I hope it will be enough to find my biological family. I appeal to you asking you to SHARE my post and THANK YOU for the support you will give me!
Greetings from Canada !! PAUN MARIANA DANIELA was my Romanian name before adoption. I was born on March 30, 1992, in Bucharest and I am the fifth child of the PAUN MARIANA and PAUN IONEL family. My parents were 23 and 24, respectively, when I was born. I was adopted from Orphanage no. 5 in Bucharest. This is all the information I have, but I hope it will be enough to find my biological family. I appeal to you asking you to SHARE my post and THANK YOU for the support you will give me!
My name is TITA GEORGETA, born on August 21, 1998. From the age of 2, together with my twin brother TITA FLORIN I was hospitalized in Constanta and later, I was in the care of social services until the age of 18 ; first I was in the care of nurses in Medgidia and then in a placement center in Constanta. Today we are here in search of our biological family. The biological mother was called PLESCA DIDINA and the biological father TITA MARIN. We really want, with all our hearts, to find our family, at least to know them and if they also want to succeed in creating a relationship. If you know them please do not hesitate to help us. Thank you very much and we wish you good health and peace of mind, which we will find once we find our family!
My name is TITA GEORGETA, born on August 21, 1998. From the age of 2, together with my twin brother TITA FLORIN I was hospitalized in Constanta and later, I was in the care of social services until the age of 18 ; first I was in the care of nurses in Medgidia and then in a placement center in Constanta. Today we are here in search of our biological family. The biological mother was called PLESCA DIDINA and the biological father TITA MARIN. We really want, with all our hearts, to find our family, at least to know them and if they also want to succeed in creating a relationship. If you know them please do not hesitate to help us. Thank you very much and we wish you good health and peace of mind, which we will find once we find our family!
GREETINGS from Michigan, USA .. I was born in ORADEA, Bihor County, Romania. After turning one year old, I was adopted in America by a very good and loving family. I've been looking for my biological mother for a while. At that time she was called LUPU ETELCA and now she is around 51 years old. I don't know exactly if he was from Oradea, or nearby, but I suspect he could be from somewhere in BIHOR county. At birth he called me LUPU DORINA. In September this year I will turn 22 years old. Please, very much, all those who see this ad DISTRIBUTE IT, maybe that's how I will be able to find my family in Romania. There is such a great desire to find out something, to know every little information about them. I really feel the need to know my past and to know the parents who gave me life and the chance for a better life. THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart to all!
GREETINGS from Michigan, USA .. I was born in ORADEA, Bihor County, Romania. After turning one year old, I was adopted in America by a very good and loving family. I've been looking for my biological mother for a while. At that time she was called LUPU ETELCA and now she is around 51 years old. I don't know exactly if he was from Oradea, or nearby, but I suspect he could be from somewhere in BIHOR county. At birth he called me LUPU DORINA. In September this year I will turn 22 years old. Please, very much, all those who see this ad DISTRIBUTE IT, maybe that's how I will be able to find my family in Romania. There is such a great desire to find out something, to know every little information about them. I really feel the need to know my past and to know the parents who gave me life and the chance for a better life. THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart to all!
Greetings from France! I found this page by chance and I want you to help me find my Romanian roots. My name is DOBROMIROVICI DANIEL and I was born on 26. 01. 1991 in Pitesti, Arges county. I was adopted by a very good family in France who took special care of me. Now I want to discover the family in Romania as well. In my adoption documents it is written that my mother's name was DOBROMIROVICI M. FLORICA and she lived at that time on Aleea Voinicilor, Bl. 25 B, Sc A, Ap. 2 from Pitesti. I have been looking for her for a long time because I want to know those who gave me life, I want to know if I still have brothers, sisters, grandchildren, uncles, grandparents ... I am looking forward to hearing the slightest news about my family. Please SHARE my message to reach them. Thank you.
Greetings from France! I found this page by chance and I want you to help me find my Romanian roots. My name is DOBROMIROVICI DANIEL and I was born on 26. 01. 1991 in Pitesti, Arges county. I was adopted by a very good family in France who took special care of me. Now I want to discover the family in Romania as well. In my adoption documents it is written that my mother's name was DOBROMIROVICI M. FLORICA and she lived at that time on Aleea Voinicilor, Bl. 25 B, Sc A, Ap. 2 from Pitesti. I have been looking for her for a long time because I want to know those who gave me life, I want to know if I still have brothers, sisters, grandchildren, uncles, grandparents ... I am looking forward to hearing the slightest news about my family. Please SHARE my message to reach them. Thank you.
REETINGS FROM ITALY !! I'm looking for my BIOLOGICAL parents. I was named FILICA, born on JULY 31, 1993, in BUFTEA, Ilfov County, Romania. At the age of 8 months I was adopted by a very good and loving ITALIAN family. I don't have more information about my biological family, but I really want to find them and find out if I still have brothers or sisters. I beg you, to all those who read my ad here, to DISTRIBUTE it, maybe that's how I will find my Romanian roots. Thank you in advance!
REETINGS FROM ITALY !! I'm looking for my BIOLOGICAL parents. I was named FILICA, born on JULY 31, 1993, in BUFTEA, Ilfov County, Romania. At the age of 8 months I was adopted by a very good and loving ITALIAN family. I don't have more information about my biological family, but I really want to find them and find out if I still have brothers or sisters. I beg you, to all those who read my ad here, to DISTRIBUTE it, maybe that's how I will find my Romanian roots. Thank you in advance!
Greetings from Canada where I was adopted when I was 2 years old. My name at birth was IFRIM CRISTINA and I was born on June 1, 1997 in CALARASI. My mother's name was IFRIM VALENTINA and she was about 20 years old when she gave birth to me. I was abandoned in the hospital and then institutionalized in the Children's Home in Calarasi, from where I was later adopted in 1999. I really want to find my mother and know my origins, which is why I ask for your help in this search. I will appreciate any little help and any DISTRIBUTION for which I thank you with all my heart!
Greetings from Canada where I was adopted when I was 2 years old. My name at birth was IFRIM CRISTINA and I was born on June 1, 1997 in CALARASI. My mother's name was IFRIM VALENTINA and she was about 20 years old when she gave birth to me. I was abandoned in the hospital and then institutionalized in the Children's Home in Calarasi, from where I was later adopted in 1999. I really want to find my mother and know my origins, which is why I ask for your help in this search. I will appreciate any little help and any DISTRIBUTION for which I thank you with all my heart!
Many thanks to everyone who helped me find my family in Romania. Recently I was in the country to meet my mother and relatives, an unforgettable experience !! There are no words to express the emotions and feelings I have past, as if it were not real, as if we were in a dream ... THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart to the admins of this page, to all the people who distributed my ad and especially to the group of volunteers from my hometown Gheorgheni, Red Cross. !!! Many, many hugs from Norway, Erika.
Many thanks to everyone who helped me find my family in Romania. Recently I was in the country to meet my mother and relatives, an unforgettable experience !! There are no words to express the emotions and feelings I have past, as if it were not real, as if we were in a dream ... THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart to the admins of this page, to all the people who distributed my ad and especially to the group of volunteers from my hometown Gheorgheni, Red Cross. !!! Many, many hugs from Norway, Erika.
Hello everyone! I am FALTICEANU MADALINA and I was adopted in Switzerland by a wonderful family. I was born on 16. 12. 1996 in PASCANI, IASI county. Ever since I found out that I was adopted, I have really wanted to meet those who gave me life. I always wondered if I still had brothers, sisters, uncles and aunts. From the adoption documents I found out that my father's name was FALTICEANU CONSTANTIN and my mother's name was FALTICEANU CRISTINA. At the time of adoption, they lived in Pascani. I appeal to everyone who can help me find them. Any news about my roots would bring me great joy. I will come to the country in 3 weeks and the thought that I can meet them makes me believe that my dream can come true. Please DISTRIBUTE my ad to reach my family and relatives. Thank you all!
Hello everyone! I am FALTICEANU MADALINA and I was adopted in Switzerland by a wonderful family. I was born on 16. 12. 1996 in PASCANI, IASI county. Ever since I found out that I was adopted, I have really wanted to meet those who gave me life. I always wondered if I still had brothers, sisters, uncles and aunts. From the adoption documents I found out that my father's name was FALTICEANU CONSTANTIN and my mother's name was FALTICEANU CRISTINA. At the time of adoption, they lived in Pascani. I appeal to everyone who can help me find them. Any news about my roots would bring me great joy. I will come to the country in 3 weeks and the thought that I can meet them makes me believe that my dream can come true. Please DISTRIBUTE my ad to reach my family and relatives. Thank you all!
GREETINGS from France! My name before adoption was NICOLAE IONUT. I was born on 12. 04. 1992, in TULCEA. I was adopted in France by a very loving family. Now I am also a parent and I really want to meet those who gave me life. I also want to know if I have brothers and sisters and get to know them; maybe I still have cousins ​​and my grandparents are still alive. My mother's name was NICOLAE JENICA at the time of her adoption. In my adoption documents it is written that she lived in Harsova - IAS precinct, Constanta County. In the pictures below I am a child and now, I and my family. The other photos are from the Preschool Center where I was institutionalized. Please SHARE my message and thank you in advance to everyone who can help me!
GREETINGS from France! My name before adoption was NICOLAE IONUT. I was born on 12. 04. 1992, in TULCEA. I was adopted in France by a very loving family. Now I am also a parent and I really want to meet those who gave me life. I also want to know if I have brothers and sisters and get to know them; maybe I still have cousins ​​and my grandparents are still alive. My mother's name was NICOLAE JENICA at the time of her adoption. In my adoption documents it is written that she lived in Harsova - IAS precinct, Constanta County. In the pictures below I am a child and now, I and my family. The other photos are from the Preschool Center where I was institutionalized. Please SHARE my message and thank you in advance to everyone who can help me!
My name is BRANDUSAN IRINA MIRABELA, I am 37 years old and I was born in Barlad. I never met my biological father, BRANDUSAN CONSTANTIN - GHEORGHE (currently 62 years old), although I bear his family name. I only know that he lived in SIBIU. Last year I had the courage to look for him at the address where he lived but my neighbors told me that the dance had moved a long time ago and from what I understood the family would live in Germany. My father worked for many years at the Sibiu Printing House. His paternal grandparents are: Brandusan Maria and Brandusan Constantin. From other information I have learned, I know that the father remarried and had other children, whom I would like to meet. I really want to find him, to know him and to create a beautiful relationship with him, if he has the same desire. For this reason I turn to you and I look forward to the help you can give me. Thank you!
My name is BRANDUSAN IRINA MIRABELA, I am 37 years old and I was born in Barlad. I never met my biological father, BRANDUSAN CONSTANTIN - GHEORGHE (currently 62 years old), although I bear his family name. I only know that he lived in SIBIU. Last year I had the courage to look for him at the address where he lived but my neighbors told me that the dance had moved a long time ago and from what I understood the family would live in Germany. My father worked for many years at the Sibiu Printing House. His paternal grandparents are: Brandusan Maria and Brandusan Constantin. From other information I have learned, I know that the father remarried and had other children, whom I would like to meet. I really want to find him, to know him and to create a beautiful relationship with him, if he has the same desire. For this reason I turn to you and I look forward to the help you can give me. Thank you!
GREETINGS FROM MALTA !! My Romanian name was CONSTANTIN MIHAELA, I was born on September 26, 1990 in the city of TARGOVISTE, Dambovita County. I was adopted by a very good and loving Maltese family. Together with my adoptive family, we want to start looking for my biological parents and siblings. We have all the adoption documents and from these it appears that the father's name is CONSTANTIN GHEORGHE and the mother MARIN MARIA. They lived on 15 Tudor Vladimirescu Street in Targoviste. They had two more dependent children aged 2 and 3 and our parents lived in cohabitation. We really want to find them. Please help us with a simple DISTRIBUTION, we hope with all our hearts that our announcement will reach my family and relatives in Romania. Thank you all very much!
GREETINGS FROM MALTA !! My Romanian name was CONSTANTIN MIHAELA, I was born on September 26, 1990 in the city of TARGOVISTE, Dambovita County. I was adopted by a very good and loving Maltese family. Together with my adoptive family, we want to start looking for my biological parents and siblings. We have all the adoption documents and from these it appears that the father's name is CONSTANTIN GHEORGHE and the mother MARIN MARIA. They lived on 15 Tudor Vladimirescu Street in Targoviste. They had two more dependent children aged 2 and 3 and our parents lived in cohabitation. We really want to find them. Please help us with a simple DISTRIBUTION, we hope with all our hearts that our announcement will reach my family and relatives in Romania. Thank you all very much!
"I want to share the joy with you because I found my family. I found my brothers and sisters thanks to the page “The never forgotten Romanian children” Thank God for helping me fulfill this dream !! Thanks to Ileana and Toma for making this possible. For me it is a dream come true. This reality gives me today the strength and energy to continue on my way and to build little by little beautiful things. For two months I became the uncle and godfather of my niece Elena-Florentina. It is an enormous joy that has been given to me, an unexpected gift. Dad who went to heaven before I found my family is watching over us. Knowing him in heaven and that he is our guardian angel I am at peace with myself. I love him so much! ”
"I want to share the joy with you because I found my family. I found my brothers and sisters thanks to the page “The never forgotten Romanian children” Thank God for helping me fulfill this dream !! Thanks to Ileana and Toma for making this possible. For me it is a dream come true. This reality gives me today the strength and energy to continue on my way and to build little by little beautiful things. For two months I became the uncle and godfather of my niece Elena-Florentina. It is an enormous joy that has been given to me, an unexpected gift. Dad who went to heaven before I found my family is watching over us. Knowing him in heaven and that he is our guardian angel I am at peace with myself. I love him so much! ”
At the end of August, last year, I also found this Facebook community page. I just couldn't believe it !! An entire page dedicated to adopted children from Romania and a group of wonderful people who help them find their families. With great emotions I also wrote here ... a few months later, I found my sister !! I never thought it was possible! THANK YOU for existing, for being with us and for understanding how much it means for each adopted child to find Romanian families and roots. With much love, CIBOTARU Cristina and Iuliana "
At the end of August, last year, I also found this Facebook community page. I just couldn't believe it !! An entire page dedicated to adopted children from Romania and a group of wonderful people who help them find their families. With great emotions I also wrote here ... a few months later, I found my sister !! I never thought it was possible! THANK YOU for existing, for being with us and for understanding how much it means for each adopted child to find Romanian families and roots. With much love, CIBOTARU Cristina and Iuliana "
"Thank you from the bottom of my heart for this great miracle - finding my sister after 18 years !!! I have no words to express this immense joy of soul. I never thought it would be possible, but with the help of EVERYONE here, I succeeded! What do on this page is magical. Good luck in the future, to as many and beautiful meetings as possible !! THANK YOU VERY MUCH !! "
"Thank you from the bottom of my heart for this great miracle - finding my sister after 18 years !!! I have no words to express this immense joy of soul. I never thought it would be possible, but with the help of EVERYONE here, I succeeded! What do on this page is magical. Good luck in the future, to as many and beautiful meetings as possible !! THANK YOU VERY MUCH !! "
Greetings from Ohio, USA. My Romanian name was AILIOAIE ANA MARIA. I was born in Bucharest, on April 11, 1991, and I was adopted a few weeks later. I've been looking for my biological mother for a long time. A few years ago I made a request to the National Authority for the Protection of the Rights of the Child and Adoption in Bucharest to ask for help to find my biological family. In the end I was informed that my mother, AILIOAIE DOINITA, could not be found at the address where she is registered. But I suspect that the address is the same as in my adoption documents: Colentina Road, no. 15, Bucharest. Unofficially, I was also told that my mother had married an Italian citizen and was currently living in Germany. Please help me find my mother. Social networks seem to have remained my only hope !! Please DISTRIBUTE my ad in ROMANIA, where I certainly have relatives and also in ITALY, where my mother lived for a while and got married; but also in GERMANY, where it is probably currently located. I can't wait to find her !! I have a lot of respect for her, for the decision she made to make me better. I always think about her and what the reunion between the two of us would be like. And I wonder if I still have brothers and sisters? Thank you very much for your help!
Greetings from Ohio, USA. My Romanian name was AILIOAIE ANA MARIA. I was born in Bucharest, on April 11, 1991, and I was adopted a few weeks later. I've been looking for my biological mother for a long time. A few years ago I made a request to the National Authority for the Protection of the Rights of the Child and Adoption in Bucharest to ask for help to find my biological family. In the end I was informed that my mother, AILIOAIE DOINITA, could not be found at the address where she is registered. But I suspect that the address is the same as in my adoption documents: Colentina Road, no. 15, Bucharest. Unofficially, I was also told that my mother had married an Italian citizen and was currently living in Germany. Please help me find my mother. Social networks seem to have remained my only hope !! Please DISTRIBUTE my ad in ROMANIA, where I certainly have relatives and also in ITALY, where my mother lived for a while and got married; but also in GERMANY, where it is probably currently located. I can't wait to find her !! I have a lot of respect for her, for the decision she made to make me better. I always think about her and what the reunion between the two of us would be like. And I wonder if I still have brothers and sisters? Thank you very much for your help!
My name is STOICESCU DOINA LUMINITA and I am from Braila county. I was adopted at the age of 3 months, in 1966. I come from VULTURU commune, CONSTANTA county. I am looking for my biological mother OLTEANU ORTANTA and my brother SARBU NICOLAE. I have always wanted to meet them and I hope with all my heart that one day, in the near future, I will find them and meet them personally. I recently found this page and I was very happy to see so many beautiful family reunions. I ask everyone here to help me fulfill this great dream of finding my family! DISTRIBUTE, surely someone here knows my family !! Thank you all!!!
My name is STOICESCU DOINA LUMINITA and I am from Braila county. I was adopted at the age of 3 months, in 1966. I come from VULTURU commune, CONSTANTA county. I am looking for my biological mother OLTEANU ORTANTA and my brother SARBU NICOLAE. I have always wanted to meet them and I hope with all my heart that one day, in the near future, I will find them and meet them personally. I recently found this page and I was very happy to see so many beautiful family reunions. I ask everyone here to help me fulfill this great dream of finding my family! DISTRIBUTE, surely someone here knows my family !! Thank you all!!!
My name is IVAN Nicoleta Petruta, I was born in sector 5 in Bucharest on June 28, 1994. My biological mother's name is IVAN Geta and I know that I have other older brothers. I was adopted by an American family who gave me a good life and a lot of love. But I want to know the story of the family of origin and to know my mother and siblings. I hope they want contact with me too. Your unconditional help can be a way to reach out to them, which is why I wholeheartedly appeal to anyone who could help me. Thanks a lot and please SHARE my ad here. Hugs to you all!
My name is IVAN Nicoleta Petruta, I was born in sector 5 in Bucharest on June 28, 1994. My biological mother's name is IVAN Geta and I know that I have other older brothers. I was adopted by an American family who gave me a good life and a lot of love. But I want to know the story of the family of origin and to know my mother and siblings. I hope they want contact with me too. Your unconditional help can be a way to reach out to them, which is why I wholeheartedly appeal to anyone who could help me. Thanks a lot and please SHARE my ad here. Hugs to you all!
We are looking for the family of the adopted young woman, BIRO LILI, born on July 31, 1982, in ALBA IULIA, Alba County. “Shortly after the birth, I was transferred to the orphanage in Targu Mures. In the black and white photo is me when I was adopted by my parents Aurel and Lina. Unfortunately, they have not been alive for many years. I am currently 36 years old, married, have 3 children and settled in the north of Ireland. I want so much to find my biological family! I don't know my biological parents' names, but maybe someone with the BIRO family name recognizes me. Thank you for any little help you can give me and please join me with a DISTRIBUTION of the post, which may reach the person who knows my story. ''
We are looking for the family of the adopted young woman, BIRO LILI, born on July 31, 1982, in ALBA IULIA, Alba County. “Shortly after the birth, I was transferred to the orphanage in Targu Mures. In the black and white photo is me when I was adopted by my parents Aurel and Lina. Unfortunately, they have not been alive for many years. I am currently 36 years old, married, have 3 children and settled in the north of Ireland. I want so much to find my biological family! I don't know my biological parents' names, but maybe someone with the BIRO family name recognizes me. Thank you for any little help you can give me and please join me with a DISTRIBUTION of the post, which may reach the person who knows my story. ''
Greetings from UK! In February 1991 I was adopted from Romania. I've been looking for my biological mother for a while. Her name was OLARIU MARIA, from the municipality or county of BOTOSANI. My name at birth was OLARIU IOAN, I was born in Botosani in October 1989. From my adoption documents it appears that I would have a few older brothers like me. I want to know everyone so much !! It's a big dream that I hope will soon come true: finding my biological family. I want to ask everyone here for help. Maybe with a simple DISTRIBUTION my ad will be seen by someone who knows me or my biological family. Maybe they are looking for me too !! Thank you from the bottom of my heart and I look forward to hearing from you!
Greetings from UK! In February 1991 I was adopted from Romania. I've been looking for my biological mother for a while. Her name was OLARIU MARIA, from the municipality or county of BOTOSANI. My name at birth was OLARIU IOAN, I was born in Botosani in October 1989. From my adoption documents it appears that I would have a few older brothers like me. I want to know everyone so much !! It's a big dream that I hope will soon come true: finding my biological family. I want to ask everyone here for help. Maybe with a simple DISTRIBUTION my ad will be seen by someone who knows me or my biological family. Maybe they are looking for me too !! Thank you from the bottom of my heart and I look forward to hearing from you!
My adoptive family and I call on you to help me find my biological mother. My birth name was CIOBANU Ioana Alexandra and I was born on June 2, 1996 in the maternity hospital in CONSTANTA. My mother's name was CIOBANU Dorina and I was abandoned immediately after birth. At 3 months I was adopted by a family I love very much. For years I didn't want to know anything about my biological mother, but now I also have a little girl and talking a lot with my adoptive mother, I decided to start looking for the one who gave me life. We know it's hard to find, we're not even sure the mother's name on the medical record is true, but with faith in God and your willingness to SHARE this cry for help, I think we'll be successful. I'm a happy man, God has given me given a happy life but I seem to be missing something and I would like to fill that void in my heart by finding my mother. I would like to know if I still have brothers, to know who I look like and what gene I inherit !! Thank you to all those who will help me and God bless you all!
My adoptive family and I call on you to help me find my biological mother. My birth name was CIOBANU Ioana Alexandra and I was born on June 2, 1996 in the maternity hospital in CONSTANTA. My mother's name was CIOBANU Dorina and I was abandoned immediately after birth. At 3 months I was adopted by a family I love very much. For years I didn't want to know anything about my biological mother, but now I also have a little girl and talking a lot with my adoptive mother, I decided to start looking for the one who gave me life. We know it's hard to find, we're not even sure the mother's name on the medical record is true, but with faith in God and your willingness to SHARE this cry for help, I think we'll be successful. I'm a happy man, God has given me given a happy life but I seem to be missing something and I would like to fill that void in my heart by finding my mother. I would like to know if I still have brothers, to know who I look like and what gene I inherit !! Thank you to all those who will help me and God bless you all!
Greetings! I'm looking for my family too. My name is MIHAI EMILIA-ROXANA, I am looking for my parents and my biological brother. I know that their names are: BUCIUMEAN Viorica (mother), MIHAI Traian (father) and MIHAI Robert (brother). I was born in Sector 5 in Bucharest, on July 22, 1987. When I was one month old, I was left with a mother's aunt and later she told me that she was not my mother. I found out that my mother Viorica was 59 years old and I also know that brother Robert is 2 years younger than me. I very much hope to find them through you, to know them and to embrace them. Please SHARE my call and thank you for all your support!
Greetings! I'm looking for my family too. My name is MIHAI EMILIA-ROXANA, I am looking for my parents and my biological brother. I know that their names are: BUCIUMEAN Viorica (mother), MIHAI Traian (father) and MIHAI Robert (brother). I was born in Sector 5 in Bucharest, on July 22, 1987. When I was one month old, I was left with a mother's aunt and later she told me that she was not my mother. I found out that my mother Viorica was 59 years old and I also know that brother Robert is 2 years younger than me. I very much hope to find them through you, to know them and to embrace them. Please SHARE my call and thank you for all your support!
Greetings from Spain! My name was TAMAS SIMONA, born in CLUJ County, on November 15, 1997. As a child, I was institutionalized in a placement center in CLUJ-NAPOCA. My adoption documents show that both parents had a very difficult situation and could not keep me with them. I really want to look for my biological family but I have absolutely no information about them except for the surname TAMAS. If anyone knows my family and my story please do not hesitate to help me. Any DISTRIBUTION of this call may bring me closer to my biological parents whom I want to find and get to know! Thanks to all!
Greetings from Spain! My name was TAMAS SIMONA, born in CLUJ County, on November 15, 1997. As a child, I was institutionalized in a placement center in CLUJ-NAPOCA. My adoption documents show that both parents had a very difficult situation and could not keep me with them. I really want to look for my biological family but I have absolutely no information about them except for the surname TAMAS. If anyone knows my family and my story please do not hesitate to help me. Any DISTRIBUTION of this call may bring me closer to my biological parents whom I want to find and get to know! Thanks to all!
Greetings from France! I'm looking for my biological mother CONDRACHE DORINA. My birth name was CONDRACHE Viorel Marius, born in Bucharest, on December 27, 1989. My mother is now around 47 years old, being born in 1972 in Tecuci, Galati County. My biological mother's parents are named Dumitrache and Ioana. I really want to find her !! I understand that she had a very difficult situation and that she only wanted the best for me, so for me she chose to have a family that could offer me what she would never have succeeded. I am very grateful to him and I really want to tell him that in person. I sincerely hope to find her! Please help me to fulfill this great dream! SHARE my ad and join me with a good thought! Thank you very much!!
Greetings from France! I'm looking for my biological mother CONDRACHE DORINA. My birth name was CONDRACHE Viorel Marius, born in Bucharest, on December 27, 1989. My mother is now around 47 years old, being born in 1972 in Tecuci, Galati County. My biological mother's parents are named Dumitrache and Ioana. I really want to find her !! I understand that she had a very difficult situation and that she only wanted the best for me, so for me she chose to have a family that could offer me what she would never have succeeded. I am very grateful to him and I really want to tell him that in person. I sincerely hope to find her! Please help me to fulfill this great dream! SHARE my ad and join me with a good thought! Thank you very much!!
Greetings from France! My name was STUPARU ALINA GABRIELA. I was born in BABADAG, TULCEA County, on October 31, 1995. I was adopted at the age of two and a half by a very good and loving family. I am looking for my biological mother STUPARU NADIA. I really want to find her and also to meet my brothers and sisters if my mother had other children. I have no information about my father. I really want you to visit Romania in the near future. It would be a great pleasure to meet my whole family on this occasion. Please help me by DISTRIBUTING my message. Maybe the message will reach my hometown and be seen even by my family members. Thank you very much!
Greetings from France! My name was STUPARU ALINA GABRIELA. I was born in BABADAG, TULCEA County, on October 31, 1995. I was adopted at the age of two and a half by a very good and loving family. I am looking for my biological mother STUPARU NADIA. I really want to find her and also to meet my brothers and sisters if my mother had other children. I have no information about my father. I really want you to visit Romania in the near future. It would be a great pleasure to meet my whole family on this occasion. Please help me by DISTRIBUTING my message. Maybe the message will reach my hometown and be seen even by my family members. Thank you very much!
Greetings from Israel !! My name is IONESCU ANCA MARINA, I was born on August 18, 1987, in Campulung Moldovenesc, SUCEAVA County. I know that my biological mother, IONESCU LORENA, died a few years later after my birth, more precisely on March 24, 1990, in the city of Suceava. After the birth, I was transferred to the Children's Home in the George Enescu neighborhood, in Suceava and from there, on March 19, 1990, I was adopted by a very good family from Israel. I really want to find my mother's relatives, and especially if I have, brothers and sisters. I was not recognized by my biological father, but if someone knew my mother and knows her story, she could probably point me to him. Please be with me either DISTRIBUTING this post or helping me with information if you know my biological family. Thank you from my heart!
Greetings from Israel !! My name is IONESCU ANCA MARINA, I was born on August 18, 1987, in Campulung Moldovenesc, SUCEAVA County. I know that my biological mother, IONESCU LORENA, died a few years later after my birth, more precisely on March 24, 1990, in the city of Suceava. After the birth, I was transferred to the Children's Home in the George Enescu neighborhood, in Suceava and from there, on March 19, 1990, I was adopted by a very good family from Israel. I really want to find my mother's relatives, and especially if I have, brothers and sisters. I was not recognized by my biological father, but if someone knew my mother and knows her story, she could probably point me to him. Please be with me either DISTRIBUTING this post or helping me with information if you know my biological family. Thank you from my heart!
Greetings from Denmark! Dear ones, we are here to ask for your help in finding our parents and relatives, which would mean a lot to us. My name was TAPU Voichita, I was born in MACIN CITY HOSPITAL on December 27, 1991. My biological brother was called TAPU Vasile, born on November 21, 1990. Together we lived for a while at the Children's Home in Tulcea. My brother and I were adopted in Denmark on December 23, 1995 by a loving family. Our biological mother was called TIULEANU IOANA and our biological father TAPU DUMITRU. Their name is all we know. We pray and hope to find each other one day. SHARE this post and join us in this quest. THANK YOU! Dear Vasile and Voichita
Greetings from Denmark! Dear ones, we are here to ask for your help in finding our parents and relatives, which would mean a lot to us. My name was TAPU Voichita, I was born in MACIN CITY HOSPITAL on December 27, 1991. My biological brother was called TAPU Vasile, born on November 21, 1990. Together we lived for a while at the Children's Home in Tulcea. My brother and I were adopted in Denmark on December 23, 1995 by a loving family. Our biological mother was called TIULEANU IOANA and our biological father TAPU DUMITRU. Their name is all we know. We pray and hope to find each other one day. SHARE this post and join us in this quest. THANK YOU! Dear Vasile and Voichita
Greetings from America! My birth name was CONSTANTIN CRISTIAN. I was born in MIZIL, PRAHOVA County on February 24, 1991. I am looking for my parents: my father, CONSTANTIN NICOLAE and my mother, ASOMULESEI MARIOARA. I was adopted when I was two months old. In the next photo, on the left is my mother with me, and in the other, my father. On the right, I am 3 months old and two more photos with me, one more recent and one 10 years ago. I really want to find his family, to know how they are and if I still have brothers and sisters. I ask you all to help me by DISTRIBUTING my message here, hoping it will reach my relatives! Thank you all and I look forward to hearing from you.
Greetings from America! My birth name was CONSTANTIN CRISTIAN. I was born in MIZIL, PRAHOVA County on February 24, 1991. I am looking for my parents: my father, CONSTANTIN NICOLAE and my mother, ASOMULESEI MARIOARA. I was adopted when I was two months old. In the next photo, on the left is my mother with me, and in the other, my father. On the right, I am 3 months old and two more photos with me, one more recent and one 10 years ago. I really want to find his family, to know how they are and if I still have brothers and sisters. I ask you all to help me by DISTRIBUTING my message here, hoping it will reach my relatives! Thank you all and I look forward to hearing from you.
Greetings from Canada !! I was adopted from ODORHEIUL SECUIESC, Harghita County, in 1991. 28 years after my adoption, I also want to find my biological family in Romania. My birth name was HUSZA MONIKA, born on July 27, 1990. My biological parents are JENO HUSZA and my mother, ANNA HUSZA, both probably from Odorheiul Secuiesc or surroundings. My adoption documents also show that I had a sister born in January 1989, but her name is not mentioned. Please help me to realize this dream, finding my family !! If possible, DISTRIBUTE my ad to reach my hometown and maybe my parents and relatives. Thank you very much!
Greetings from Canada !! I was adopted from ODORHEIUL SECUIESC, Harghita County, in 1991. 28 years after my adoption, I also want to find my biological family in Romania. My birth name was HUSZA MONIKA, born on July 27, 1990. My biological parents are JENO HUSZA and my mother, ANNA HUSZA, both probably from Odorheiul Secuiesc or surroundings. My adoption documents also show that I had a sister born in January 1989, but her name is not mentioned. Please help me to realize this dream, finding my family !! If possible, DISTRIBUTE my ad to reach my hometown and maybe my parents and relatives. Thank you very much!
My name was CIRSTEA ELENA ALEXANDRA, I was born in Constanta on August 2, 1995. I was raised by my biological father CIRSTEA ION and his parents, Cirstea Iozefina and Cirstea Constantin. I feel a void in my soul because I never met my biological mother. I don't know exactly what happened between my biological parents and why they broke up. I've never seen a picture of my mother, and I don't even know how old she is or where she came from. I really want to find her !! The only information I know is her name ALBU NADIA. Please SHARE this ad, maybe someone recognizes my mother. I didn't have a picture of myself when I was younger. Instead, I show you a photo with me and my little girl, Adriana Alexia, almost three years old, I think I looked a lot like her at this age !! Thanks to everyone who wants to get involved in distributing my ad. I really appreciate all the support and help given.
My name was CIRSTEA ELENA ALEXANDRA, I was born in Constanta on August 2, 1995. I was raised by my biological father CIRSTEA ION and his parents, Cirstea Iozefina and Cirstea Constantin. I feel a void in my soul because I never met my biological mother. I don't know exactly what happened between my biological parents and why they broke up. I've never seen a picture of my mother, and I don't even know how old she is or where she came from. I really want to find her !! The only information I know is her name ALBU NADIA. Please SHARE this ad, maybe someone recognizes my mother. I didn't have a picture of myself when I was younger. Instead, I show you a photo with me and my little girl, Adriana Alexia, almost three years old, I think I looked a lot like her at this age !! Thanks to everyone who wants to get involved in distributing my ad. I really appreciate all the support and help given.
I return with the same announcement in the hope that someone will remember my parents: I am looking for my biological mother GABOR TEREZA, the last known address was on Baraganului Street, Targu Mures, MURES County. My name was GABOR CODRUTA, born on January 9, 1990, at Hospital no. 1 from Craiova. At the time, my mother was a 15-year-old teenager. Because of the hardships I endured, it was decided that I should be adopted by a good and loving Canadian family. On December 23, 2016, I made a public announcement here in the hope of finding my biological family. Unfortunately, we couldn't find her. At the old address very few people recognized my mother, but no one knew where she moved. "Now we ask you, who are following us, to help us. Please SHARE this post and help us find GABOR TEREZA. Finding her mother would be the most beautiful gift for our friend''.
I return with the same announcement in the hope that someone will remember my parents: I am looking for my biological mother GABOR TEREZA, the last known address was on Baraganului Street, Targu Mures, MURES County. My name was GABOR CODRUTA, born on January 9, 1990, at Hospital no. 1 from Craiova. At the time, my mother was a 15-year-old teenager. Because of the hardships I endured, it was decided that I should be adopted by a good and loving Canadian family. On December 23, 2016, I made a public announcement here in the hope of finding my biological family. Unfortunately, we couldn't find her. At the old address very few people recognized my mother, but no one knew where she moved. "Now we ask you, who are following us, to help us. Please SHARE this post and help us find GABOR TEREZA. Finding her mother would be the most beautiful gift for our friend''.
I came across this wonderful page that for years seems to help a lot of adopted children find their roots. And I am one of these children, who was very lucky to be adopted by a very good and loving family. Unfortunately, my mother died when I was 11, but my father always stayed with me for better or worse. Now I also want to try my chance to find my biological mother, the person who gave me life and named me DAVID ELENA. I was born on May 2, 1985 in MEDGIDIA, CONSTANTA County. My natural mother's name was DAVID MARIA, at that time she lived in the village of POARTA ALBA and she was 17 years old. I don't have much information, but I really want to try to find it. Please SHARE my message to fulfill this dream too. Thanks to everyone who wants to help me!
I came across this wonderful page that for years seems to help a lot of adopted children find their roots. And I am one of these children, who was very lucky to be adopted by a very good and loving family. Unfortunately, my mother died when I was 11, but my father always stayed with me for better or worse. Now I also want to try my chance to find my biological mother, the person who gave me life and named me DAVID ELENA. I was born on May 2, 1985 in MEDGIDIA, CONSTANTA County. My natural mother's name was DAVID MARIA, at that time she lived in the village of POARTA ALBA and she was 17 years old. I don't have much information, but I really want to try to find it. Please SHARE my message to fulfill this dream too. Thanks to everyone who wants to help me!
My name is NITA ANDREEA ELIZA, I am 22 years old and I was born in 1996 on October 5, in BOTOSANI county. I am looking for my biological family and I need the help of everyone who reads my call. At the age of 2 I came into the care of a family, after which in another family from Catamaresti-Deal and finally from the age of 15 I lived in a home until the age of 18. I was not lucky to be adopted and raised in a real family !! After being discharged from the home, I left to get up and make a living, but everyone knows that starting from the bottom is not always easy. The past is gone now, and my greatest wish is to find out who gave me life and to know what happened then! Maybe I have biological siblings somewhere. I come to you with the hope that you will be able to help me. My biological mother was called NITA IULIANA and my father NITA ARESTINDE. Please DISTRIBUTE this post, maybe I will be lucky to find my roots !! I still see so many reunions with biological families, thanks to many people with big souls !! Maybe I'll be next too! Thank you!!
My name is NITA ANDREEA ELIZA, I am 22 years old and I was born in 1996 on October 5, in BOTOSANI county. I am looking for my biological family and I need the help of everyone who reads my call. At the age of 2 I came into the care of a family, after which in another family from Catamaresti-Deal and finally from the age of 15 I lived in a home until the age of 18. I was not lucky to be adopted and raised in a real family !! After being discharged from the home, I left to get up and make a living, but everyone knows that starting from the bottom is not always easy. The past is gone now, and my greatest wish is to find out who gave me life and to know what happened then! Maybe I have biological siblings somewhere. I come to you with the hope that you will be able to help me. My biological mother was called NITA IULIANA and my father NITA ARESTINDE. Please DISTRIBUTE this post, maybe I will be lucky to find my roots !! I still see so many reunions with biological families, thanks to many people with big souls !! Maybe I'll be next too! Thank you!!
Thanks to everyone who distributed and helped me find my biological family. I greatly appreciate all the help and support given. Another happy case and a dream come true !! With the consent of everyone here, me and my families, we want to remain anonymous. My birth name was EVA, born in Bucharest. My biological family comes from a village in Mures County, but they are now settled in Valcea. Thank you for all the help and your beautiful thoughts !! Continue to help as many adopted children as possible to find their biological families, they all have a great need to know their own past, to know their family. To know who you are, you must first know where you come from ...
Thanks to everyone who distributed and helped me find my biological family. I greatly appreciate all the help and support given. Another happy case and a dream come true !! With the consent of everyone here, me and my families, we want to remain anonymous. My birth name was EVA, born in Bucharest. My biological family comes from a village in Mures County, but they are now settled in Valcea. Thank you for all the help and your beautiful thoughts !! Continue to help as many adopted children as possible to find their biological families, they all have a great need to know their own past, to know their family. To know who you are, you must first know where you come from ...
Two years later, with the help of wonderful people from SOLCA, Suceava County, I got in touch with Florin Macovei's mother, ROMAN ROMANTA from Bucharest. Thank you!! #theneverforgottenromanianchildren
Two years later, with the help of wonderful people from SOLCA, Suceava County, I got in touch with Florin Macovei's mother, ROMAN ROMANTA from Bucharest. Thank you!! #theneverforgottenromanianchildren
My Romanian name was CIORAN ELENA DANIELA, born on February 11, 1990, in DUMBRAVA ROSIE, Neamt County. I am looking for my biological parents: my father, CIORAN IOAN IULIAN, born in 1965, in Otelul Rosu, Caras Severin County and my mother, CIORAN DORINA ELENA, from Dumbrava Rosie, born in 1967. I was adopted from the biological parents' house. In the first photo I am with my mother, in the second, I am with my older brother CRISTIAN, and in the photo below I am in the arms of my adoptive father who died when I was 18 years old. I really want to find my family !! I know they had a lot of difficulties then and they didn't have the opportunity to keep me with them. I often wonder if my brother stayed in the family and if I have other siblings. I hope we're all fine. I can't wait to see if I can find them through you! Please DISTRIBUTE my ad, maybe it will reach my relatives and family in my hometown! Thank you very much!!
My Romanian name was CIORAN ELENA DANIELA, born on February 11, 1990, in DUMBRAVA ROSIE, Neamt County. I am looking for my biological parents: my father, CIORAN IOAN IULIAN, born in 1965, in Otelul Rosu, Caras Severin County and my mother, CIORAN DORINA ELENA, from Dumbrava Rosie, born in 1967. I was adopted from the biological parents' house. In the first photo I am with my mother, in the second, I am with my older brother CRISTIAN, and in the photo below I am in the arms of my adoptive father who died when I was 18 years old. I really want to find my family !! I know they had a lot of difficulties then and they didn't have the opportunity to keep me with them. I often wonder if my brother stayed in the family and if I have other siblings. I hope we're all fine. I can't wait to see if I can find them through you! Please DISTRIBUTE my ad, maybe it will reach my relatives and family in my hometown! Thank you very much!!
HAPPY NEW YEAR !!! I was born in BARAOLT, Covasna County, Romania, on February 12, 1990. My name was VARGA APOLONIA ARANKA. I lived in the orphanage in TARGU SECUIESC until 1996 when I was adopted by my wonderful family from Greece. Not long ago I become a mother too, but a mother with a lot of questions about her own mother! I want so badly to find her. Maybe someone reading this ad can help me !! My mother's name was JAKOB / JAKAB EVA, at that time she lived in VINGA, Arad County. I also know my father's name, VARGA JANOS. My adoption documents show that I had two more brothers: Jakab Erno, born in 1991 and Jakab Sador, born in 1988. Please DISTRIBUTE my ad, maybe that's how I will be able to find my biological parents and siblings. I have been dreaming at this moment for a very, very long time !! Thank you so much !!
HAPPY NEW YEAR !!! I was born in BARAOLT, Covasna County, Romania, on February 12, 1990. My name was VARGA APOLONIA ARANKA. I lived in the orphanage in TARGU SECUIESC until 1996 when I was adopted by my wonderful family from Greece. Not long ago I become a mother too, but a mother with a lot of questions about her own mother! I want so badly to find her. Maybe someone reading this ad can help me !! My mother's name was JAKOB / JAKAB EVA, at that time she lived in VINGA, Arad County. I also know my father's name, VARGA JANOS. My adoption documents show that I had two more brothers: Jakab Erno, born in 1991 and Jakab Sador, born in 1988. Please DISTRIBUTE my ad, maybe that's how I will be able to find my biological parents and siblings. I have been dreaming at this moment for a very, very long time !! Thank you so much !!
GREETINGS FROM FRANCE !! My Romanian name was PREDUT FRANCESCA. I was born in Pitesti on March 30, 1991, and a month later I was adopted by a wonderful French family. I want to thank everyone for their help in finding the biological family. It was a great pleasure to talk to my mother and sister for the first time. Thank you very much and I hug you all dearly !!! #theneverforgottenromanianchildren
GREETINGS FROM FRANCE !! My Romanian name was PREDUT FRANCESCA. I was born in Pitesti on March 30, 1991, and a month later I was adopted by a wonderful French family. I want to thank everyone for their help in finding the biological family. It was a great pleasure to talk to my mother and sister for the first time. Thank you very much and I hug you all dearly !!! #theneverforgottenromanianchildren
Greetings from Germany, where I have been living since I was 9 months old with the family that adopted me. Before adoption, my name was TAPARDEL ELENA. I was born on October 27, 1969 in Ramnicu Valcea. Immediately after the birth, I was institutionalized in the Children's Home in Timisoara until the moment of approving the adoption. The name of the biological mother TAPARDEL ELENA appears in the adoption documents, which I very much hope to find. Then he lived in Semenicului Street, Bocsa, Caras Severin County. I am appealing to you, asking you to help me by DISTRIBUTING IT, maybe with your help I will have other information that will lead me to it. I kiss you and wish you all the best! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!
Greetings from Germany, where I have been living since I was 9 months old with the family that adopted me. Before adoption, my name was TAPARDEL ELENA. I was born on October 27, 1969 in Ramnicu Valcea. Immediately after the birth, I was institutionalized in the Children's Home in Timisoara until the moment of approving the adoption. The name of the biological mother TAPARDEL ELENA appears in the adoption documents, which I very much hope to find. Then he lived in Semenicului Street, Bocsa, Caras Severin County. I am appealing to you, asking you to help me by DISTRIBUTING IT, maybe with your help I will have other information that will lead me to it. I kiss you and wish you all the best! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!
GREETINGS FROM CANADA !! My Romanian name was TURCU MARIA ROXANA, born on April 23, 1992 in the city of ORASTIE, Hunedoara County. At the age of 2, I was adopted in Canada by a wonderful family. I am looking for my biological mother named TURCU NATALIA LACRAMIOARA and her father, TURCU CONSTANTIN. My mother lived in Orastie on Pricazului Street, and my father lived in Deva on Mihai Viteazul Street. I really want to meet my biological parents, but also my brothers and sisters. My adoptive parents have been in contact with my biological mother for several years, but the relationship between them has been severed. Please DISTRIBUTE my ad, hoping it will be seen by my family! Thank you all and I wish you a Happy Holidays !!
GREETINGS FROM CANADA !! My Romanian name was TURCU MARIA ROXANA, born on April 23, 1992 in the city of ORASTIE, Hunedoara County. At the age of 2, I was adopted in Canada by a wonderful family. I am looking for my biological mother named TURCU NATALIA LACRAMIOARA and her father, TURCU CONSTANTIN. My mother lived in Orastie on Pricazului Street, and my father lived in Deva on Mihai Viteazul Street. I really want to meet my biological parents, but also my brothers and sisters. My adoptive parents have been in contact with my biological mother for several years, but the relationship between them has been severed. Please DISTRIBUTE my ad, hoping it will be seen by my family! Thank you all and I wish you a Happy Holidays !!
HAPPY HOLIDAYS EVERYONE!! My name is VASILE ALEXANDRINA FULVIA, born on May 26, 1976, in Bucharest. I have been looking for my mother ORZA ELEONORA from BALCESTI, Valcea County, for a very long time. My mother's sister's name was ORZA PAULA. From what I heard, my mother remarried a few years ago in TIMISOARA and had 4 other children. Her last name is probably different now. I was raised in Brasov by my grandmother's sister on my father's side. Please SHARE this ad, maybe someone recognizes my relatives and family from my mother. I would love to meet them so much !! Thank you all in advance !! I hope that these winter holidays will bring me this great joy of soul !! I hug you all dearly !!!
HAPPY HOLIDAYS EVERYONE!! My name is VASILE ALEXANDRINA FULVIA, born on May 26, 1976, in Bucharest. I have been looking for my mother ORZA ELEONORA from BALCESTI, Valcea County, for a very long time. My mother's sister's name was ORZA PAULA. From what I heard, my mother remarried a few years ago in TIMISOARA and had 4 other children. Her last name is probably different now. I was raised in Brasov by my grandmother's sister on my father's side. Please SHARE this ad, maybe someone recognizes my relatives and family from my mother. I would love to meet them so much !! Thank you all in advance !! I hope that these winter holidays will bring me this great joy of soul !! I hug you all dearly !!!
My Romanian name was BRAGA IOAN, I was born in BRASOV on January 14, 1988. I am looking for my biological mother, then called BRAGA AURELIA. Although I am in possession of many adoption documents, this is all information about my mother. I was adopted in Germany by a very good and loving family. Please help me get to know my mother and my whole family. It is a great desire of mine not only now on the eve of the winter holidays, but I have always wanted to know my Romanian roots, my past, where I come from and who gave me life. I can't wait to see if my search here will be successful too! PLEASE SHARE. Please help me! I wish you all a MERRY CHRISTMAS and a New Year full of joys and accomplishments !!
My Romanian name was BRAGA IOAN, I was born in BRASOV on January 14, 1988. I am looking for my biological mother, then called BRAGA AURELIA. Although I am in possession of many adoption documents, this is all information about my mother. I was adopted in Germany by a very good and loving family. Please help me get to know my mother and my whole family. It is a great desire of mine not only now on the eve of the winter holidays, but I have always wanted to know my Romanian roots, my past, where I come from and who gave me life. I can't wait to see if my search here will be successful too! PLEASE SHARE. Please help me! I wish you all a MERRY CHRISTMAS and a New Year full of joys and accomplishments !!
My name was CONSTANTIN ALISA. I was born on March 22, 1991, in the city of DRAGANESTI-OLT, Olt County. In 1991 I was adopted from Targoviste in Canada by a very good and loving family. I am looking for my biological mother named CONSTANTIN MARIANA, now about 46 years old. I also know that my mother's parents, my grandparents, are called: CONSTANTIN ION and GHEORGHE FLORICA. I am very eager to find out if I still have brothers and sisters! I want so much to know my Romanian roots. Please DISTRIBUTE my ad so that I can realize this dream now on the eve of the winter holidays. Finding them would be the most beautiful gift I could receive. Thank you all in advance and I wish you from the bottom of my heart HAPPY HOLIDAYS !!
My name was CONSTANTIN ALISA. I was born on March 22, 1991, in the city of DRAGANESTI-OLT, Olt County. In 1991 I was adopted from Targoviste in Canada by a very good and loving family. I am looking for my biological mother named CONSTANTIN MARIANA, now about 46 years old. I also know that my mother's parents, my grandparents, are called: CONSTANTIN ION and GHEORGHE FLORICA. I am very eager to find out if I still have brothers and sisters! I want so much to know my Romanian roots. Please DISTRIBUTE my ad so that I can realize this dream now on the eve of the winter holidays. Finding them would be the most beautiful gift I could receive. Thank you all in advance and I wish you from the bottom of my heart HAPPY HOLIDAYS !!
At the age of 10 and a half, my twin sister and I were adopted together by a very good and loving family. My name was ANDRIES PETRONELA ANDREEA, born on June 10, 1991, in CIORTESTI, Iasi County. We are looking for our biological parents: mother ANDRIES VERONICA and father ANDRIES CRISTIAN. Please DISTRIBUTE our ad with the hope that it will be seen in our hometown CIORTESTI. We hope that the biological family will be in this locality. We thank you very much! We wish you Happy holidays and a Happy New Year !!
At the age of 10 and a half, my twin sister and I were adopted together by a very good and loving family. My name was ANDRIES PETRONELA ANDREEA, born on June 10, 1991, in CIORTESTI, Iasi County. We are looking for our biological parents: mother ANDRIES VERONICA and father ANDRIES CRISTIAN. Please DISTRIBUTE our ad with the hope that it will be seen in our hometown CIORTESTI. We hope that the biological family will be in this locality. We thank you very much! We wish you Happy holidays and a Happy New Year !!
Greetings to all! My name at birth was CALIN ALEXANDRA MADALINA. I was born on May 2, 1994 in the maternity hospital of BACAU. I lived in a children's home until the age of 5, then I was adopted by a wonderful family, who raised and loved me as their own child. I would very much like to meet my parents who gave me life. Maybe I have brothers and sisters. My mother's name was MATEI RODICA from Galati County, and my father's name, CALIN IOAN, from Bacau. I always knew I was adopted, but only recently did I start asking questions, questions that only my biological parents know the answer to. I would very much like to find them, for me and my peace of mind! I beg you all to participate in the search for my family. SHARE my ad here, it will surely be seen by my family or biological relatives! Thank you all, have the most beautiful and Christmas holidays !!
Greetings to all! My name at birth was CALIN ALEXANDRA MADALINA. I was born on May 2, 1994 in the maternity hospital of BACAU. I lived in a children's home until the age of 5, then I was adopted by a wonderful family, who raised and loved me as their own child. I would very much like to meet my parents who gave me life. Maybe I have brothers and sisters. My mother's name was MATEI RODICA from Galati County, and my father's name, CALIN IOAN, from Bacau. I always knew I was adopted, but only recently did I start asking questions, questions that only my biological parents know the answer to. I would very much like to find them, for me and my peace of mind! I beg you all to participate in the search for my family. SHARE my ad here, it will surely be seen by my family or biological relatives! Thank you all, have the most beautiful and Christmas holidays !!
I was born in the city of BRAD, Hunedoara County on July 7, 1997. At the age of two, while I was hospitalized in the emergency hospital in Petrosani, I was adopted through the foundation "Everything for our children". I really want to find my mother. It is a great dream of mine to know how she is and who she is, to know her. I also want to meet my relatives and the whole family in Romania. My name at birth was DACA / DICA CLAUDIU BOGDAN. My mother's name was DACA AURELIA. This is all the information about my identity that I have. In the summer of 2019 I intend to visit Romania. I want so much to know where I came from. I hope with all my heart that I will be able to find my mother by then. I have a lot of questions for her, but also a lot of understanding and respect. I know her decisions had a reason. I don't judge, I could never do it, I just want to know what happened. I was blessed with a good and loving family, I owe them everything but for me and my peace, I want to know where I come from, who gave me life! Please help me as well as you have helped many other adopted children find their families here. PLEASE SHARE my ad !! Happy holidays!
I was born in the city of BRAD, Hunedoara County on July 7, 1997. At the age of two, while I was hospitalized in the emergency hospital in Petrosani, I was adopted through the foundation "Everything for our children". I really want to find my mother. It is a great dream of mine to know how she is and who she is, to know her. I also want to meet my relatives and the whole family in Romania. My name at birth was DACA / DICA CLAUDIU BOGDAN. My mother's name was DACA AURELIA. This is all the information about my identity that I have. In the summer of 2019 I intend to visit Romania. I want so much to know where I came from. I hope with all my heart that I will be able to find my mother by then. I have a lot of questions for her, but also a lot of understanding and respect. I know her decisions had a reason. I don't judge, I could never do it, I just want to know what happened. I was blessed with a good and loving family, I owe them everything but for me and my peace, I want to know where I come from, who gave me life! Please help me as well as you have helped many other adopted children find their families here. PLEASE SHARE my ad !! Happy holidays!
Thousands of thanks to everyone who helped me find my biological mother !! I'm so happy!! I am DIANA MIHAELA, born in Bucharest and adopted in Malta !! HAPPY HOLIDAYS AND BLESSINGS !!!
Thousands of thanks to everyone who helped me find my biological mother !! I'm so happy!! I am DIANA MIHAELA, born in Bucharest and adopted in Malta !! HAPPY HOLIDAYS AND BLESSINGS !!!
GREETINGS from GERMANY !! At the age of one I was adopted from Romania. My name was PETRILA MIRCEA AUREL, I was born on November 17, 1990 in TURDAS, HUNEDOARA county. I really want to find my biological mother. Her name was PETRILA ELENA, from ORASTIE, Hunedoara County. Finding my biological family would mean a lot to me. Reading the beautiful announcements here and I hope to be one of the lucky adopted children in Romania who now knows his family, the past and everything that happened then. I don't judge my mother's decision, she certainly didn't have the opportunity to keep me with her. I understand that times have been very hard. I will always love and respect her for giving me life, but also for choosing a better life for me, better than she herself could have given me !! Please SHARE my ad. Maybe a simple distribution is all it takes to get to it. Thank you all.Happy holidays !!
GREETINGS from GERMANY !! At the age of one I was adopted from Romania. My name was PETRILA MIRCEA AUREL, I was born on November 17, 1990 in TURDAS, HUNEDOARA county. I really want to find my biological mother. Her name was PETRILA ELENA, from ORASTIE, Hunedoara County. Finding my biological family would mean a lot to me. Reading the beautiful announcements here and I hope to be one of the lucky adopted children in Romania who now knows his family, the past and everything that happened then. I don't judge my mother's decision, she certainly didn't have the opportunity to keep me with her. I understand that times have been very hard. I will always love and respect her for giving me life, but also for choosing a better life for me, better than she herself could have given me !! Please SHARE my ad. Maybe a simple distribution is all it takes to get to it. Thank you all.Happy holidays !!
My Romanian name was COJOCARU DIANA, I am 21 years old and I was born in CRAIOVA, Dolj County. At the age of one, I was adopted from Bucharest by a wonderful Californian family. I'm looking for my biological parents, but unfortunately I don't know their names. I suspect that one of my parents also had the last name COJOCARU, like mine. I really want to find them, but not having enough information I have not been successful so far. I want to ask everyone here for help. Maybe with a simple DISTRIBUTION my ad will be seen by someone who knows me or my biological family. Maybe they are looking for me too !! Thank you from the bottom of my heart and I look forward to hearing from you, maybe on the eve of this winter holidays a miracle will happen and I will find my family as I always wanted.
My Romanian name was COJOCARU DIANA, I am 21 years old and I was born in CRAIOVA, Dolj County. At the age of one, I was adopted from Bucharest by a wonderful Californian family. I'm looking for my biological parents, but unfortunately I don't know their names. I suspect that one of my parents also had the last name COJOCARU, like mine. I really want to find them, but not having enough information I have not been successful so far. I want to ask everyone here for help. Maybe with a simple DISTRIBUTION my ad will be seen by someone who knows me or my biological family. Maybe they are looking for me too !! Thank you from the bottom of my heart and I look forward to hearing from you, maybe on the eve of this winter holidays a miracle will happen and I will find my family as I always wanted.
Greetings from France !! At the age of five I was adopted from Romania. My name was RADU PANSELUTA, born in BUZAU on April 14, 1996. A month later I was transferred to the SLOBOZIA Orphanage where I lived until I was moved to a foster home; from here, in the end, I was adopted by a wonderful family from France. I really want to find my family, relatives and siblings. My mother's name was RADU CORABIA and I think she was from Buzau municipality or county. I hope that on the eve of the holy winter holidays I will be able to find the one who gave me life, to find out what my brothers are like and what happened then. Please DISTRIBUTE my ad here, surely someone in Buzau knows my family. I want to know them so much! THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!
Greetings from France !! At the age of five I was adopted from Romania. My name was RADU PANSELUTA, born in BUZAU on April 14, 1996. A month later I was transferred to the SLOBOZIA Orphanage where I lived until I was moved to a foster home; from here, in the end, I was adopted by a wonderful family from France. I really want to find my family, relatives and siblings. My mother's name was RADU CORABIA and I think she was from Buzau municipality or county. I hope that on the eve of the holy winter holidays I will be able to find the one who gave me life, to find out what my brothers are like and what happened then. Please DISTRIBUTE my ad here, surely someone in Buzau knows my family. I want to know them so much! THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!
GREETINGS FROM SWITZERLAND !! I'm looking for my mother and the other members of my biological family, too. I really want to know them, to discover my roots in order to know better where they come from. I was adopted when I was very young. My name is IONITA CRISTINA and I was born in Bucharest on October 4, 1989. My mother was 22 years old when she gave me life. Her name was IONITA JANA and she was born on 09. 01. 1967 in sector 2 Bucharest. She lived at the time of adoption on Aleea Vergului no. 7, Bl. 18, Sc. 2, Et. 4, Ap. 96, Sector 2, Bucharest. My maternal grandparents were called IONITA MISU and FIERARU ELENA. As January 9th is my biological mother's birthday, I really want to say "Happy Birthday" to her. It would mean a lot to me. That is why I ask you to SHARE my message and help me realize this dream. Thank you in advance for all your help and I will be forever grateful.
GREETINGS FROM SWITZERLAND !! I'm looking for my mother and the other members of my biological family, too. I really want to know them, to discover my roots in order to know better where they come from. I was adopted when I was very young. My name is IONITA CRISTINA and I was born in Bucharest on October 4, 1989. My mother was 22 years old when she gave me life. Her name was IONITA JANA and she was born on 09. 01. 1967 in sector 2 Bucharest. She lived at the time of adoption on Aleea Vergului no. 7, Bl. 18, Sc. 2, Et. 4, Ap. 96, Sector 2, Bucharest. My maternal grandparents were called IONITA MISU and FIERARU ELENA. As January 9th is my biological mother's birthday, I really want to say "Happy Birthday" to her. It would mean a lot to me. That is why I ask you to SHARE my message and help me realize this dream. Thank you in advance for all your help and I will be forever grateful.
am writing to you from America where I was adopted one year after my birth. My name was ILIE CATALIN, born on August 9, 1997 in the city of BUZAU. In 1998 I was adopted from the orphanage in Buzau by a special family from Washington state. I want to find my biological family, especially my brothers or sisters. The biological mother's name was / is MUTE Marcela and the biological father's name is ILIE Ion. From the information I have, it is possible that the family members still live in DEALUL VIEI, BUZAU. Please join me in this search by DISTRIBUTING my post and participating with any small information you have about my family. I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you!
am writing to you from America where I was adopted one year after my birth. My name was ILIE CATALIN, born on August 9, 1997 in the city of BUZAU. In 1998 I was adopted from the orphanage in Buzau by a special family from Washington state. I want to find my biological family, especially my brothers or sisters. The biological mother's name was / is MUTE Marcela and the biological father's name is ILIE Ion. From the information I have, it is possible that the family members still live in DEALUL VIEI, BUZAU. Please join me in this search by DISTRIBUTING my post and participating with any small information you have about my family. I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you!
GREETINGS FROM IRELAND! I was adopted from Romania in 1991. My name at birth was BUCUR COSTIN. I was born in ODOBESTI city, Vrancea county, on April 19, 1989. I am looking for my parents BUCUR ION and BUCUR VASILICA, with the last known address in I. C. Visarion Street, TITU locality, Dambovita county. From my adoption documents it appears that I have 4 older brothers like me: Bucur Daniel, born in 1981 Bucur Silvica, born in 1982 Bucur Nicolae Valentin, born in 1986 and Bucur Marian Viorel, born in 1984. I really want to find them and get to know them! I hope for your help, a simple distribution of my ad could lead directly to my family and relatives !! Please DISTRIBUTE, I need to know my Romanian past, family and roots. THANKS!
GREETINGS FROM IRELAND! I was adopted from Romania in 1991. My name at birth was BUCUR COSTIN. I was born in ODOBESTI city, Vrancea county, on April 19, 1989. I am looking for my parents BUCUR ION and BUCUR VASILICA, with the last known address in I. C. Visarion Street, TITU locality, Dambovita county. From my adoption documents it appears that I have 4 older brothers like me: Bucur Daniel, born in 1981 Bucur Silvica, born in 1982 Bucur Nicolae Valentin, born in 1986 and Bucur Marian Viorel, born in 1984. I really want to find them and get to know them! I hope for your help, a simple distribution of my ad could lead directly to my family and relatives !! Please DISTRIBUTE, I need to know my Romanian past, family and roots. THANKS!
My Romanian name was ASAN DANIELA, born on July 1, 1993 in Mangalia, CONSTANTA county. At 4 months I was separated from my biological parents and shortly before turning one year old, I was adopted by a wonderful family from Italy. I am looking for my mother, then called MECIC CARMEN, and my father, ASAN MIRCEA. From my adoption documents it appears that my parents lived in OLT county, somewhere near the city of SLATINA or CORABIA. It is also known that I had a sister named ASAN SIMONA, born in 1992. I want to find them so much! Please DISTRIBUTE my ad, maybe it will be seen by my relatives !! Thank you all and I can't wait to see what happens.
My Romanian name was ASAN DANIELA, born on July 1, 1993 in Mangalia, CONSTANTA county. At 4 months I was separated from my biological parents and shortly before turning one year old, I was adopted by a wonderful family from Italy. I am looking for my mother, then called MECIC CARMEN, and my father, ASAN MIRCEA. From my adoption documents it appears that my parents lived in OLT county, somewhere near the city of SLATINA or CORABIA. It is also known that I had a sister named ASAN SIMONA, born in 1992. I want to find them so much! Please DISTRIBUTE my ad, maybe it will be seen by my relatives !! Thank you all and I can't wait to see what happens.
Greetings from Malta !! My Romanian name was MANDRUTI IOAN, born on December 17, 1990 in ABRAMUT, Bihor County. I've been looking for my biological family for some time, which I want to find so much. From my adoption documents it appears that my father has the same name as me, MANDRUTI IOAN, and my mother, MANDRUTI MARIANA. My father lived in Abramut, and my mother, in TINCA commune, on Cimitirului Street. It is also known that at that time I had two sisters named MANDRUTI Florica and MANDRUTI Mariana, also a brother named LACATUS ALIN, with an unknown father. Please DISTRIBUTE my ad until it reaches my hometowns, Abramut and Tica, where surely someone knows my family! Thank you very much, I can't wait to hear from them !!
Greetings from Malta !! My Romanian name was MANDRUTI IOAN, born on December 17, 1990 in ABRAMUT, Bihor County. I've been looking for my biological family for some time, which I want to find so much. From my adoption documents it appears that my father has the same name as me, MANDRUTI IOAN, and my mother, MANDRUTI MARIANA. My father lived in Abramut, and my mother, in TINCA commune, on Cimitirului Street. It is also known that at that time I had two sisters named MANDRUTI Florica and MANDRUTI Mariana, also a brother named LACATUS ALIN, with an unknown father. Please DISTRIBUTE my ad until it reaches my hometowns, Abramut and Tica, where surely someone knows my family! Thank you very much, I can't wait to hear from them !!
Today we turn 22 years old. We were born in VAMA, SATU MARE County, Romania. We were adopted in Australia, at the age of 2 and a half, by a wonderful and very loving family. Our birth name was BALOG GENA and my brother, BALOG KALMAN. We are looking for our biological parents, father BALOG COLON and mother, LAKATOS ADELIA. Please DISTRIBUTE our ad as well, hoping to find and get to know our biological parents. Finding them will bring us immense joy, especially on this day, our birthday, the day when adopted children feel more than ever the desire to know their origin and past. We are sure that our family is thinking of us today !! We hope to reach them with this announcement. We thank all those who are with us and want to help us with a precious SHARE, but also with the most beautiful wishes and thoughts from our Romanian lands !!
Today we turn 22 years old. We were born in VAMA, SATU MARE County, Romania. We were adopted in Australia, at the age of 2 and a half, by a wonderful and very loving family. Our birth name was BALOG GENA and my brother, BALOG KALMAN. We are looking for our biological parents, father BALOG COLON and mother, LAKATOS ADELIA. Please DISTRIBUTE our ad as well, hoping to find and get to know our biological parents. Finding them will bring us immense joy, especially on this day, our birthday, the day when adopted children feel more than ever the desire to know their origin and past. We are sure that our family is thinking of us today !! We hope to reach them with this announcement. We thank all those who are with us and want to help us with a precious SHARE, but also with the most beautiful wishes and thoughts from our Romanian lands !!
Greetings from SWITZERLAND! I am adopted from Romania, my name at birth was MARIAN Cristian and I was born in 02. 07. 1990. I am looking for my biological mother, who at that time was called, MARIAN Ana and lived in SEITIN locality, 45 Gheorghe Doja street, county ARAD. I also want to find my brothers and sisters if I have more. Finding the whole family means a lot to me !! Please SHARE my ad. Thank you in advance for your help.
Greetings from SWITZERLAND! I am adopted from Romania, my name at birth was MARIAN Cristian and I was born in 02. 07. 1990. I am looking for my biological mother, who at that time was called, MARIAN Ana and lived in SEITIN locality, 45 Gheorghe Doja street, county ARAD. I also want to find my brothers and sisters if I have more. Finding the whole family means a lot to me !! Please SHARE my ad. Thank you in advance for your help.
Greetings from France. My name is VASILE AUREL - GEORGE and I was born on May 3, 1990 in Bucharest, sector 1. I am looking for my parents, siblings and the rest of the biological family. In the adoption documents, the father is VASILE Constantin from Racari, Dambovita County and the mother, NASTASE Mariana from Navodari, 7 Midiei Street, CONSTANTA County. Together they lived on 13 Nazarcea Street, Sector 1 Bucharest. I really want to know my Romanian roots, to know the past and if my family wants to know me. I hope so much to find them !! I never stopped thinking about them, I hope they didn't think about me either. Please SHARE my ad here. Thank you in advance for all the help and support you want to give me.
Greetings from France. My name is VASILE AUREL - GEORGE and I was born on May 3, 1990 in Bucharest, sector 1. I am looking for my parents, siblings and the rest of the biological family. In the adoption documents, the father is VASILE Constantin from Racari, Dambovita County and the mother, NASTASE Mariana from Navodari, 7 Midiei Street, CONSTANTA County. Together they lived on 13 Nazarcea Street, Sector 1 Bucharest. I really want to know my Romanian roots, to know the past and if my family wants to know me. I hope so much to find them !! I never stopped thinking about them, I hope they didn't think about me either. Please SHARE my ad here. Thank you in advance for all the help and support you want to give me.
I am looking for my biological mother, CUCU Niculina from STANILESTI, Vaslui County Romania. I was adopted from Barlad in the spring of 1991. I also know that I have a sister named ANCA, as well as an older brother who was also placed for international adoption. His name at the time was MARIN and unfortunately I have no contact with him either. Together with my American adoptive parents, I really want to find my biological mother and siblings. Please DISTRIBUTE our ad in the hope that it will reach my hometown, where my relatives are likely to be. Thank you very much!!
I am looking for my biological mother, CUCU Niculina from STANILESTI, Vaslui County Romania. I was adopted from Barlad in the spring of 1991. I also know that I have a sister named ANCA, as well as an older brother who was also placed for international adoption. His name at the time was MARIN and unfortunately I have no contact with him either. Together with my American adoptive parents, I really want to find my biological mother and siblings. Please DISTRIBUTE our ad in the hope that it will reach my hometown, where my relatives are likely to be. Thank you very much!!
Greetings from Pennsylvania, USA My name was PARADICZA Eniko, I am 24 years old, born in ODORHEIU-SECUIESC, Harghita County, Romania. I was adopted from the SANMARTIN orphanage at the age of 3. I am looking for my biological family, my mother's name is PARADICZA EDIT (born in 1971) and my father, PARADICZA Akos (born in 1965). Their address was in OCNA DE SUS Village, no. 62, PRAID Locality, Harghita County. From my adoption documents it also appears that I have 5 brothers, their names are: Edit, Akos, Livia and Robert, who went to live with their grandparents in Mures County. Another brother named Attila, he was sent to the Children's Home in Toplita. I want so much to find them all !! Please SHARE my post, hoping it will be seen by my relatives as well! Thank you very much!
Greetings from Pennsylvania, USA My name was PARADICZA Eniko, I am 24 years old, born in ODORHEIU-SECUIESC, Harghita County, Romania. I was adopted from the SANMARTIN orphanage at the age of 3. I am looking for my biological family, my mother's name is PARADICZA EDIT (born in 1971) and my father, PARADICZA Akos (born in 1965). Their address was in OCNA DE SUS Village, no. 62, PRAID Locality, Harghita County. From my adoption documents it also appears that I have 5 brothers, their names are: Edit, Akos, Livia and Robert, who went to live with their grandparents in Mures County. Another brother named Attila, he was sent to the Children's Home in Toplita. I want so much to find them all !! Please SHARE my post, hoping it will be seen by my relatives as well! Thank you very much!
Greetings to all! My name before adoption was NEACSU MARIAN IONUT. I was born in TARGOVISTEI on December 7, 1999. At the age of 3, I was adopted from the “Golden Bulgarians” Placement Center in Pucioasa, Dambovita County. I am looking for the biological mother who at that time was called NEACSU FLORENTINA ELENA. I really want to find her, to know her and to know what she is like and what happened then. I have a very fulfilling life with my wonderful family in France but I often think that maybe I have brothers and sisters of whom I know absolutely nothing at the moment. I recently visited Romania and my hometown. Despite all my efforts, I was unable to find anything related to my biological family. I am here with the request to be helped, I beg you very much to DISTRIBUTE my ad, maybe that's how I will find my family too! Thank you in advance!!
Greetings to all! My name before adoption was NEACSU MARIAN IONUT. I was born in TARGOVISTEI on December 7, 1999. At the age of 3, I was adopted from the “Golden Bulgarians” Placement Center in Pucioasa, Dambovita County. I am looking for the biological mother who at that time was called NEACSU FLORENTINA ELENA. I really want to find her, to know her and to know what she is like and what happened then. I have a very fulfilling life with my wonderful family in France but I often think that maybe I have brothers and sisters of whom I know absolutely nothing at the moment. I recently visited Romania and my hometown. Despite all my efforts, I was unable to find anything related to my biological family. I am here with the request to be helped, I beg you very much to DISTRIBUTE my ad, maybe that's how I will find my family too! Thank you in advance!!
GREETINGS FROM AMERICA !! My name was BABOI MARIA MAGDALENA, born in June 1998, OLT County. Shortly after turning one year old, I was adopted from the SLATINA Children's Cradle by my wonderful parents. I really want to find my biological mother, who at that time was called BABOI SORINA. All I know is that he lived in SERBANESTI and that he was around 17 years old when he gave birth to me. I have no information about my biological father, his name does not appear on any of my adoption documents. I want so much to find my mother, I have so many questions for her !! I sincerely hope to succeed here through everyone, so please DISTRIBUTE my ad and photo until it arrives in my hometown, SERBANESTI, OLT COUNTY. I am very sure that once I see the ad there, someone will direct me directly to my mother !! Thanks in advance, I hug you all dearly !!! xxx
GREETINGS FROM AMERICA !! My name was BABOI MARIA MAGDALENA, born in June 1998, OLT County. Shortly after turning one year old, I was adopted from the SLATINA Children's Cradle by my wonderful parents. I really want to find my biological mother, who at that time was called BABOI SORINA. All I know is that he lived in SERBANESTI and that he was around 17 years old when he gave birth to me. I have no information about my biological father, his name does not appear on any of my adoption documents. I want so much to find my mother, I have so many questions for her !! I sincerely hope to succeed here through everyone, so please DISTRIBUTE my ad and photo until it arrives in my hometown, SERBANESTI, OLT COUNTY. I am very sure that once I see the ad there, someone will direct me directly to my mother !! Thanks in advance, I hug you all dearly !!! xxx
Greetings to all! I was adopted in Canada at the age of four. At birth I was named DANILA IULIAN FLORIN, born in HUNEDOARA, on July 2, 1995. I really want to find my biological mother, at that time her name was DANILA DORINA. Although I have some documents from the adoption, there is not much information in them, except my mother's name and my hometown, Hunedoara. I want the help of everyone here, if you see this ad, please DISTRIBUTE it, maybe that's how it will be seen by mine. Finding my mother and my whole family means a lot to me, I can't wait to find out who I am, to know everyone in part !! Thank you!!
Greetings to all! I was adopted in Canada at the age of four. At birth I was named DANILA IULIAN FLORIN, born in HUNEDOARA, on July 2, 1995. I really want to find my biological mother, at that time her name was DANILA DORINA. Although I have some documents from the adoption, there is not much information in them, except my mother's name and my hometown, Hunedoara. I want the help of everyone here, if you see this ad, please DISTRIBUTE it, maybe that's how it will be seen by mine. Finding my mother and my whole family means a lot to me, I can't wait to find out who I am, to know everyone in part !! Thank you!!
Greetings from France !! My Romanian name was CIUREA DANIELA, born in Bucharest on September 10, 1982. Shortly after the birth I was transferred to the Children's Home number 1 in the capital, and from here, a few weeks later, I was adopted by a family very good and loving French. I really want to find my biological mother, siblings and all my relatives in Romania. I have some documents from my adoption, from which it appears that my mother's name was the same as me, CIUREA DANIELA, now she would live in CHIAJNA, Sat Dudu, Ilfov County. My mother was born in 1965, at the age of 17 I was a student at Alexandru Sahia Industrial High School. Her parents are then Ciurea Mihai, 47 years old, and Ciurea Reveca, 51. My mother's grandparents also had a son, a ninth grade student, named Ciurea Florin. Please help me find them !! DISTRIBUTING my ad here could really do this miracle for me too !! Knowing them, knowing my past and my Romanian roots means a lot to me! Thank you all!! XX
Greetings from France !! My Romanian name was CIUREA DANIELA, born in Bucharest on September 10, 1982. Shortly after the birth I was transferred to the Children's Home number 1 in the capital, and from here, a few weeks later, I was adopted by a family very good and loving French. I really want to find my biological mother, siblings and all my relatives in Romania. I have some documents from my adoption, from which it appears that my mother's name was the same as me, CIUREA DANIELA, now she would live in CHIAJNA, Sat Dudu, Ilfov County. My mother was born in 1965, at the age of 17 I was a student at Alexandru Sahia Industrial High School. Her parents are then Ciurea Mihai, 47 years old, and Ciurea Reveca, 51. My mother's grandparents also had a son, a ninth grade student, named Ciurea Florin. Please help me find them !! DISTRIBUTING my ad here could really do this miracle for me too !! Knowing them, knowing my past and my Romanian roots means a lot to me! Thank you all!! XX
Hello. My name before adoption was PANTEL ANDREEA-ROXANA. I was born in the city of IASI on December 20, 1987. The biological mother at the time of adoption was called PANTEL DANIELA PETRONELA and the father is unknown. Possibly after the birth I was given to a placement center in Iasi. Three years later I was adopted with proper documents by a loving family from Iasi. I was looking for Pantel 's "mother" Daniela Petronela everywhere, but I was informed that she would live abroad. I found out that he would be 49/50 years old and that he would have grown up in a placement center in Iasi in the Bularga / Bucium area until the age of 16. I would do anything just to see her, to know her and to thank her for agreeing to the adoption giving me the opportunity to have a beautiful childhood. Even though I was not with her, I think that in making this decision she thought of my well-being. Please SHARE my message hoping it will reach someone who knows her or even her. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for any little help!
Hello. My name before adoption was PANTEL ANDREEA-ROXANA. I was born in the city of IASI on December 20, 1987. The biological mother at the time of adoption was called PANTEL DANIELA PETRONELA and the father is unknown. Possibly after the birth I was given to a placement center in Iasi. Three years later I was adopted with proper documents by a loving family from Iasi. I was looking for Pantel 's "mother" Daniela Petronela everywhere, but I was informed that she would live abroad. I found out that he would be 49/50 years old and that he would have grown up in a placement center in Iasi in the Bularga / Bucium area until the age of 16. I would do anything just to see her, to know her and to thank her for agreeing to the adoption giving me the opportunity to have a beautiful childhood. Even though I was not with her, I think that in making this decision she thought of my well-being. Please SHARE my message hoping it will reach someone who knows her or even her. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for any little help!
GREETINGS TO ALL!! My Romanian name was TUFANICA Maria Florentina, born in Vanju Mare, Mehedinti County. I am looking for my biological mother, then called TUFANICA Anita, born in 1977. I found out that she currently lives in PUNGHINA. Her name is now PAVEL ANITA. I also want contact with my two brothers, DRAGHICI MARIA (now Ghita) and DRAGHICI STEFAN, both from Vanju Mare, Mehedinti County. Please DISTRIBUTE my ad to be seen in my hometown. Maybe someone will be able to put me in touch with my mother and siblings. Thank you very much!!
GREETINGS TO ALL!! My Romanian name was TUFANICA Maria Florentina, born in Vanju Mare, Mehedinti County. I am looking for my biological mother, then called TUFANICA Anita, born in 1977. I found out that she currently lives in PUNGHINA. Her name is now PAVEL ANITA. I also want contact with my two brothers, DRAGHICI MARIA (now Ghita) and DRAGHICI STEFAN, both from Vanju Mare, Mehedinti County. Please DISTRIBUTE my ad to be seen in my hometown. Maybe someone will be able to put me in touch with my mother and siblings. Thank you very much!!
GREETINGS FROM CANADA! I was adopted from BOTOSANI in 1995, my birth name was TARUS Monica. Likewise, I really want to find my biological family. I was born in STEFANESTI, Botosani County. My biological parents at that time lived in the village of STANCA, Stefanesti, Botosani County and had 7 children besides me. My mother's name was TARUS Mariana, then 30 years old, and my father, TARUS Dumitru. I hope that my ad here will arrive in my hometown, where surely someone knows my family! Please DISTRIBUTE it all. Thank you all!!
GREETINGS FROM CANADA! I was adopted from BOTOSANI in 1995, my birth name was TARUS Monica. Likewise, I really want to find my biological family. I was born in STEFANESTI, Botosani County. My biological parents at that time lived in the village of STANCA, Stefanesti, Botosani County and had 7 children besides me. My mother's name was TARUS Mariana, then 30 years old, and my father, TARUS Dumitru. I hope that my ad here will arrive in my hometown, where surely someone knows my family! Please DISTRIBUTE it all. Thank you all!!
Greetings from Israel !!! I am BURCEA NICOLETA, born on May 7, 1991 in Buzau. I am looking for my biological mother ILIE MARINELA, her father, BURCEA NICOLAE. Marinela was 18 years old and Nicolae 24. From my adoption documents it also appears that at that time they were in a cohabitation relationship and both lived with their own parents, so most likely somewhere in the municipality or county of Buzau. I really want to find them! If anyone wants to help me, they can start DISTRIBUTING my ad here. Maybe someone recognizes them. Thank you so much to everyone who wants to get involved !!
Greetings from Israel !!! I am BURCEA NICOLETA, born on May 7, 1991 in Buzau. I am looking for my biological mother ILIE MARINELA, her father, BURCEA NICOLAE. Marinela was 18 years old and Nicolae 24. From my adoption documents it also appears that at that time they were in a cohabitation relationship and both lived with their own parents, so most likely somewhere in the municipality or county of Buzau. I really want to find them! If anyone wants to help me, they can start DISTRIBUTING my ad here. Maybe someone recognizes them. Thank you so much to everyone who wants to get involved !!
Greetings to all !! I am looking for my biological mother from SALAJ county. Following my announcement here at the beginning of April, I found out about a person who could even be my mother !! I really want to get in touch with PRODAN CARLA from POIANA BLENCHII, SALAJ County. Please share this ad of mine, especially in this region.
Greetings to all !! I am looking for my biological mother from SALAJ county. Following my announcement here at the beginning of April, I found out about a person who could even be my mother !! I really want to get in touch with PRODAN CARLA from POIANA BLENCHII, SALAJ County. Please share this ad of mine, especially in this region.
GREETINGS FROM CANADA!! Together we have been adopted from POIANA CAMPINA, County Prahova, Romania. Our birth names were Constantin and Marian DRAGOMIR, born on the 16th of September, 1990 in the town of CAMPINA. We are looking for our biological parents, dad DRAGOMIR MARIAN and mum DRAGOMIR GEORGETA. At the time they were living at number 99, Pietrisului Street, Poiana Campina. We accidentally came across this community Facebook page where we very much hope to find our family too. Please SHARE well our announcement, hopefully it will be seen by many people in our birth place and even by our family members. Thank you all very much!!
GREETINGS FROM CANADA!! Together we have been adopted from POIANA CAMPINA, County Prahova, Romania. Our birth names were Constantin and Marian DRAGOMIR, born on the 16th of September, 1990 in the town of CAMPINA. We are looking for our biological parents, dad DRAGOMIR MARIAN and mum DRAGOMIR GEORGETA. At the time they were living at number 99, Pietrisului Street, Poiana Campina. We accidentally came across this community Facebook page where we very much hope to find our family too. Please SHARE well our announcement, hopefully it will be seen by many people in our birth place and even by our family members. Thank you all very much!!
Greetings from Switzerland! My Romanian name was FLOREA GEORGETA. I was born in the city of BRASOV on July 20, 1995. At the age of 5 I was adopted by a wonderful family who offered me a real childhood. Like all adopted children, I really want to find my biological family. I want to know how I am, where and why I came here, to my adoption. My mother was called FLOREA MARIA at the time. Something tells me that he had a connection with the locality of Augustin in Brasov County. I also hope to find my brothers: I know there were three more brothers at the time of my adoption. Please DISTRIBUTE my ad with the hope that I will also be able to find my Romanian roots. Thank you all!!
Greetings from Switzerland! My Romanian name was FLOREA GEORGETA. I was born in the city of BRASOV on July 20, 1995. At the age of 5 I was adopted by a wonderful family who offered me a real childhood. Like all adopted children, I really want to find my biological family. I want to know how I am, where and why I came here, to my adoption. My mother was called FLOREA MARIA at the time. Something tells me that he had a connection with the locality of Augustin in Brasov County. I also hope to find my brothers: I know there were three more brothers at the time of my adoption. Please DISTRIBUTE my ad with the hope that I will also be able to find my Romanian roots. Thank you all!!
At the age of 1 year and 2 months I was adopted by these two wonderful Romanian parents. Since then I have had a dream childhood, a family. However, something connects me to the past, something seems to be missing ... I really want to find my maternal parents, to know my roots, the past. It's something very personal, something I really need now. I often wonder if I am still alive, if I still have brothers, sisters ... I happened to find this page, full of cases similar to mine, I hope so much that here with your help I can find my family too! My name was HARGHELEGIU ADINA and I was born on January 2, 1989. I was adopted from the Children's Home in Barlad, Vaslui County. From what I found out, my biological mother's name was HARGHELEGIU GABRIELA and she was also raised at the orphanage in Husi. The school also did it in the city of Husi and was engaged in construction. I don't know anything about my father. Please SHARE my message. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the help.
At the age of 1 year and 2 months I was adopted by these two wonderful Romanian parents. Since then I have had a dream childhood, a family. However, something connects me to the past, something seems to be missing ... I really want to find my maternal parents, to know my roots, the past. It's something very personal, something I really need now. I often wonder if I am still alive, if I still have brothers, sisters ... I happened to find this page, full of cases similar to mine, I hope so much that here with your help I can find my family too! My name was HARGHELEGIU ADINA and I was born on January 2, 1989. I was adopted from the Children's Home in Barlad, Vaslui County. From what I found out, my biological mother's name was HARGHELEGIU GABRIELA and she was also raised at the orphanage in Husi. The school also did it in the city of Husi and was engaged in construction. I don't know anything about my father. Please SHARE my message. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the help.
My name was FLORENTINA GEANINA and I was born on May 4, 1993 in Alexandria, Teleorman County. I was adopted by a Romanian family, extremely loving and good, but I seemed to be missing something: the biological family, the past ... I started looking for my family here with a simple announcement: a few hours later, thanks to many distributions, my family biological was found !! Now I have a brother and two sisters !! Thank you all for DISTRIBUTING the ad, you changed my life !!!! Thanks in advance for all the help.
My name was FLORENTINA GEANINA and I was born on May 4, 1993 in Alexandria, Teleorman County. I was adopted by a Romanian family, extremely loving and good, but I seemed to be missing something: the biological family, the past ... I started looking for my family here with a simple announcement: a few hours later, thanks to many distributions, my family biological was found !! Now I have a brother and two sisters !! Thank you all for DISTRIBUTING the ad, you changed my life !!!! Thanks in advance for all the help.
Greetings from Oslo, Norway !! My name is CSILLIAG IMRE, born on October 2, 1992 in SIMLEUL SILVANIEI, SALAJ County, Romania. At the age of 2 I was adopted from the Czech Silvania Orphanage by a very good and loving family from Oslo, Norway. I really want to find my biological family. My mother's name is CSILLIAG MARIA. I had a brother two years older than me but I'm not sure if he stayed in our family or ended up in international adoption. His name was CSILLIAG FRANCISC. In Norway I have a sister also adopted from Romania by our Norwegian parents. Some time ago, her biological family was found here through this community. I sincerely hope to be just as lucky! Please help me to fulfill this great dream of finding my family. SHARE please as much and my announcement, a lot of meetings take place here thanks to your distributions !! THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!
Greetings from Oslo, Norway !! My name is CSILLIAG IMRE, born on October 2, 1992 in SIMLEUL SILVANIEI, SALAJ County, Romania. At the age of 2 I was adopted from the Czech Silvania Orphanage by a very good and loving family from Oslo, Norway. I really want to find my biological family. My mother's name is CSILLIAG MARIA. I had a brother two years older than me but I'm not sure if he stayed in our family or ended up in international adoption. His name was CSILLIAG FRANCISC. In Norway I have a sister also adopted from Romania by our Norwegian parents. Some time ago, her biological family was found here through this community. I sincerely hope to be just as lucky! Please help me to fulfill this great dream of finding my family. SHARE please as much and my announcement, a lot of meetings take place here thanks to your distributions !! THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!
I FOUND MY MOTHER an hour after posting my ad here, I'm speechless !!! Tonight, after 6 pm, Romanian time, we will talk for the first time !! Thank you to everyone who distributed and contributed to the search for my family in ROSIORII DE VEDE. For me it was always a big dream to find my mother, today, here it has become a reality !!
I FOUND MY MOTHER an hour after posting my ad here, I'm speechless !!! Tonight, after 6 pm, Romanian time, we will talk for the first time !! Thank you to everyone who distributed and contributed to the search for my family in ROSIORII DE VEDE. For me it was always a big dream to find my mother, today, here it has become a reality !!
Greetings from CANADA !! In the next photo is my biological mother with me, our last photo together! I was adopted from Romania a few weeks after the birth. I really want to find my mother and relatives. My Romanian name was TIPARU ALEXANDRA, born in Rosiorii de Vede, Teleorman County, on January 8, 1991. My mother's name was TIPARU GEORGETA. At that time he lived on Elena Doamna Street, Rosiorii de Vede, in blocks of flats. If someone is in this locality, I really want to check the address (for the rest of the address, please write privately to this page). I sincerely hope that my mother will live at that address and want contact with me. Please DISTRIBUTE my ad, maybe someone recognizes my mother and can help me get in touch with her after so many years ... I need her, I need to know what happened then and why! I hope everything is fine with her, I hope she is healthy, happy and fulfilled, just like me!
Greetings from CANADA !! In the next photo is my biological mother with me, our last photo together! I was adopted from Romania a few weeks after the birth. I really want to find my mother and relatives. My Romanian name was TIPARU ALEXANDRA, born in Rosiorii de Vede, Teleorman County, on January 8, 1991. My mother's name was TIPARU GEORGETA. At that time he lived on Elena Doamna Street, Rosiorii de Vede, in blocks of flats. If someone is in this locality, I really want to check the address (for the rest of the address, please write privately to this page). I sincerely hope that my mother will live at that address and want contact with me. Please DISTRIBUTE my ad, maybe someone recognizes my mother and can help me get in touch with her after so many years ... I need her, I need to know what happened then and why! I hope everything is fine with her, I hope she is healthy, happy and fulfilled, just like me!
My Romanian name was SOARE EMANUEL GABRIEL, born on September 2, 1998. Shortly after my birth I was placed in the orphanage in PLOIESTI, Prahova County. I was adopted in May 1999 by my wonderful Canadian adoptive parents. I really want to find my biological mother and also all my relatives. My mother's name was SOARE GABRIELA. I really want to find my roots and know where I really come from! Please SHARE my post! My Romanian name was SOARE EMANUEL GABRIEL, born on the 2nd of September 1998. Shortly after, I was brought to PLOIESTI Orphanage, Prahova County, Romania. I was adopted in May of 1999, by my wonderful Canadian adoptive parents. I would like to find my biological mother and and all the relatives. My birth mom’s name was SOARE GABRIELA. I would love to find out my roots and see where I really come from! Please SHARE my post all over Romania, for sure someone out there knows something.THANK YOU ALL VERY MUCH !!
My Romanian name was SOARE EMANUEL GABRIEL, born on September 2, 1998. Shortly after my birth I was placed in the orphanage in PLOIESTI, Prahova County. I was adopted in May 1999 by my wonderful Canadian adoptive parents. I really want to find my biological mother and also all my relatives. My mother's name was SOARE GABRIELA. I really want to find my roots and know where I really come from! Please SHARE my post! My Romanian name was SOARE EMANUEL GABRIEL, born on the 2nd of September 1998. Shortly after, I was brought to PLOIESTI Orphanage, Prahova County, Romania. I was adopted in May of 1999, by my wonderful Canadian adoptive parents. I would like to find my biological mother and and all the relatives. My birth mom’s name was SOARE GABRIELA. I would love to find out my roots and see where I really come from! Please SHARE my post all over Romania, for sure someone out there knows something.THANK YOU ALL VERY MUCH !!
TWO MORE BEAUTIFUL FAMILY REUNIONS HERE... These two "best friends" contacted our community Facebook page at different times, for help with finding their birth families from CALARASI. In no time, we managed to find them both! Two most amazing family reunions!! Shortly after, we were told of the girls amazing BOND, we were shown this article... Please read it too:
TWO MORE BEAUTIFUL FAMILY REUNIONS HERE... These two "best friends" contacted our community Facebook page at different times, for help with finding their birth families from CALARASI. In no time, we managed to find them both! Two most amazing family reunions!! Shortly after, we were told of the girls amazing BOND, we were shown this article... Please read it too:
MY FAMILY HAS BEEN FOUND, THANK YOU VERY MUCH TO EVERYONE IN MY Hometown !!! I am very happy that after a short announcement here, I managed to find my biological family !!! To all who distributed, left comments and contacted the page in private, THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart !!! Although I am one of the many children adopted after 1990, I am very proud of my Romanian origins. My name was RUSU MITICA and I was born on April 30, 1990 in BOTOSANI. Finding my mother is a great blessing for me and my adoptive family !! I hope in the near future to arrive in BOTOSANI County, at home, to meet them and to thank in person many of you who contributed to my beautiful reunion with my family !! Many blessings to all !!! I hug you dearly !!
MY FAMILY HAS BEEN FOUND, THANK YOU VERY MUCH TO EVERYONE IN MY Hometown !!! I am very happy that after a short announcement here, I managed to find my biological family !!! To all who distributed, left comments and contacted the page in private, THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart !!! Although I am one of the many children adopted after 1990, I am very proud of my Romanian origins. My name was RUSU MITICA and I was born on April 30, 1990 in BOTOSANI. Finding my mother is a great blessing for me and my adoptive family !! I hope in the near future to arrive in BOTOSANI County, at home, to meet them and to thank in person many of you who contributed to my beautiful reunion with my family !! Many blessings to all !!! I hug you dearly !!
Greetings from Virginia, USA !! At the age of 3 I was adopted from Romania and now I really want to find my biological family. My Romanian name was BURDUJA NICOLETA. I was born on December 3, 1992. My mother lived in PATRAUTI, SUCEAVA County. Her name was BURDUJA MIHAELA CASANDRA. Unfortunately, this is all the information I have. Please DISTRIBUTE my ad, maybe I'll be lucky to find my biological family. THANK YOU very much everyone !!
Greetings from Virginia, USA !! At the age of 3 I was adopted from Romania and now I really want to find my biological family. My Romanian name was BURDUJA NICOLETA. I was born on December 3, 1992. My mother lived in PATRAUTI, SUCEAVA County. Her name was BURDUJA MIHAELA CASANDRA. Unfortunately, this is all the information I have. Please DISTRIBUTE my ad, maybe I'll be lucky to find my biological family. THANK YOU very much everyone !!
OUT OF WORDS… I finally met my biological family, an experience that I can barely put into words, best experience ever!! Seeing the way they all live and still looking so happy, overwhelmed me. I want the very best for each and every one of them. My world is now complete. I cannot thank enough my adoptive parents for doing this with me recently. All emotions where full blast. I loved meeting everyone, family, relatives, neighbour and family friends - the most incredible and amazing people!! My family search started here, not enough words to express my gratitude, THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!!! Love and blessings, Emma from Malta
OUT OF WORDS… I finally met my biological family, an experience that I can barely put into words, best experience ever!! Seeing the way they all live and still looking so happy, overwhelmed me. I want the very best for each and every one of them. My world is now complete. I cannot thank enough my adoptive parents for doing this with me recently. All emotions where full blast. I loved meeting everyone, family, relatives, neighbour and family friends - the most incredible and amazing people!! My family search started here, not enough words to express my gratitude, THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!!! Love and blessings, Emma from Malta
FROM MALTA, WITH LOVE ... My Romanian name was SANDU SIMONA MADALINA, born in CALARASI on May 31, 1998. When I was 2 years old and living in the St. Mary's orphanage in Calarasi I was blessed to meet for my new family for the first time. In August 2000 I was adopted in Malta. I would love to find my biological mother because I have a lot of questions to ask. Her name then was SANDU STEFANA, probably from the city of CALARASI. Unfortunately, this is all the information I have about her. If anyone would like to help and support me, please SHARE my post. Many adopted people from Romania have found their families here on Facebook, I hope I will succeed too !!! Thank you very much! FROM MALTA, WITH LOVE… My Romanian name was SANDU SIMONA MADALINA, born in CALARASI on the 31st of May 1998. When I was 2 years of age and leaving in St. Mary orphanage in Calarasi, I was blessed to finally meet for the first time, my new family. In August 2000 I was adopted to Malta. I would love to find my birth mother as I have so many questions. Her name at the time was SANDU STEFANA, probably she was from around CALARASI. Unfortunately this is all the information I have about her. If anybody would like to help and support me, please SHARE my post. So many adopted people have found their birth families on Facebook, I hope I will too !! Thank you all very very much !!!
FROM MALTA, WITH LOVE ... My Romanian name was SANDU SIMONA MADALINA, born in CALARASI on May 31, 1998. When I was 2 years old and living in the St. Mary's orphanage in Calarasi I was blessed to meet for my new family for the first time. In August 2000 I was adopted in Malta. I would love to find my biological mother because I have a lot of questions to ask. Her name then was SANDU STEFANA, probably from the city of CALARASI. Unfortunately, this is all the information I have about her. If anyone would like to help and support me, please SHARE my post. Many adopted people from Romania have found their families here on Facebook, I hope I will succeed too !!! Thank you very much! FROM MALTA, WITH LOVE… My Romanian name was SANDU SIMONA MADALINA, born in CALARASI on the 31st of May 1998. When I was 2 years of age and leaving in St. Mary orphanage in Calarasi, I was blessed to finally meet for the first time, my new family. In August 2000 I was adopted to Malta. I would love to find my birth mother as I have so many questions. Her name at the time was SANDU STEFANA, probably she was from around CALARASI. Unfortunately this is all the information I have about her. If anybody would like to help and support me, please SHARE my post. So many adopted people have found their birth families on Facebook, I hope I will too !! Thank you all very very much !!!
GENERAL MOBILIZATION for a young woman from RESITA to find her biological parents "The whole community from CARAS-SEVERIN is involved these days in perhaps the most impressive action that took place in recent years in the county .... Thank you very much www.resita .ro for the publication of this article !! We hope that everyone's efforts will lead to finding the family as soon as possible.We appreciate all the precious DISTRIBUTIONS, beautiful messages and comments.Please continue, together we will find the family !!! https: // resita. com / social / mobilization 5942 generated-for-like-a-girl-in-Resita-to-find-their-biological parents
GENERAL MOBILIZATION for a young woman from RESITA to find her biological parents "The whole community from CARAS-SEVERIN is involved these days in perhaps the most impressive action that took place in recent years in the county .... Thank you very much www.resita .ro for the publication of this article !! We hope that everyone's efforts will lead to finding the family as soon as possible.We appreciate all the precious DISTRIBUTIONS, beautiful messages and comments.Please continue, together we will find the family !!! https: // resita. com / social / mobilization 5942 generated-for-like-a-girl-in-Resita-to-find-their-biological parents
I'm looking for my biological family! My name was MAJORU CAMELIA MARIANA. The name of the biological mother is TUDOR ANA and of the father MAJORU VALERIU. I know I have a brother a few years older than me. I was born in the town of BAICOI, Prahova County, on August 14, 1976. My adoptive parents adopted me from the Children's Cradle from Covasna Street no. 8 A, Bucharest, sector 5, when I was 3 years and 8 months old. Until the age of 14 I lived in Bucharest, sector 4, after which my adoptive parents separated and I, together with my adoptive mother, moved to Hungary. I had a very beautiful childhood and I didn't miss anything, but I still felt something sad. I also had memories of being somewhere with a lot of kids and I wanted to run away from there. I asked my adoptive mother, "Mom, where was I when I was little?" And there were a lot of children and when you came I would cry and tell you my name - mother Irina take me with you! "?? '', and she always told me that I was in the hospital because I was sick. Until the age of 17 no I knew I had been adopted. Until, one day, the mail came with the divorce papers written in Romanian and Hungarian, because we needed them for Hungarian citizenship. Out of curiosity I read the documents in Romanian and there I saw " adopted Gheorghe Camelia Mariana etc. ''. When I found out, I fainted and my soul was shaken. I felt like nobody's child. My adoptive mother used to tell me that the lawyer had written wrong, but I asked her: "Mommy, in 60 papers ??" She was crying and not telling me anything else. I didn't force her with my questions anymore because if she suffers, I suffer too !!! My adoptive mother is now old and has begun to tell me the truth about me. I would very much like to know who brought me into the world and to know my brother. Please help me find my parents, but especially my biological mother and brother. I have been suffering for many years and I feel that something very important is missing from my life! I thank you from the bottom of my heart!
I'm looking for my biological family! My name was MAJORU CAMELIA MARIANA. The name of the biological mother is TUDOR ANA and of the father MAJORU VALERIU. I know I have a brother a few years older than me. I was born in the town of BAICOI, Prahova County, on August 14, 1976. My adoptive parents adopted me from the Children's Cradle from Covasna Street no. 8 A, Bucharest, sector 5, when I was 3 years and 8 months old. Until the age of 14 I lived in Bucharest, sector 4, after which my adoptive parents separated and I, together with my adoptive mother, moved to Hungary. I had a very beautiful childhood and I didn't miss anything, but I still felt something sad. I also had memories of being somewhere with a lot of kids and I wanted to run away from there. I asked my adoptive mother, "Mom, where was I when I was little?" And there were a lot of children and when you came I would cry and tell you my name - mother Irina take me with you! "?? '', and she always told me that I was in the hospital because I was sick. Until the age of 17 no I knew I had been adopted. Until, one day, the mail came with the divorce papers written in Romanian and Hungarian, because we needed them for Hungarian citizenship. Out of curiosity I read the documents in Romanian and there I saw " adopted Gheorghe Camelia Mariana etc. ''. When I found out, I fainted and my soul was shaken. I felt like nobody's child. My adoptive mother used to tell me that the lawyer had written wrong, but I asked her: "Mommy, in 60 papers ??" She was crying and not telling me anything else. I didn't force her with my questions anymore because if she suffers, I suffer too !!! My adoptive mother is now old and has begun to tell me the truth about me. I would very much like to know who brought me into the world and to know my brother. Please help me find my parents, but especially my biological mother and brother. I have been suffering for many years and I feel that something very important is missing from my life! I thank you from the bottom of my heart!
A BEAUTIFUL MEETING !!! Recently, someone recommended this page to me, as it could help with finding my family. I said to try here too ... On April 9, they posted my ad along with some photos. I couldn't believe it, when I saw the comment on my post, even from a relative from my biological family !! I immediately made all the connections with her, and today I finally met my biological mother and brother. I would so much like to be able to explain the emotions I went through and are going through, but there are no words !!! Even after hours of meeting, I can't believe it, as if I live in a dream, as if it's not real !!! I want to thank everyone here for the most beautiful thing anyone has ever done for me, finding my family. I hug you all with much love and respect xxx
A BEAUTIFUL MEETING !!! Recently, someone recommended this page to me, as it could help with finding my family. I said to try here too ... On April 9, they posted my ad along with some photos. I couldn't believe it, when I saw the comment on my post, even from a relative from my biological family !! I immediately made all the connections with her, and today I finally met my biological mother and brother. I would so much like to be able to explain the emotions I went through and are going through, but there are no words !!! Even after hours of meeting, I can't believe it, as if I live in a dream, as if it's not real !!! I want to thank everyone here for the most beautiful thing anyone has ever done for me, finding my family. I hug you all with much love and respect xxx
GRANDMOTHER FOUND. THE BIOLOGICAL MOTHER DOES NOT WANT CONTACT. Greetings to all in Sweden! My name is MOCANU SIMONE-GABRIEL. I was born in GALATI, on January 6, 1995. I am looking for my biological family. The only information I have is about my mother. At the time of adoption, her name was MOCANU MARGARETA and she lived in TARGU BUJOR, Gheorghe Brezoianu Street, Galati County. Margareta was born in 1976. Her grandparents are called MOCANU ION and MOCANU SAFTICA. I sincerely hope to find my mother and the whole biological family. Please SHARE my ad. Thanks!
GRANDMOTHER FOUND. THE BIOLOGICAL MOTHER DOES NOT WANT CONTACT. Greetings to all in Sweden! My name is MOCANU SIMONE-GABRIEL. I was born in GALATI, on January 6, 1995. I am looking for my biological family. The only information I have is about my mother. At the time of adoption, her name was MOCANU MARGARETA and she lived in TARGU BUJOR, Gheorghe Brezoianu Street, Galati County. Margareta was born in 1976. Her grandparents are called MOCANU ION and MOCANU SAFTICA. I sincerely hope to find my mother and the whole biological family. Please SHARE my ad. Thanks!
Hi ! My name is GHERASIM MARINELA-CATALINA, I was born on January 20, 1991, in Iasi. I was hospitalized in a Placement Center until the age of 12 and a half, after which I was placed in a foster home until the age of 19. I'm looking for my biological parents and siblings. My father's name is GHERASIM MARIAN, and my mother's name is GOJORA MARIANA. All I have left of my parents is a photo you see here. I know I have a brother ANDREI and a sister RALUCA. I ask all those who recognize these people and have any information about them to help me get in touch with my family. Thank you in advance and I wish you all Holy and Happy Holidays !! PLEASE SHARE my call!
Hi ! My name is GHERASIM MARINELA-CATALINA, I was born on January 20, 1991, in Iasi. I was hospitalized in a Placement Center until the age of 12 and a half, after which I was placed in a foster home until the age of 19. I'm looking for my biological parents and siblings. My father's name is GHERASIM MARIAN, and my mother's name is GOJORA MARIANA. All I have left of my parents is a photo you see here. I know I have a brother ANDREI and a sister RALUCA. I ask all those who recognize these people and have any information about them to help me get in touch with my family. Thank you in advance and I wish you all Holy and Happy Holidays !! PLEASE SHARE my call!
John Gauthier from Sussex Wisconsin, was adopted from Romania Ramnicu Valcea. Not until 23 years later, John would then find a letter that was written to him from 1991, from his birth mother that she wrote in 1991 before John was to be adopted. This letter would then lead him around the world to be united with his birth family! This incredible story has gone around the world and has given many hopes for others in successfully completing a journey and a Dream come true! Thanks for sharing your incredible story!!
John Gauthier from Sussex Wisconsin, was adopted from Romania Ramnicu Valcea. Not until 23 years later, John would then find a letter that was written to him from 1991, from his birth mother that she wrote in 1991 before John was to be adopted. This letter would then lead him around the world to be united with his birth family! This incredible story has gone around the world and has given many hopes for others in successfully completing a journey and a Dream come true! Thanks for sharing your incredible story!!
FAMILY REUNIONS cannot be put into words... Here, we are following up on the amazing journey of BACIU SOMNA from Israel.
FAMILY REUNIONS cannot be put into words... Here, we are following up on the amazing journey of BACIU SOMNA from Israel.
My Romanian name was SINEK ANELISSE-MARIA and I was born on 10. 07. 1985 in PLOIESTI, Prahova County. My father was of Nigerian origin and my mother was Romanian. I was adopted by a wonderful family from Belgium at the age of 6, from the placement center, Sinaia. I am looking for my mother, SINEK ROSVITA-MARIA, born in Dumbraveni commune, Sibiu county. My mother lived for a while in Ploiesti where I was born. In my adoption documents there is an address from Bucharest where she lived during the period when I was adopted: Deleni Stadium, no. 2, Bl. T 69, Sc. 2. Ap. 58, Sector 2. Today I am the mother of two children and I want with all my heart to know the one who gave me life. Thank you to everyone who can help me get in touch with her. Please SHARE this message!
My Romanian name was SINEK ANELISSE-MARIA and I was born on 10. 07. 1985 in PLOIESTI, Prahova County. My father was of Nigerian origin and my mother was Romanian. I was adopted by a wonderful family from Belgium at the age of 6, from the placement center, Sinaia. I am looking for my mother, SINEK ROSVITA-MARIA, born in Dumbraveni commune, Sibiu county. My mother lived for a while in Ploiesti where I was born. In my adoption documents there is an address from Bucharest where she lived during the period when I was adopted: Deleni Stadium, no. 2, Bl. T 69, Sc. 2. Ap. 58, Sector 2. Today I am the mother of two children and I want with all my heart to know the one who gave me life. Thank you to everyone who can help me get in touch with her. Please SHARE this message!
Thank you for writing about the search.
Thank you for writing about the search.
We thank the Prahovean Observatory - News from Ploiesti & Prahova and the wonderful people who went home to the biological family and mediated the beautiful reunion. https: //www.observatorulph .com / exclusive / 91 407-a-young-adopted-in-usa-and-a-found mother-of-Ploiesti-by-27-by-year video
We thank the Prahovean Observatory - News from Ploiesti & Prahova and the wonderful people who went home to the biological family and mediated the beautiful reunion. https: //www.observatorulph .com / exclusive / 91 407-a-young-adopted-in-usa-and-a-found mother-of-Ploiesti-by-27-by-year video
DUMITRU MARIAN ROBERT born in Bucharest, on March 20, 1992, is looking for his biological mother DUMITRU DOINA. Marian was hospitalized from birth in the cradle for children number 1 in Bucharest, from where he was discharged by his mother on March 16, 1993. From here, a few months later Marian was adopted in Italy. His mother, now 46 years old, lived on Meseriasilor Street in Bucharest and previously on Elizeu Street, with the Dragoi Costica family, who provided him with growing up as a minor. The biological mother from a cohabitation relationship gave birth to another child, RADU ARGENTINA. This little girl was recognized by her father, although during Marian's adoption the 4-year-old girl was also institutionalized. We hope to find the biological mother Dumitru Doina and the step-sister, Radu Argentina. Please DISTRIBUTE this young man's call with the hope that together we will be able to find his biological family. Thanks everyone !!
DUMITRU MARIAN ROBERT born in Bucharest, on March 20, 1992, is looking for his biological mother DUMITRU DOINA. Marian was hospitalized from birth in the cradle for children number 1 in Bucharest, from where he was discharged by his mother on March 16, 1993. From here, a few months later Marian was adopted in Italy. His mother, now 46 years old, lived on Meseriasilor Street in Bucharest and previously on Elizeu Street, with the Dragoi Costica family, who provided him with growing up as a minor. The biological mother from a cohabitation relationship gave birth to another child, RADU ARGENTINA. This little girl was recognized by her father, although during Marian's adoption the 4-year-old girl was also institutionalized. We hope to find the biological mother Dumitru Doina and the step-sister, Radu Argentina. Please DISTRIBUTE this young man's call with the hope that together we will be able to find his biological family. Thanks everyone !!
The adopted young men are looking for families and relatives from HUNEDOARA county. Please help us with a distribution !! FAMILY FOUND FERGHETE MARCEL adopted in Canada is looking for his biological mother FERGHETE ADRIANA. COLOMPAR CRISTIAN adopted in Canada found out that COLOMPAR Sofia's mother, born in Secusigiu, Arad County, died in Deva, her birthplace on July 28, 2006. She is now looking for her siblings and all her relatives. THE FAMILY FOUND VARGA ELEONORA RAFAELA adopted in England is looking for her biological mother VARGA ELISABETA. Please SHARE this ad to all acquaintances in HUNEDOARA. Surely someone from this county knows the families and relatives of these adopted young people. Thanks everyone !!
The adopted young men are looking for families and relatives from HUNEDOARA county. Please help us with a distribution !! FAMILY FOUND FERGHETE MARCEL adopted in Canada is looking for his biological mother FERGHETE ADRIANA. COLOMPAR CRISTIAN adopted in Canada found out that COLOMPAR Sofia's mother, born in Secusigiu, Arad County, died in Deva, her birthplace on July 28, 2006. She is now looking for her siblings and all her relatives. THE FAMILY FOUND VARGA ELEONORA RAFAELA adopted in England is looking for her biological mother VARGA ELISABETA. Please SHARE this ad to all acquaintances in HUNEDOARA. Surely someone from this county knows the families and relatives of these adopted young people. Thanks everyone !!
Hi! Thank you for giving me a little of your time to read these few lines. I am also among the thousands of adopted children in Romania. I was born in one of the hospitals of Bucharest, more precisely at hospital no. 9, in April 1970. My biological mother was 14 at the time. She abandoned me because her parents didn't want to take her home with me. At that time, a doctor, Mihail, worked at that hospital and took care of all the documents. I have no document certifying my adoption. The adoptive mother, when she returned home from Bucharest, threw away all the documents from the train. I found out I was adopted when I was 24 years old. The adoptive mother did not want to tell me anything about the biological mother because she was afraid of leaving and leaving her alone. Now both adoptive parents are dead. Before she died, they told me that her biological mother lived in Metalurgiei 13 in Bucharest with her parents, a brother and her grandmother. My mother's brother's name is Nicu and he was 7 years old when I was adopted. I mention that I don't know his biological mother's name for sure. I was told his name was Bratu Elena or Bradu Elena. But nothing is certain. Please spread this call to reach people who may have information about my biological family who worked at Metalurgiei 13 in 1970 because I searched everywhere including child protection, but found nothing. Maybe someone knows where the archive could be with the residents of 13 Metalurgiei Street from that period. My last hope is you people with a big soul. Please don't judge her because she abandoned me because she looked for me when I turned 18 but her parents told her that I died in the floods of 1974. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Hi! Thank you for giving me a little of your time to read these few lines. I am also among the thousands of adopted children in Romania. I was born in one of the hospitals of Bucharest, more precisely at hospital no. 9, in April 1970. My biological mother was 14 at the time. She abandoned me because her parents didn't want to take her home with me. At that time, a doctor, Mihail, worked at that hospital and took care of all the documents. I have no document certifying my adoption. The adoptive mother, when she returned home from Bucharest, threw away all the documents from the train. I found out I was adopted when I was 24 years old. The adoptive mother did not want to tell me anything about the biological mother because she was afraid of leaving and leaving her alone. Now both adoptive parents are dead. Before she died, they told me that her biological mother lived in Metalurgiei 13 in Bucharest with her parents, a brother and her grandmother. My mother's brother's name is Nicu and he was 7 years old when I was adopted. I mention that I don't know his biological mother's name for sure. I was told his name was Bratu Elena or Bradu Elena. But nothing is certain. Please spread this call to reach people who may have information about my biological family who worked at Metalurgiei 13 in 1970 because I searched everywhere including child protection, but found nothing. Maybe someone knows where the archive could be with the residents of 13 Metalurgiei Street from that period. My last hope is you people with a big soul. Please don't judge her because she abandoned me because she looked for me when I turned 18 but her parents told her that I died in the floods of 1974. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
We are looking for the PETRACHE family from Bucharest. Please SHARE
We are looking for the PETRACHE family from Bucharest. Please SHARE
Hi! My name first of adoption was STANESCU MARIA, born on 15th September 1989. I am looking for my biological parents STANESCU MARITA and STANESCU NELU from HOREZU, Valcea county. About me I only know that I was adopted from Ramnicu Valcea. All this time I wished to know them and to have news from them and all my family. I do thank you for any small help. SHARING this post I hope that it will arrive to them or any person who knows them!
Hi! My name first of adoption was STANESCU MARIA, born on 15th September 1989. I am looking for my biological parents STANESCU MARITA and STANESCU NELU from HOREZU, Valcea county. About me I only know that I was adopted from Ramnicu Valcea. All this time I wished to know them and to have news from them and all my family. I do thank you for any small help. SHARING this post I hope that it will arrive to them or any person who knows them!
FIERARU FLORENTINA MARIANA was my name before adoption. I was born on May 11, 1991 in sector 4, Bucharest and I was adopted in Italy. I know that my biological mother's name was FIERARU NICULINA and that I have a sister FIERARU MIHAELA, born in 1992. My mother lived in cohabitation with Mr. PANAIT AUREL. From the information recently found, it seems that the mother in the meantime married the dance and is called PANAIT NICULINA. Together they would live in sector 3 of Bucharest. I really want to find my mother. I want to know if I have other brothers and sisters and to know our story. DISTRIBUTING this call maybe you will help me find them, which is why I thank you from the bottom of my heart in advance. Please provide us with any small information you may have.Thank you all!
FIERARU FLORENTINA MARIANA was my name before adoption. I was born on May 11, 1991 in sector 4, Bucharest and I was adopted in Italy. I know that my biological mother's name was FIERARU NICULINA and that I have a sister FIERARU MIHAELA, born in 1992. My mother lived in cohabitation with Mr. PANAIT AUREL. From the information recently found, it seems that the mother in the meantime married the dance and is called PANAIT NICULINA. Together they would live in sector 3 of Bucharest. I really want to find my mother. I want to know if I have other brothers and sisters and to know our story. DISTRIBUTING this call maybe you will help me find them, which is why I thank you from the bottom of my heart in advance. Please provide us with any small information you may have.Thank you all!
Thank you very much for the media coverage of the new family search. We look forward to hearing about the family of the young woman adopted in Canada, ION VIOLETA. Please DISTRIBUTE xxx of-questions-632390.html
Thank you very much for the media coverage of the new family search. We look forward to hearing about the family of the young woman adopted in Canada, ION VIOLETA. Please DISTRIBUTE xxx of-questions-632390.html
Nencu Cristian was my name before adoption. I was born on July 17, 1975, in CRAIOVA and 2 years later I was adopted by a family from Romania. I know that my biological mother's name would have been NENCU ELEONORA, now ION ELEONORA (aged 59 or 60) and that she would live in FILIASI, DOLJ County. I want to find my mother and I hope she wants the same. Finding her would be the fulfillment of my long-awaited dream. Thank you in advance for any help, please SHARE this call and contact the page if you have any small information about my biological mother.
Nencu Cristian was my name before adoption. I was born on July 17, 1975, in CRAIOVA and 2 years later I was adopted by a family from Romania. I know that my biological mother's name would have been NENCU ELEONORA, now ION ELEONORA (aged 59 or 60) and that she would live in FILIASI, DOLJ County. I want to find my mother and I hope she wants the same. Finding her would be the fulfillment of my long-awaited dream. Thank you in advance for any help, please SHARE this call and contact the page if you have any small information about my biological mother.
We are THREE today...!!! "HAPPY 3rd BIRTHDAY" to our community Facebook page, The Never Forgotten Romanian children - Copiii niciodata uitati ai Romaniei. Everything started here on the 24th of January 2015, the creation of this page, the beginning of an incredible, most amazing and unexpected journey!!! THREE years ago today, I created this community Facebook page with ONE massive dream: the finding of an adopted sibling (the boy in the blue hat). Just over a year later, that big dream became true, thanks to this page and to the people I met here!!! We FOUND Victor and he also reunited with the sister Dana, the girl in the red hat, after 26 long years!! The two siblings were adopted and therefore separated in summer 1990, both went to leave in two different parts of the world; we found Dana 10 years ago in the UK. As a result of this ONE SEARCH, this ONE DREAM, 300+ other reunions have happened here. None of this would have been possible without the wonderful team of volunteers behind this page: bottom left picture, Maritha, Daniela si Ionel. Massive THANKS to them, also to our language volunteers, followers, supporters, journalists, and to everyone that has been in touch offering to help, that liked, shared or commented on our posts. TOGETHER we found the way back to their birth families to over 300 adopted children from Romania, to their roots, to the place where it all began, HOME. The success of all our family reunions are because of YOU, everyone that has ever visited and has interacted with our community Facebook page. YOU ALL HAVE MADE IT POSSIBLE!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! Ileana Cunniffe Baiescu. Our beautiful family REUNIONS: ACATINCA Suzana si Viorel ADAM Husza ADAM Lucica Alina ADIN Ghiulsecen ANCUTA Lucian Ionut ANGHEL Ana Maria ANTOHI Andrei ANTONESCU Marinela ATANASIU Alina BACIU Nicoleta BACIU Somna BALAN Ana Maria BALAN Cristina BALAN Maria Ionela BALAUZ Laura BANCU Biamin BANCU Ramona BARDAS Ana BATRANEANU Ioana Doinita BELSO Dalma BICAN Rodica BOLDIJAR Vandana BORA Aurora BRATIMA Marinela Iuliana BRATU Julieta Cosmina BURCEA Nicolae Viorel BURLACU Sorina BUSE Giorgiana Andreea BUTNARASU Laura CAFADARU Florina CALDARARU Ionut CALIN Mihaela CANTOR Adelina CERCEA Dorina CHIPERI Ioan CHIS Sorin CHITA Mihaela CIAMA Ioana CIOARA Mirela CIOBANU Elena CIOBANU Florina CIOBANU Iuliana CIOCLEA Strefan CIURAR Rodica Angela CLABESCU Catalina COVACI Sofica COCOSILA Maria Diana COJOCARU Aurelian COLAC Loredana COLOMPAR Ionela CONSTANTIN Irina CONSTANTIN Luciana Monica CONSTANTIN Madalina CONSTANTIN Mihaela CORJOS Cristina CORODEANU Robert Ionut COSTACHE Roxana COSTACHE Victorita COZAC Maria CRAMER Anca CULEA Florentina CULEA Mirela CURTE Alina CUTARIDA Claudia DANAC Alexandra DAROSI Roxana Andreea DAVID Alexandru DAVID Nicoleta Andreea DEAC Mihaela DEHELEAN Narcisa DIACONU Ionela DILLE Daniel si Marius DIMA Alexandra DIMA Sabrina Violeta DIMOFTI Ana si Valentin DOBROGEANU Marius si Loredana DOMINTEANU Florin DOROSCAN Alexandru DRAGNE Ioana si Mariana DRAGOMIR Ecaterina DRAGOMIR George DUDUTA Milica DUMITRACHE Elena DUMITREL Ionela Florentina DUMITRU Cristian DUMITRU Daniela DURAC Alina DURAC Nadia DURAC Robert FARCAS Paul Alexandru FARCAS Rodica Lavinia FILIP Iulian si Iuliana FLOREA Irinel FRENCZ Gabriela FRIGLI Denisa GABOR Ana Maria GABOR Olga GABOR Vasile GEORGESCU Alexandru GHEORGHE Maria si Alin GHEORGHE Nadia GHEORGHICA Alina GHEORGHITA Mirela GHEORGHIU Andreea GHILEA Alexandra GHITA Liliana si Florina GOTEA Mihaela GRANCEA Asa HAIDU Claudia HARET Roxana Daniela HIRLET Maria Livia HORVATH Angela Monica HORVATH Violeta HULUPARU Ionela IANKO Nadia IBRAHIM Elvis ILIE Ioana ION Aneta ION Cristina ION Magdalena ION Mariana IONESCU Elena Carmen IONITA Viorica IORDAN Ion si Ciprian IRIMIA Daniel IURCU Bogdan IVAN MADALINA IZET Ali JALBA Marius KALANYOS Eszter KOCE Florin Eugen KONCZ Arnold LACATUS Angel Ludovic LACATUS Lia Maria LACATUS Roxana LACATUS Sabrina LAKATOS Henrietta LALUS Antonio Stefan LAZAR Emanuela LEFTER Cristina LEIZEIRIUC Andreea LEPADATESCU Rodica LETCANU Adrian LINGURAR Floare LINGURAR Geta LINGURAR Marusa Lacramioara LINGURAR Monica LOGO Adriana LUPAN Daniel Florin MACHIDON Margareta MANEA Simona Maria MANOLACHE Costel MARCU Alexandru Daniel MARES Alexandru MARGEAN Madalina MARIAN Gheorghe Marius MARIN Constantin Victor MARINCEAN Florin MATEI Corina MATEI Emilia Adriana MEMET Daniela MEMET Ibazer si Niazi MIHAI Corina Stefania MIHAI florin MIHAILA Carmen MIROSLAV Gabriela MITEF Maria MITRAN Mariana MOCANU / GRAUR Iuliana MOCANU Maria MOLDOVAN Irina MOLDOVAN Irina Carolina MONDOC Emilia Garofita MORARU Simona MORTOCEAN Romulus si Remus MURARIU Petronela MURESAN Flaviu Lucian MURUGA Costica MUSAT Gabriela Giorgiana MUSTAFA Stefan MUTI Mirela MUTIN Lenuta NEATA Ioana NEGRESCU Luigi NEGRU Lavinia Mariana NISTOR Lucian Ionut OLARIU Marian OPREA Cristian OPREA Florin Marina OPRIS MIHAELA OTVOS Ioan PANTIRU Argentina PANTIRU Claudiu David PARADICZA Roxana Monica PARNIC Daniela Cristina PARVU Cristina PASARICA Robert Daniel PATRASCANU Florentina PAUN Leonardo PAUN Monica PAUN Petre PERSINARU PETRCU Camelia PETRE Emil PETREA Alina PETRESCU Georgeta PINTEALA Maria Giulia PLAVAN Costel POSTOLACHE Iulia POTCOVARU Cristian PRISACARIU Ioana PURICE Stefan si Vasilica RADOI Mihai RADU Dragos RADU Maria RADULESCU Monica RADUT RADUTA Gabriela RAGALIE Roxana RATEANU Marusia Petruta REBECA Filofteia si Florina RITA Seli ROATA Vasilica ROMAN Mihaela ROSTAS Angela Mihaela ROTARU Constantin RUJA Andreia RUSU Claudia Mihaela RUSU Nadia SAICU Lina SANDU Gianina SANDU Monica SARKADI Rodica Liliana SAVIANU Mariana SCRIPCARU Adrian SERBAN Andreea SERBAN Ribana SERBAN Violeta SILAGHI Cristian SIMION Leonard SIMO Eniko SLABU Elena SOLOMON Vasile STANCIU STANESCU Daniela si Nicolae STAVARACHE Petrica STEFAN Luciana STEFAN Monica STOIAN Cristina STOICA Ana Maria STREMCIUC David TACU Alina TAMPURICA Florentina TANASE Adrian TANASE Maria TATARU Amalia Loredana TIBULEAC Adriana TINCA Loredana TITILINA Stefania TOBOSARU Cosmin TOMA Mihaela si Silvia TONEA Ionela TRIFAN Marian Aurel TUDOR Cristian TUDORACHE Cristian TUDOSA Gabriela Danuta TUFEANU Georgeta TUGUI Mihaela TURSAN Alexandra VARGA Eva VARGA Marta VARGA Virag VARVAROI Cornelia VASILE MARIANA VLAD Constantina VLAD Ioana VLADEANU Ioana VLASTARU Florina Ramona VULPE Simona Adelina ZAIM Arsena Marian ZAIM Cristina ZAMFIR Mari ZSOLT Laszlo
We are THREE today...!!! "HAPPY 3rd BIRTHDAY" to our community Facebook page, The Never Forgotten Romanian children - Copiii niciodata uitati ai Romaniei. Everything started here on the 24th of January 2015, the creation of this page, the beginning of an incredible, most amazing and unexpected journey!!! THREE years ago today, I created this community Facebook page with ONE massive dream: the finding of an adopted sibling (the boy in the blue hat). Just over a year later, that big dream became true, thanks to this page and to the people I met here!!! We FOUND Victor and he also reunited with the sister Dana, the girl in the red hat, after 26 long years!! The two siblings were adopted and therefore separated in summer 1990, both went to leave in two different parts of the world; we found Dana 10 years ago in the UK. As a result of this ONE SEARCH, this ONE DREAM, 300+ other reunions have happened here. None of this would have been possible without the wonderful team of volunteers behind this page: bottom left picture, Maritha, Daniela si Ionel. Massive THANKS to them, also to our language volunteers, followers, supporters, journalists, and to everyone that has been in touch offering to help, that liked, shared or commented on our posts. TOGETHER we found the way back to their birth families to over 300 adopted children from Romania, to their roots, to the place where it all began, HOME. The success of all our family reunions are because of YOU, everyone that has ever visited and has interacted with our community Facebook page. YOU ALL HAVE MADE IT POSSIBLE!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! Ileana Cunniffe Baiescu. Our beautiful family REUNIONS: ACATINCA Suzana si Viorel ADAM Husza ADAM Lucica Alina ADIN Ghiulsecen ANCUTA Lucian Ionut ANGHEL Ana Maria ANTOHI Andrei ANTONESCU Marinela ATANASIU Alina BACIU Nicoleta BACIU Somna BALAN Ana Maria BALAN Cristina BALAN Maria Ionela BALAUZ Laura BANCU Biamin BANCU Ramona BARDAS Ana BATRANEANU Ioana Doinita BELSO Dalma BICAN Rodica BOLDIJAR Vandana BORA Aurora BRATIMA Marinela Iuliana BRATU Julieta Cosmina BURCEA Nicolae Viorel BURLACU Sorina BUSE Giorgiana Andreea BUTNARASU Laura CAFADARU Florina CALDARARU Ionut CALIN Mihaela CANTOR Adelina CERCEA Dorina CHIPERI Ioan CHIS Sorin CHITA Mihaela CIAMA Ioana CIOARA Mirela CIOBANU Elena CIOBANU Florina CIOBANU Iuliana CIOCLEA Strefan CIURAR Rodica Angela CLABESCU Catalina COVACI Sofica COCOSILA Maria Diana COJOCARU Aurelian COLAC Loredana COLOMPAR Ionela CONSTANTIN Irina CONSTANTIN Luciana Monica CONSTANTIN Madalina CONSTANTIN Mihaela CORJOS Cristina CORODEANU Robert Ionut COSTACHE Roxana COSTACHE Victorita COZAC Maria CRAMER Anca CULEA Florentina CULEA Mirela CURTE Alina CUTARIDA Claudia DANAC Alexandra DAROSI Roxana Andreea DAVID Alexandru DAVID Nicoleta Andreea DEAC Mihaela DEHELEAN Narcisa DIACONU Ionela DILLE Daniel si Marius DIMA Alexandra DIMA Sabrina Violeta DIMOFTI Ana si Valentin DOBROGEANU Marius si Loredana DOMINTEANU Florin DOROSCAN Alexandru DRAGNE Ioana si Mariana DRAGOMIR Ecaterina DRAGOMIR George DUDUTA Milica DUMITRACHE Elena DUMITREL Ionela Florentina DUMITRU Cristian DUMITRU Daniela DURAC Alina DURAC Nadia DURAC Robert FARCAS Paul Alexandru FARCAS Rodica Lavinia FILIP Iulian si Iuliana FLOREA Irinel FRENCZ Gabriela FRIGLI Denisa GABOR Ana Maria GABOR Olga GABOR Vasile GEORGESCU Alexandru GHEORGHE Maria si Alin GHEORGHE Nadia GHEORGHICA Alina GHEORGHITA Mirela GHEORGHIU Andreea GHILEA Alexandra GHITA Liliana si Florina GOTEA Mihaela GRANCEA Asa HAIDU Claudia HARET Roxana Daniela HIRLET Maria Livia HORVATH Angela Monica HORVATH Violeta HULUPARU Ionela IANKO Nadia IBRAHIM Elvis ILIE Ioana ION Aneta ION Cristina ION Magdalena ION Mariana IONESCU Elena Carmen IONITA Viorica IORDAN Ion si Ciprian IRIMIA Daniel IURCU Bogdan IVAN MADALINA IZET Ali JALBA Marius KALANYOS Eszter KOCE Florin Eugen KONCZ Arnold LACATUS Angel Ludovic LACATUS Lia Maria LACATUS Roxana LACATUS Sabrina LAKATOS Henrietta LALUS Antonio Stefan LAZAR Emanuela LEFTER Cristina LEIZEIRIUC Andreea LEPADATESCU Rodica LETCANU Adrian LINGURAR Floare LINGURAR Geta LINGURAR Marusa Lacramioara LINGURAR Monica LOGO Adriana LUPAN Daniel Florin MACHIDON Margareta MANEA Simona Maria MANOLACHE Costel MARCU Alexandru Daniel MARES Alexandru MARGEAN Madalina MARIAN Gheorghe Marius MARIN Constantin Victor MARINCEAN Florin MATEI Corina MATEI Emilia Adriana MEMET Daniela MEMET Ibazer si Niazi MIHAI Corina Stefania MIHAI florin MIHAILA Carmen MIROSLAV Gabriela MITEF Maria MITRAN Mariana MOCANU / GRAUR Iuliana MOCANU Maria MOLDOVAN Irina MOLDOVAN Irina Carolina MONDOC Emilia Garofita MORARU Simona MORTOCEAN Romulus si Remus MURARIU Petronela MURESAN Flaviu Lucian MURUGA Costica MUSAT Gabriela Giorgiana MUSTAFA Stefan MUTI Mirela MUTIN Lenuta NEATA Ioana NEGRESCU Luigi NEGRU Lavinia Mariana NISTOR Lucian Ionut OLARIU Marian OPREA Cristian OPREA Florin Marina OPRIS MIHAELA OTVOS Ioan PANTIRU Argentina PANTIRU Claudiu David PARADICZA Roxana Monica PARNIC Daniela Cristina PARVU Cristina PASARICA Robert Daniel PATRASCANU Florentina PAUN Leonardo PAUN Monica PAUN Petre PERSINARU PETRCU Camelia PETRE Emil PETREA Alina PETRESCU Georgeta PINTEALA Maria Giulia PLAVAN Costel POSTOLACHE Iulia POTCOVARU Cristian PRISACARIU Ioana PURICE Stefan si Vasilica RADOI Mihai RADU Dragos RADU Maria RADULESCU Monica RADUT RADUTA Gabriela RAGALIE Roxana RATEANU Marusia Petruta REBECA Filofteia si Florina RITA Seli ROATA Vasilica ROMAN Mihaela ROSTAS Angela Mihaela ROTARU Constantin RUJA Andreia RUSU Claudia Mihaela RUSU Nadia SAICU Lina SANDU Gianina SANDU Monica SARKADI Rodica Liliana SAVIANU Mariana SCRIPCARU Adrian SERBAN Andreea SERBAN Ribana SERBAN Violeta SILAGHI Cristian SIMION Leonard SIMO Eniko SLABU Elena SOLOMON Vasile STANCIU STANESCU Daniela si Nicolae STAVARACHE Petrica STEFAN Luciana STEFAN Monica STOIAN Cristina STOICA Ana Maria STREMCIUC David TACU Alina TAMPURICA Florentina TANASE Adrian TANASE Maria TATARU Amalia Loredana TIBULEAC Adriana TINCA Loredana TITILINA Stefania TOBOSARU Cosmin TOMA Mihaela si Silvia TONEA Ionela TRIFAN Marian Aurel TUDOR Cristian TUDORACHE Cristian TUDOSA Gabriela Danuta TUFEANU Georgeta TUGUI Mihaela TURSAN Alexandra VARGA Eva VARGA Marta VARGA Virag VARVAROI Cornelia VASILE MARIANA VLAD Constantina VLAD Ioana VLADEANU Ioana VLASTARU Florina Ramona VULPE Simona Adelina ZAIM Arsena Marian ZAIM Cristina ZAMFIR Mari ZSOLT Laszlo
ANOTHER STORY WITH A HAPPY END… On September 6, 2016, an adopted young man sent us the following message: “Hello, my name is CRISTEA CRISTIAN, born on May 23, 1988. I was sent to the orphanage in Bucharest shortly after birth, the natural mother dying after my birth. My mother's name was Elena, and my father was Tudor Ion. I was adopted at the age of 2 by an excellent family from Prahova County. I have almost 2 years since I keep trying to find out a little more about those who carry the same blood, as my adoptive mother told me, I would have more brothers and my natural mother was from Vaslui County. Thank you from the bottom of my heart if you could help me. ”A lot of attempts followed to find this young man's family. It was collaborated with the press, several announcements were placed, internet searches were made, many telephone calls were made and it was written to the Romanian authority; more than a year, and nothing could be found for him. Cristian kept in touch with the page administrators and often checked if we have any news for him… Because here, we NEVER give up finding families, in the end, the page's administrators identified one of Cristian's brothers on Facebook, Mihai. Through him, Cristian also got in touch with the other biological brothers: Stefan, Marius and Dan Alexandru. Our emotions were very great when the 5 brothers finally met during the winter holidays. THE FAMILY WAS REUNIZED, A CHRISTMAS GIFT not only for Cristian but also for his brothers! Here are a few words from Cristian: “I really can't believe that such a thing was possible for me, I honestly didn't think I would ever find my brothers. How much I searched for them with my adoptive mother and hoped that one day we would find them all. I am so indebted to everyone here who didn't give up until I fulfilled this great dream !! I want to thank from the bottom of my heart this page of the adopted children, especially one of the volunteers here, Daniela. Thank you very much for all your support, understanding and time. Words are not enough to describe the emotions and happiness I am now experiencing, as if I am in a dream !!! How much it means to find my brothers, thank you from the bottom of my heart to all those who helped me !! Not only did we find them, but on the eve of the winter holidays we all met together, all 5 boys, we lived the most emotional moments of our lives !! A tip for all those who are looking for roots: never give up, trust: Hope dies last !!! (In the first photo is my brother Marius and I, and in the second, it's Mihai, Stefan, me and Dan).
ANOTHER STORY WITH A HAPPY END… On September 6, 2016, an adopted young man sent us the following message: “Hello, my name is CRISTEA CRISTIAN, born on May 23, 1988. I was sent to the orphanage in Bucharest shortly after birth, the natural mother dying after my birth. My mother's name was Elena, and my father was Tudor Ion. I was adopted at the age of 2 by an excellent family from Prahova County. I have almost 2 years since I keep trying to find out a little more about those who carry the same blood, as my adoptive mother told me, I would have more brothers and my natural mother was from Vaslui County. Thank you from the bottom of my heart if you could help me. ”A lot of attempts followed to find this young man's family. It was collaborated with the press, several announcements were placed, internet searches were made, many telephone calls were made and it was written to the Romanian authority; more than a year, and nothing could be found for him. Cristian kept in touch with the page administrators and often checked if we have any news for him… Because here, we NEVER give up finding families, in the end, the page's administrators identified one of Cristian's brothers on Facebook, Mihai. Through him, Cristian also got in touch with the other biological brothers: Stefan, Marius and Dan Alexandru. Our emotions were very great when the 5 brothers finally met during the winter holidays. THE FAMILY WAS REUNIZED, A CHRISTMAS GIFT not only for Cristian but also for his brothers! Here are a few words from Cristian: “I really can't believe that such a thing was possible for me, I honestly didn't think I would ever find my brothers. How much I searched for them with my adoptive mother and hoped that one day we would find them all. I am so indebted to everyone here who didn't give up until I fulfilled this great dream !! I want to thank from the bottom of my heart this page of the adopted children, especially one of the volunteers here, Daniela. Thank you very much for all your support, understanding and time. Words are not enough to describe the emotions and happiness I am now experiencing, as if I am in a dream !!! How much it means to find my brothers, thank you from the bottom of my heart to all those who helped me !! Not only did we find them, but on the eve of the winter holidays we all met together, all 5 boys, we lived the most emotional moments of our lives !! A tip for all those who are looking for roots: never give up, trust: Hope dies last !!! (In the first photo is my brother Marius and I, and in the second, it's Mihai, Stefan, me and Dan).
Many thanks to the editorial staff of EST NEWS - Cotidian de Vaslui, for all the efforts made to find the family of the young woman adopted in Denmark. We are all very happy for Ionela, her siblings and relatives with whom she began to meet. Ionela was very sad to receive the news that her parents are no longer alive, but she is very happy and can't wait to meet the rest of the family. Thousands of thanks to this wonderful editorial office but also to all the people who collaborated with us and Cotidianul for reaching this beautiful result. Another beautiful MEETING much desired by the never forgotten children of Romania !!! THANK YOU ALL !!! ce-fost-adoptata-danemarca / look for parents-biological-county Vaslui-help-me-me-find-my-big-family-Romanian /
Many thanks to the editorial staff of EST NEWS - Cotidian de Vaslui, for all the efforts made to find the family of the young woman adopted in Denmark. We are all very happy for Ionela, her siblings and relatives with whom she began to meet. Ionela was very sad to receive the news that her parents are no longer alive, but she is very happy and can't wait to meet the rest of the family. Thousands of thanks to this wonderful editorial office but also to all the people who collaborated with us and Cotidianul for reaching this beautiful result. Another beautiful MEETING much desired by the never forgotten children of Romania !!! THANK YOU ALL !!! ce-fost-adoptata-danemarca / look for parents-biological-county Vaslui-help-me-me-find-my-big-family-Romanian /
My name before the adoption was BALOG ESTERA, born on 12th October 1988 in NASAUD, BISTRITA- NASAUD. I was adopted in Germany by two wonderful parents. I am looking for my origins. I wish to find my biological mom BALOG FELICIA, 55 years old. I appeal to you and I ask you to SHARE this message hoping that my family will read it. Please get in touch privately with the page THE NEVER FORGOTTEN ROMANIAN CHILDREN if you have any information that might be of help. Thank you all so much!
My name before the adoption was BALOG ESTERA, born on 12th October 1988 in NASAUD, BISTRITA- NASAUD. I was adopted in Germany by two wonderful parents. I am looking for my origins. I wish to find my biological mom BALOG FELICIA, 55 years old. I appeal to you and I ask you to SHARE this message hoping that my family will read it. Please get in touch privately with the page THE NEVER FORGOTTEN ROMANIAN CHILDREN if you have any information that might be of help. Thank you all so much!
We are looking for the family of TOBOSARU COSMIN, born on March 6, 1995 in Braila, Romania. Cosmin was adopted by a wonderful Italian family and now wants to know his origins. He has no information about the biological family, he only knows that he was transferred from Braila to the Orphanage in Buzau. We hope for your valuable help and please SHARE this post. If you have any information that can help us in its search, please contact the page in private. We thank you a lot!
We are looking for the family of TOBOSARU COSMIN, born on March 6, 1995 in Braila, Romania. Cosmin was adopted by a wonderful Italian family and now wants to know his origins. He has no information about the biological family, he only knows that he was transferred from Braila to the Orphanage in Buzau. We hope for your valuable help and please SHARE this post. If you have any information that can help us in its search, please contact the page in private. We thank you a lot!
Few hours after posting this family search, Monica from New Zeeland and her birth mum were video calling!! Massive THANKS to all our followers and supporters for all the help, for your messages and SHARES of our posts!! Together we are making so many dreams come true!!!!
Few hours after posting this family search, Monica from New Zeeland and her birth mum were video calling!! Massive THANKS to all our followers and supporters for all the help, for your messages and SHARES of our posts!! Together we are making so many dreams come true!!!!
Well, I don’t even know how to begin and how to thank the Good Lord that He made my biggest dream come true: FINDING MY SISTER! She was born 25 years ago, but shortly after that she was adopted abroad. I was born eight years later. I had heard about my older sister all the time. Last night, very late, I stumbled across this page, I think that somehow God wanted me to find it. I left a short comment mentioning that I’d like to find my sister as well. I also mentioned my sister’s name. A few moments later, the admin of the page contacted me privately and asked if my mother’s name is IONESCU ZAHARA and if we’re native from Bucharest. After I confirmed this information, they told my that my sister is also on this page looking for us since February. I could barely control myself. I was shaking and crying like I never did before!! I begged them to put me in contact with her. Instead I received some photographs. IT’S HER!! I ALSO HAVE THIS PHOTO OF HER FROM THE ADOPTION!! THE VERY SAME PHOTO!! They told me that I will be in contact with her after they do some check-ups. It only took an hour but it seemed like forever to me, because I wanted to know everything that very moment. It was God’s will for me to find her here, to see her and hear her voice!!! I am speechless. It’s like a dream to me. Thank you with all my heart! !! My message to families looking for each other is to never give up, dreams do come true! My sister’s photo, including the photo from the adoption. Below, my mother and me. My family is complete, I am overcome with joy!
Well, I don’t even know how to begin and how to thank the Good Lord that He made my biggest dream come true: FINDING MY SISTER! She was born 25 years ago, but shortly after that she was adopted abroad. I was born eight years later. I had heard about my older sister all the time. Last night, very late, I stumbled across this page, I think that somehow God wanted me to find it. I left a short comment mentioning that I’d like to find my sister as well. I also mentioned my sister’s name. A few moments later, the admin of the page contacted me privately and asked if my mother’s name is IONESCU ZAHARA and if we’re native from Bucharest. After I confirmed this information, they told my that my sister is also on this page looking for us since February. I could barely control myself. I was shaking and crying like I never did before!! I begged them to put me in contact with her. Instead I received some photographs. IT’S HER!! I ALSO HAVE THIS PHOTO OF HER FROM THE ADOPTION!! THE VERY SAME PHOTO!! They told me that I will be in contact with her after they do some check-ups. It only took an hour but it seemed like forever to me, because I wanted to know everything that very moment. It was God’s will for me to find her here, to see her and hear her voice!!! I am speechless. It’s like a dream to me. Thank you with all my heart! !! My message to families looking for each other is to never give up, dreams do come true! My sister’s photo, including the photo from the adoption. Below, my mother and me. My family is complete, I am overcome with joy!
Greetings from Spain! Hi ! My name was CATRUTA ELENA GEORGIANA and I was adopted from the "Elena Doamna" Maternity Hospital in Iasi, one month after my birth. I was born on 03.03.1997 and in the baptism certificate the biological parents are called: mother - CATRUTA GEANINA, father - CATRUTA VALI, and as a witness the name of Mrs. Popescu Adnana is mentioned. The address that the biological mother gave was from Botosani, Imparat Traian Street. I know that my mother was 24 years old, she was red, she had an accent from Banat and she was very beautiful. My father was a truck driver, and I later found out that he worked abroad. I really want to find my biological parents and know my origins. I hope for your help and please SHARE this post. Contact the page in private if you have any information about my family! Thank you from my heart!
Greetings from Spain! Hi ! My name was CATRUTA ELENA GEORGIANA and I was adopted from the "Elena Doamna" Maternity Hospital in Iasi, one month after my birth. I was born on 03.03.1997 and in the baptism certificate the biological parents are called: mother - CATRUTA GEANINA, father - CATRUTA VALI, and as a witness the name of Mrs. Popescu Adnana is mentioned. The address that the biological mother gave was from Botosani, Imparat Traian Street. I know that my mother was 24 years old, she was red, she had an accent from Banat and she was very beautiful. My father was a truck driver, and I later found out that he worked abroad. I really want to find my biological parents and know my origins. I hope for your help and please SHARE this post. Contact the page in private if you have any information about my family! Thank you from my heart!
The story of an amazing young man adopted from Romania. In January 2016 we have reunited him with his birth family from Bucharest
The story of an amazing young man adopted from Romania. In January 2016 we have reunited him with his birth family from Bucharest
The search for the family in Prahova county continues ... Please SHARE -disperare-parents-biological-of-Prahova
The search for the family in Prahova county continues ... Please SHARE -disperare-parents-biological-of-Prahova
From Denmark, with love to ROMANIA... "Home, face to face with my birth mother in Mangalia, County Constanta. Spending wonderful time with biological family and relatives, massive thanks for making this possible for me!!" Close to reaching 300 beautiful reunions here...all thanks to our wonderful team of volunteers and our page supporters. Thank you for SHARING our important announcements, for bringing so many beautiful families together!!! The MAGIC MOMENTS of social media...
From Denmark, with love to ROMANIA... "Home, face to face with my birth mother in Mangalia, County Constanta. Spending wonderful time with biological family and relatives, massive thanks for making this possible for me!!" Close to reaching 300 beautiful reunions here...all thanks to our wonderful team of volunteers and our page supporters. Thank you for SHARING our important announcements, for bringing so many beautiful families together!!! The MAGIC MOMENTS of social media...
Finally home to BUZAU after 26 years!! My search for my birth family started right here too and soon became an amazing reunion. No words...
Finally home to BUZAU after 26 years!! My search for my birth family started right here too and soon became an amazing reunion. No words...
Let's help Alexandra find her mother and sister in ITALY From the call of the girl, who started her searches a long time ago, it turns out that her mother and sister would live in Italy ... / observer / community / want-to-know-mother and the now-italy-call-Alexandria-I-look-biological parent /
Let's help Alexandra find her mother and sister in ITALY From the call of the girl, who started her searches a long time ago, it turns out that her mother and sister would live in Italy ... / observer / community / want-to-know-mother and the now-italy-call-Alexandria-I-look-biological parent /
ne more beautiful family reunion... Congratulations Chrissy Thorp, we are so glad that you have found your way back home!!!
ne more beautiful family reunion... Congratulations Chrissy Thorp, we are so glad that you have found your way back home!!!
IZET ALI born in Constanta on the 5th of February 1991and shortly after adopted to Canada, has recently reunited with biological family from Romania. Unfortunately his birth mum, IZET Ghiulseven has passed away in 2005 leaving 3 other small children behind... We have located the beautiful 18 year old sister Sibel and her young family in Cumpana village, Constanta.
IZET ALI born in Constanta on the 5th of February 1991and shortly after adopted to Canada, has recently reunited with biological family from Romania. Unfortunately his birth mum, IZET Ghiulseven has passed away in 2005 leaving 3 other small children behind... We have located the beautiful 18 year old sister Sibel and her young family in Cumpana village, Constanta.
Please help me finding my family. My Romanian name was LACATUS LIA MARIA, born on the 11th of January 1986, in CEHU SILVANIEI, SALAJ. Till the adoption year I was placed in the Children Home of Cehu Silvaniei. My life changed in 1996 when I was adopted by a wonderful family from U.S.A.. From my adoption papers I have the following information: My parents names are: LACATUS DOINITA – mother, born in 1963 and GHEMANT PETRU – father, born in 1958. My brothers and my sister are named: LACATUS CORNEL, LACATUS PETRU TEODOR, GHEMANT VICTOR, LACATUS CLAUDIA. At the adoption time they lived with the biological parents. I really hope to receive important information from you and please SHARE my post in Romania. Thanks to all of you!
Please help me finding my family. My Romanian name was LACATUS LIA MARIA, born on the 11th of January 1986, in CEHU SILVANIEI, SALAJ. Till the adoption year I was placed in the Children Home of Cehu Silvaniei. My life changed in 1996 when I was adopted by a wonderful family from U.S.A.. From my adoption papers I have the following information: My parents names are: LACATUS DOINITA – mother, born in 1963 and GHEMANT PETRU – father, born in 1958. My brothers and my sister are named: LACATUS CORNEL, LACATUS PETRU TEODOR, GHEMANT VICTOR, LACATUS CLAUDIA. At the adoption time they lived with the biological parents. I really hope to receive important information from you and please SHARE my post in Romania. Thanks to all of you!
My name was VARVAROI CORNELIA, I was born on 15.11.1985 in the city of FETESTI, IALOMITA county ... where I was abandoned by my parents. On August 11, 1987, I was transferred to the MANGALIA City Hospital, Orthopedics Department. After a while, I was adopted here by my biological father's grandparents in Targu Neamt. At the time of my adoption, it was found out that I had another biological brother who was also abandoned at the Swing in CERNAVODA, Constanta County. I really want to find him. His name is CATALAN IONUT. Unfortunately, that's all I know about him. I would like to know everything about myself, I really want to know my brother, but also my mother who gave us life. My biological mother's name was CATALAN NICULA, she was from Piatra or Troianu villages, Teleorman county. My biological father's name was VARVAROI MIHAI, at that time he worked on a cattle farm in ALBESTI-COSTANTA. He has been dead for 5 years. I want so badly to find my family. Please HELP ME DISTRIBUTE my ad. Thank you all very much !!!
My name was VARVAROI CORNELIA, I was born on 15.11.1985 in the city of FETESTI, IALOMITA county ... where I was abandoned by my parents. On August 11, 1987, I was transferred to the MANGALIA City Hospital, Orthopedics Department. After a while, I was adopted here by my biological father's grandparents in Targu Neamt. At the time of my adoption, it was found out that I had another biological brother who was also abandoned at the Swing in CERNAVODA, Constanta County. I really want to find him. His name is CATALAN IONUT. Unfortunately, that's all I know about him. I would like to know everything about myself, I really want to know my brother, but also my mother who gave us life. My biological mother's name was CATALAN NICULA, she was from Piatra or Troianu villages, Teleorman county. My biological father's name was VARVAROI MIHAI, at that time he worked on a cattle farm in ALBESTI-COSTANTA. He has been dead for 5 years. I want so badly to find my family. Please HELP ME DISTRIBUTE my ad. Thank you all very much !!!
My Romanian name was CIOBANU FLORINA. I was placed at the orphanage located on 80 Vasile Lupu Street, Iasi together with my sister SIMONA CIOBANU who was born on the 15th of November 1988. My biological mother’s name is CIOBANU ELENA. At the time she was living in Iasi city on EGALITATII Street, Block 827 Sc. B. Now, she should be around 52 years old. Her father’s name is DUMITRU and her mother’s name is PAMFILIA. She has two younger brothers. Please help us find the woman that gave us life. Is a deep need to find our past and to complete the puzzle of my life. Please SHARE with all your friends and family throughout Romania.
My Romanian name was CIOBANU FLORINA. I was placed at the orphanage located on 80 Vasile Lupu Street, Iasi together with my sister SIMONA CIOBANU who was born on the 15th of November 1988. My biological mother’s name is CIOBANU ELENA. At the time she was living in Iasi city on EGALITATII Street, Block 827 Sc. B. Now, she should be around 52 years old. Her father’s name is DUMITRU and her mother’s name is PAMFILIA. She has two younger brothers. Please help us find the woman that gave us life. Is a deep need to find our past and to complete the puzzle of my life. Please SHARE with all your friends and family throughout Romania.
Separated at adoption - REUNITED March 2016, after 26 years. Cover picture taken home in Scutelnici, BUZAU, Romania, summer 1990. This page started with this ONE search, this ONE dream... After 14 months of activities on this community Facebook page, we got there, we brought them back together - a long search but an amazing journey. Thank you all for being part of it!!!
Separated at adoption - REUNITED March 2016, after 26 years. Cover picture taken home in Scutelnici, BUZAU, Romania, summer 1990. This page started with this ONE search, this ONE dream... After 14 months of activities on this community Facebook page, we got there, we brought them back together - a long search but an amazing journey. Thank you all for being part of it!!!
was born in BOTOSANI on the 22nd of September 1992 and around my 3rd birthday I was adopted by the most wonderful family from Denmark. I believe that I was put up in an orphanage right after birth, according to my adoption documents, this was called "Leaganul de copii numarul 2, Botosani" My birth name was MANOLACHE COSTEL. I would really like to find my birth mum, MANOLACHE NICOLETA. I will love to know who she is, how she is and if she had more children after me. I was probably her first born child as she had me at the age of 18. Finding my birth family would be like a dream come true. I always wanted to know my past, my roots... With your help and support I really hope this would be possible. Please SHARE my post throughout Romania until my family will see it too....Thank you!!
was born in BOTOSANI on the 22nd of September 1992 and around my 3rd birthday I was adopted by the most wonderful family from Denmark. I believe that I was put up in an orphanage right after birth, according to my adoption documents, this was called "Leaganul de copii numarul 2, Botosani" My birth name was MANOLACHE COSTEL. I would really like to find my birth mum, MANOLACHE NICOLETA. I will love to know who she is, how she is and if she had more children after me. I was probably her first born child as she had me at the age of 18. Finding my birth family would be like a dream come true. I always wanted to know my past, my roots... With your help and support I really hope this would be possible. Please SHARE my post throughout Romania until my family will see it too....Thank you!!
TUDOSA Gabriela Danuta, is looking for her biological mother, TUDOSA ALINA from Suceava, Romania. PLEASE SHARE!
TUDOSA Gabriela Danuta, is looking for her biological mother, TUDOSA ALINA from Suceava, Romania. PLEASE SHARE!
My name is POPESCU ELENA LUCIANA, I was born in DROBETA TURNU SEVERIN, on 17.10.1994. I was adopted from the hospital by Marius and Mariana Popescu (the parents who raised me, now deceased). The biological mother's name is CROITORU FLORINA (it is possible that Croitoru's name is the girl's name). I don't have more details, but I wish I could find my natural mother! THANK YOU!
My name is POPESCU ELENA LUCIANA, I was born in DROBETA TURNU SEVERIN, on 17.10.1994. I was adopted from the hospital by Marius and Mariana Popescu (the parents who raised me, now deceased). The biological mother's name is CROITORU FLORINA (it is possible that Croitoru's name is the girl's name). I don't have more details, but I wish I could find my natural mother! THANK YOU!
SIX beautiful reunions this month so far, CONGRATULATIONS and very BEST OF LUCK to you all from: Ileana, Daniela, Ionel & Maritha (admins)
SIX beautiful reunions this month so far, CONGRATULATIONS and very BEST OF LUCK to you all from: Ileana, Daniela, Ionel & Maritha (admins)
Our recent REUNION, Daniel and David JACOBSEN from Norway, are now in search of one more sibling, also adopted from Constanta, Romania. Today the twins were filled with happiness, emotions and so much appreciation for the finding of their birth family by our community Facebook page. They have been reunited with 3 biological sisters, were told about their mum passing ten years ago and their dad decision to move on with his life, away from his children around the same time. Daniel and David was also told that they have one more ADOPTED sister. Her name at the time was SEILA MEMET. Nobody knows where she was adopted to, by whom, her age... Finding her it will mean the world to them!! Please SHARE and help make this family complete
Our recent REUNION, Daniel and David JACOBSEN from Norway, are now in search of one more sibling, also adopted from Constanta, Romania. Today the twins were filled with happiness, emotions and so much appreciation for the finding of their birth family by our community Facebook page. They have been reunited with 3 biological sisters, were told about their mum passing ten years ago and their dad decision to move on with his life, away from his children around the same time. Daniel and David was also told that they have one more ADOPTED sister. Her name at the time was SEILA MEMET. Nobody knows where she was adopted to, by whom, her age... Finding her it will mean the world to them!! Please SHARE and help make this family complete
A recent beautiful family reunion!! Twin babies, Romulus and Remus MORTOCEAN were adopted to New Zealand from Arad, Romania. Contacted the page few months ago with picture of their birth parents, their names and their last known location. The boys are now in contact with their birth mum and siblings. Last picture shared here, is their birth mum, Mortocean Georgeta holding up a picture of the twins father, deceased over 10 years ago.
A recent beautiful family reunion!! Twin babies, Romulus and Remus MORTOCEAN were adopted to New Zealand from Arad, Romania. Contacted the page few months ago with picture of their birth parents, their names and their last known location. The boys are now in contact with their birth mum and siblings. Last picture shared here, is their birth mum, Mortocean Georgeta holding up a picture of the twins father, deceased over 10 years ago.
Many thanks to everyone from Videle, Teleorman County for the help given in the reunification of this family. Adrian, adopted in America and his family from the country are in contact after 25 years, a beautiful and much desired reunion. you are the best, thank you !!
Many thanks to everyone from Videle, Teleorman County for the help given in the reunification of this family. Adrian, adopted in America and his family from the country are in contact after 25 years, a beautiful and much desired reunion. you are the best, thank you !!
A beautiful recent reunion: Geanina Viorica SANDU, born in Galati and adopted to Greece at the age of 4, has recently found birth mum Mirela, brother Dragos and sister Simona. A very emotional and much wanted reunion. We thank to our wonderful contacts in Galati, for making this possible xx
A beautiful recent reunion: Geanina Viorica SANDU, born in Galati and adopted to Greece at the age of 4, has recently found birth mum Mirela, brother Dragos and sister Simona. A very emotional and much wanted reunion. We thank to our wonderful contacts in Galati, for making this possible xx
From AUSTRALIA, with much love... The latest search posted here yesterday, took us right the next day, to the birth family!! A massive THANK YOU to everyone that has shared and came forward with the much needed information. The twins and their adoptive family from Australia, are having the most wonderful time with the Romanian family via internet; they are sharing a lot of love, beautiful stories, photographs and a lot of happiness. After 22 years, their biggest dream came true: the finding of the single dad and all their siblings from RESITA, Romania. We congratulate and sending them our best wishes!!
From AUSTRALIA, with much love... The latest search posted here yesterday, took us right the next day, to the birth family!! A massive THANK YOU to everyone that has shared and came forward with the much needed information. The twins and their adoptive family from Australia, are having the most wonderful time with the Romanian family via internet; they are sharing a lot of love, beautiful stories, photographs and a lot of happiness. After 22 years, their biggest dream came true: the finding of the single dad and all their siblings from RESITA, Romania. We congratulate and sending them our best wishes!!
REUNITED!! Calarasi/Romania and Manchester/UK
REUNITED!! Calarasi/Romania and Manchester/UK
My name is OLARIU MARIAN, born on February 20, 1992, in Calarasi County. I am looking for my biological mother, named OLARIU GHEORGHITA from FRUMUSANI Commune, Calarasi. I don't have much information, but I still hope to find my family with this information. Please DISTRIBUTE my ad as much as possible. Thanks everyone!
My name is OLARIU MARIAN, born on February 20, 1992, in Calarasi County. I am looking for my biological mother, named OLARIU GHEORGHITA from FRUMUSANI Commune, Calarasi. I don't have much information, but I still hope to find my family with this information. Please DISTRIBUTE my ad as much as possible. Thanks everyone!
LACATUS ROXANA born and adopted from DEVA, County Hunedoara also hopes to connect with her biological family. Roxana was born on the 22nd of November 1991. Her biological dad is called LACATUS STEFAN and mum VOICHITA. Unfortunately very little information is know about the biological family but we really hope to locate them as soon as possible...Please SHARE and help us make another dream come true!!
LACATUS ROXANA born and adopted from DEVA, County Hunedoara also hopes to connect with her biological family. Roxana was born on the 22nd of November 1991. Her biological dad is called LACATUS STEFAN and mum VOICHITA. Unfortunately very little information is know about the biological family but we really hope to locate them as soon as possible...Please SHARE and help us make another dream come true!!
We did it!!!! Right the very next day after submitted my search here, my birth family has been found. One wonderful follower of the page from my birth place, has recognized my mum. The very next day we video called and got introduced to my 5 siblings...a day that I will NEVER forget. So grateful and thankful, love you all!!!
We did it!!!! Right the very next day after submitted my search here, my birth family has been found. One wonderful follower of the page from my birth place, has recognized my mum. The very next day we video called and got introduced to my 5 siblings...a day that I will NEVER forget. So grateful and thankful, love you all!!!
Adriana Gabriela was born in 1989, in Hunedoara County. At the age of one and a half, she was adopted by a very loving family in Canada. Adriana contacted our page to help us find her biological family. In just a few days, with the help of the wonderful audience, I managed to find her family. Thank you very much everyone xx
Adriana Gabriela was born in 1989, in Hunedoara County. At the age of one and a half, she was adopted by a very loving family in Canada. Adriana contacted our page to help us find her biological family. In just a few days, with the help of the wonderful audience, I managed to find her family. Thank you very much everyone xx
Our most recent family REUNION!! Adopted from Suceava, Romania, Suzana Acatinca - Dumitru has been in search of her mum and siblings for quite some time - until she was suggested our Community Facebook page. Adopted at 13 months old, on her arrival to Minnesota, USA, her adoptive family discovered that one other brother of Suzana, Viorel has been adopted by an American family. They kept in touch and became best friends too. Today we located the biological family. Here we were told of the pain having to put up for adoption 3 children. The family was overwhelmed to find one of the children, Suzana, but during their first conversation, the family was told of the son too!! So many tears, happy tears... The search goes on for their 3rd adopted child, a daughter, Gabriela ACATINCA - adopted also from Suceava orphanage. Please SHARE and help us locate her too, thank you.
Our most recent family REUNION!! Adopted from Suceava, Romania, Suzana Acatinca - Dumitru has been in search of her mum and siblings for quite some time - until she was suggested our Community Facebook page. Adopted at 13 months old, on her arrival to Minnesota, USA, her adoptive family discovered that one other brother of Suzana, Viorel has been adopted by an American family. They kept in touch and became best friends too. Today we located the biological family. Here we were told of the pain having to put up for adoption 3 children. The family was overwhelmed to find one of the children, Suzana, but during their first conversation, the family was told of the son too!! So many tears, happy tears... The search goes on for their 3rd adopted child, a daughter, Gabriela ACATINCA - adopted also from Suceava orphanage. Please SHARE and help us locate her too, thank you.
The longest search here has come to a beautiful end, the twins has finally reunited with their biological family. A complete and a most beautiful picture of the 5 siblings together. Thank you for the support in making this dream come true!!
The longest search here has come to a beautiful end, the twins has finally reunited with their biological family. A complete and a most beautiful picture of the 5 siblings together. Thank you for the support in making this dream come true!!
MARIA TANASE was born on the 19th of August 1990 in Tirgoviste and adopted at 2 months old to Malta. Our friend is in search of her biological mother Caterina TANASE. It is known that her mum had many other children. Please SHARE and help us locate her biological family. Thank you all very much!!! .
MARIA TANASE was born on the 19th of August 1990 in Tirgoviste and adopted at 2 months old to Malta. Our friend is in search of her biological mother Caterina TANASE. It is known that her mum had many other children. Please SHARE and help us locate her biological family. Thank you all very much!!! .
My name is RAMONA BANCU and I am of Romanian origin. I was born on January 30, 1997 in ARAD, where I was adopted in New Jersey, United States. I'm looking for my mother MARIA BANCU. This is all the information I have about myself. I want with all my heart to know my Romanian origins, my parents, my brothers, my sisters and all the other members of my family. Thank you and I am grateful to all those who can help me fulfill this dream I have had since I found out I was adopted. Please SHARE this message.
My name is RAMONA BANCU and I am of Romanian origin. I was born on January 30, 1997 in ARAD, where I was adopted in New Jersey, United States. I'm looking for my mother MARIA BANCU. This is all the information I have about myself. I want with all my heart to know my Romanian origins, my parents, my brothers, my sisters and all the other members of my family. Thank you and I am grateful to all those who can help me fulfill this dream I have had since I found out I was adopted. Please SHARE this message.
Florentina Ionela PAUN - DUMITREL was adopted at 6 months old from Costesti, Country Arges, Romania. She always knew that has been adopted, and now, 25 years on will love so much to find her biological family. "My parent are Luminita DUMITREL and Dorinel PAUN, I believe they came from Costesi Or Pitesti, county Arges. I was born on the 26th of November and shortly after I was adopted to Greece" Any help and support with this search is so greatly appreciated. Thank you!! Please SHARE
Florentina Ionela PAUN - DUMITREL was adopted at 6 months old from Costesti, Country Arges, Romania. She always knew that has been adopted, and now, 25 years on will love so much to find her biological family. "My parent are Luminita DUMITREL and Dorinel PAUN, I believe they came from Costesi Or Pitesti, county Arges. I was born on the 26th of November and shortly after I was adopted to Greece" Any help and support with this search is so greatly appreciated. Thank you!! Please SHARE
Marinela Iuliana BRATIMA was born on 17th of December 1994 in ARAD. Her biological parents are named: Mariana MARIS - mother and BRATIMA Pasc Marin - father. At that time, they lived in RADESTI Village, No. 53, ALMAS, County: ARAD, Romania. Immediately after birth she was institutionalized in The Children Home Arad where she lived until the age of 2. In 1996, Marinela was adopted by a wonderful family from Norway. From the adoption papers, is understood that our friend has a sister 3 years older. Marinela wants very much to find her parents and sister and to get to know her Romanian roots. We hope with your help to reunite Marinela with her biological family. Please SHARE. We thank you in advance for all the LIKES, beautiful COMMENTS, SHARES and any help with the search. If you have any information about this family, please message our page PRIVATELY and quote "BRATIMA family" . Thank you very much!!
Marinela Iuliana BRATIMA was born on 17th of December 1994 in ARAD. Her biological parents are named: Mariana MARIS - mother and BRATIMA Pasc Marin - father. At that time, they lived in RADESTI Village, No. 53, ALMAS, County: ARAD, Romania. Immediately after birth she was institutionalized in The Children Home Arad where she lived until the age of 2. In 1996, Marinela was adopted by a wonderful family from Norway. From the adoption papers, is understood that our friend has a sister 3 years older. Marinela wants very much to find her parents and sister and to get to know her Romanian roots. We hope with your help to reunite Marinela with her biological family. Please SHARE. We thank you in advance for all the LIKES, beautiful COMMENTS, SHARES and any help with the search. If you have any information about this family, please message our page PRIVATELY and quote "BRATIMA family" . Thank you very much!!
Our new friend adopted in Germany at 4 years of age, with the help of our community Facebook page, had received the wonderful news that her biological family from Bistrita Nasaud has been located. Thanks everyone for your support!!
Our new friend adopted in Germany at 4 years of age, with the help of our community Facebook page, had received the wonderful news that her biological family from Bistrita Nasaud has been located. Thanks everyone for your support!!
Vasilica ROATA was born on June 28, 1988 in Focsani County and was adopted in 1990 in Canada. She now really wants to meet her parents who gave her life and the whole family. Their parents were named ION and STELIANA ROATA and they lived at the time of adoption on 186 Libertatii Street in Panciu. Those who know family or relatives please help us to put them in touch. PLEASE SHARE.
Vasilica ROATA was born on June 28, 1988 in Focsani County and was adopted in 1990 in Canada. She now really wants to meet her parents who gave her life and the whole family. Their parents were named ION and STELIANA ROATA and they lived at the time of adoption on 186 Libertatii Street in Panciu. Those who know family or relatives please help us to put them in touch. PLEASE SHARE.
We are very happy to announce that today, FLORIN MIHAI, with your help, found her family. We thank everyone for their involvement and the information provided. Please continue to follow us, to share our messages, thus participating in finding the families of all young people who want to embrace and have them in their lives. Have a nice evening everyone!
We are very happy to announce that today, FLORIN MIHAI, with your help, found her family. We thank everyone for their involvement and the information provided. Please continue to follow us, to share our messages, thus participating in finding the families of all young people who want to embrace and have them in their lives. Have a nice evening everyone!
Alexandru DAVID was born in Ploiesti, county Prahova, Romania on the 31st of May 1994. He was the 13th child, the youngest at the time, to be born to VIORICA and GHEORGHE DAVID from VARBILAU, PRAHOVA . Alexandru was adopted to Malta when he was one and a half years of age. It is also known that one of his biological sisters has been adopted to IRELAND around the same time. Our new friend will greatly appreciate any help and support finding his family. Please SHARE in Romania and Ireland.
Alexandru DAVID was born in Ploiesti, county Prahova, Romania on the 31st of May 1994. He was the 13th child, the youngest at the time, to be born to VIORICA and GHEORGHE DAVID from VARBILAU, PRAHOVA . Alexandru was adopted to Malta when he was one and a half years of age. It is also known that one of his biological sisters has been adopted to IRELAND around the same time. Our new friend will greatly appreciate any help and support finding his family. Please SHARE in Romania and Ireland.
ION IRINEL was adopted from County Arges, Romania at the age of two. The 19 year old with the full support of his wonderful Irish family has decided to embark on the journey of locating the Romanian biological family. Irinel was adopted from a Romanian foster family with whom a regular contact has been kept through the years. We are searching for ION MARIANA biological mum and the rest of the family members. Please SHARE in Romania and help us find all the answers for our new friend.
ION IRINEL was adopted from County Arges, Romania at the age of two. The 19 year old with the full support of his wonderful Irish family has decided to embark on the journey of locating the Romanian biological family. Irinel was adopted from a Romanian foster family with whom a regular contact has been kept through the years. We are searching for ION MARIANA biological mum and the rest of the family members. Please SHARE in Romania and help us find all the answers for our new friend.
Our last year reunion, DRUE MILLER shares his amazing journey to Romania with his local paper in East Tennessee. Drue and his adoptive mum Nancy Miller has traveled to Romania where they have shared their amazing reunion on the PRO TV show, "Magic moments - Clipa de fericire". Very honored to have been part of this family search and beautiful journey back home...
Our last year reunion, DRUE MILLER shares his amazing journey to Romania with his local paper in East Tennessee. Drue and his adoptive mum Nancy Miller has traveled to Romania where they have shared their amazing reunion on the PRO TV show, "Magic moments - Clipa de fericire". Very honored to have been part of this family search and beautiful journey back home...
Many thanks SLOBOZIA, together you found the family of this young lady.
Many thanks SLOBOZIA, together you found the family of this young lady.
Searching for the biological family from SLOBOZIA, County Ialomita. STEFAN LUCIANA, 24 year old, adopted to Maryland from 6 months old, has started the journey back to her Romanian roots, the search of her parents and 5 siblings. Luciana holds a lot of information from the time of the adoption even this beautiful photograph of her mum, STEFAN RADITA. "My brothers names are: Victor Stefan, Viorel Stefan or Matache, Cristian Matache, Valentin Stefan, and Ionut Stefan. My biological dad name might be Vasile Matache" Any help and support on Luciana`s family search, is greatly appreciated. Please SHARE with friends and relatives from Romania, many thanks!!!
Searching for the biological family from SLOBOZIA, County Ialomita. STEFAN LUCIANA, 24 year old, adopted to Maryland from 6 months old, has started the journey back to her Romanian roots, the search of her parents and 5 siblings. Luciana holds a lot of information from the time of the adoption even this beautiful photograph of her mum, STEFAN RADITA. "My brothers names are: Victor Stefan, Viorel Stefan or Matache, Cristian Matache, Valentin Stefan, and Ionut Stefan. My biological dad name might be Vasile Matache" Any help and support on Luciana`s family search, is greatly appreciated. Please SHARE with friends and relatives from Romania, many thanks!!!
I FOUND MY FAMILY!!!! Thank you all so much, my search started right here. I have no words to explain how grateful I am. Wish you all a very happy Christmas. Please keep doing what you do and help all the children adopted from Romania to find their biological families. What an amazing thing!!! Myself, my two brothers from Tandarei, Ialomita and our parents xxx
I FOUND MY FAMILY!!!! Thank you all so much, my search started right here. I have no words to explain how grateful I am. Wish you all a very happy Christmas. Please keep doing what you do and help all the children adopted from Romania to find their biological families. What an amazing thing!!! Myself, my two brothers from Tandarei, Ialomita and our parents xxx
Greetings from Spain! ADOPTED CHILD from Slobozia, Ialomita is looking for her family. Born on May 27, 1990, Paun Leonard was adopted 25 years ago from Slobozia, New Zealand. He is looking for his parents CRIZANTEMA PAUN born in 1971 and MIHAI FLORIN born in 1973. We ask everyone to share this important announcement on Facebook with all friends, maybe that's how we manage to find the boy's family and make them very happy, in time for Festive Season. Thank you very much.
Greetings from Spain! ADOPTED CHILD from Slobozia, Ialomita is looking for her family. Born on May 27, 1990, Paun Leonard was adopted 25 years ago from Slobozia, New Zealand. He is looking for his parents CRIZANTEMA PAUN born in 1971 and MIHAI FLORIN born in 1973. We ask everyone to share this important announcement on Facebook with all friends, maybe that's how we manage to find the boy's family and make them very happy, in time for Festive Season. Thank you very much.
A great day for our friend MICHELA DEBONO adopted in Malta. After 6 months of searching, her family has been finally found. Both Michela and her mum are absolutely delighted with the news, their reactions were overwhelming. We found 5 brother, 10 uncles, a grandma and yet to establish the total number of cousins... What a beautiful end to our longest family search, what a beautiful Christmas ahead for these families, congratulations to you all. Massive thanks to our friend in Bucharest Toma Anton for all your help and continuous support. The search has gone through the Romanian Adoption authorities too, were was tod that mum emigrated. We learned that this family is very much in Romania and never left the country. In the article below, one search ongoing, Paul Alexandru Farcas.
A great day for our friend MICHELA DEBONO adopted in Malta. After 6 months of searching, her family has been finally found. Both Michela and her mum are absolutely delighted with the news, their reactions were overwhelming. We found 5 brother, 10 uncles, a grandma and yet to establish the total number of cousins... What a beautiful end to our longest family search, what a beautiful Christmas ahead for these families, congratulations to you all. Massive thanks to our friend in Bucharest Toma Anton for all your help and continuous support. The search has gone through the Romanian Adoption authorities too, were was tod that mum emigrated. We learned that this family is very much in Romania and never left the country. In the article below, one search ongoing, Paul Alexandru Farcas.
Our 72nd family reunion took place very recently with the wonderful help of our page best friend, Toma Anton. We first established that the family has long ago relocated from Bucharest and the search soon began in Cluj Napoca. Here shortly we located Rodica Ilie, the biological mum. This is the story of a 23 year old young lady from West of Ireland adopted from Romania at the age of 3 and a half. Her mum being so unwell, had no choice but to put her daughter up for to a lovely and caring family. And she did. Now nearly 20 years later, our friend shared with us how much she always wanted to find her mum.
Our 72nd family reunion took place very recently with the wonderful help of our page best friend, Toma Anton. We first established that the family has long ago relocated from Bucharest and the search soon began in Cluj Napoca. Here shortly we located Rodica Ilie, the biological mum. This is the story of a 23 year old young lady from West of Ireland adopted from Romania at the age of 3 and a half. Her mum being so unwell, had no choice but to put her daughter up for to a lovely and caring family. And she did. Now nearly 20 years later, our friend shared with us how much she always wanted to find her mum.
SEARCHING NO MORE!!! Our wonderful friend from Bucharest, Toma Anton has successful located the twins biological family. Reunion number 52 from The never forgotten Romanian children. "I am searching for my birth parents, my name is Mihaela Westlind and the birth name is Mihaela Toma. I was born in Bucharest 1988. My twin sister and I were placed in separate orphanages but were adopted together. Our biological parents names are Eleonora and Constantin Toma. At the time of the adoption we had a brother that was about three years older than us and his name was Costin Toma. We currently reside in Vancouver BC Canada. At the time of the adoption, our parents lived in Bucharest on Str. Occidentului, sector 1. We now know that they moved from there over 15 years ago...Please SHARE this post with all your friends in Bucharest, someone might recognize the name, Thanks.
SEARCHING NO MORE!!! Our wonderful friend from Bucharest, Toma Anton has successful located the twins biological family. Reunion number 52 from The never forgotten Romanian children. "I am searching for my birth parents, my name is Mihaela Westlind and the birth name is Mihaela Toma. I was born in Bucharest 1988. My twin sister and I were placed in separate orphanages but were adopted together. Our biological parents names are Eleonora and Constantin Toma. At the time of the adoption we had a brother that was about three years older than us and his name was Costin Toma. We currently reside in Vancouver BC Canada. At the time of the adoption, our parents lived in Bucharest on Str. Occidentului, sector 1. We now know that they moved from there over 15 years ago...Please SHARE this post with all your friends in Bucharest, someone might recognize the name, Thanks.